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Hypertension is a "neglected disease," according to a report released today by the Institute of Medicine. Despite high blood pressure being the cause of death in 1 of 6 US adults, and the greatest single risk factor for deaths from cardiovascular disease, millions of Americans are developing, living with, and dying from hypertension. The decade from 1995 to 2005 saw a 25% increase in the death rate from high blood pressure.



By Jacquelyn K. Beals, PhD.   


"Medscape Medical News" all Massage Therapists should join this free service.

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Have you ran this past Erik Dalton and got his feedback?

Rick Britton said:
I've been trying to get a research project going to study the effect of Structural/Integrative and Light Touch Bodywork on Hypertension. This came about because a whole bunch of seniors who came to me for courses of 10,12 and up to 16 sessions of postural correction, unwinding and integration reported subsequently that their blood pressure dropped and some even came of medication.

I put these reductions down to creating space within the extra-cellular matrix and reducing tension in the large muscles (through which major blood vessels pass).

If it could be shown that this work has long term benefits in terms of blood pressure reduction and reductions in medication requirement it would be a valuable addition
Both! I would think he would be interested in both. Would love to see the results when you finish!

Rick Britton said:
The research project or the anecdotal evidence?

Mike Hinkle said:
Have you ran this past Erik Dalton and got his feedback?

Rick Britton said:
I've been trying to get a research project going to study the effect of Structural/Integrative and Light Touch Bodywork on Hypertension. This came about because a whole bunch of seniors who came to me for courses of 10,12 and up to 16 sessions of postural correction, unwinding and integration reported subsequently that their blood pressure dropped and some even came of medication.

I put these reductions down to creating space within the extra-cellular matrix and reducing tension in the large muscles (through which major blood vessels pass).

If it could be shown that this work has long term benefits in terms of blood pressure reduction and reductions in medication requirement it would be a valuable addition

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