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I would like to know if it is safe to massage in the 3rd. trymester?
Can the client lay on their back. with pillow under head and shoulders, wedge pillow under right hip and
the head of the table raised and pillow under knees.

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I did a pubmed search last night for research on the body cushion, or body support systems, for pregant women in massage therapy and found nothing. I'll check cochrane reviews tonight.

I too have used the body cushion for years using the same techniques you've described Rebecca; both semi-reclining and prone. The session is always to the clients comfort level with the proper precautions taken based on her health history. Many of these women still come to me (when they get a chance) and had successful full term deliveries.

Some women preferred side lying, but most really loved, and were thankful, for the bodycushion.

Rebecca Overson said:
I know these folks (Karen Salas is also here in Utah but I personally am not a member of Utah Prenatal Massage Association) - this just goes back to the original thread I started where people say that bodyCushions are not safe for prone positioning during pregnancy. Carol Osborne-Sheets says no, Elaine Stillerman says Yes.... Can anyone put me in touch with Tom Owens? :) I emailed him directly... would love to know if there is actually any RESEARCH out there on this topic so we can avoid circulating misinformation.

As for Valerie - I personally think those tables with the cutout bellies are terrible, especially if they offer no support to the uterus or lower back. I would not recommend them, that's just me - and you are right, no lying flat after the 2nd trimester.

A lot of your questions could most likely be answered by picking up a couple good books on prenatal massage, like Elaine Stillerman's.
Hello friends, I have some good information I got from Tom Owens himself which I will post in the other thread I started about this topic specifically. Hope it helps!


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