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What are some ways that you have found to be successful in integrating holistic practices into traditional models of health care?

I am an energyworker, certified in Healing Touch and have been blessed to be able to go into hospitals and actually in pre and post op and surgery to do energy work. I have also done workshops with hospitals and Hospice organizations. I would like to incorporate more of this in my practice. I feel that there is such a need for the emotional component in so many areas such as heart patients, cancer and nursing homes, but I'm not sure of the best way to approach this. Any ideas would be welcomed.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Sue,

I notice more and more hospitals are becoming interested in the modalities. I will be doing some research in the next few weeks and add some more here. thanks so much for starting this thread!
Hi Mike..thanks for doing the research. I'm looking forward to the results. It's exciting to see more holistic therapies being introduced into mainstream. I just returned from a cruise and acupuncture was offered in addition to the spa massages. I feel as more and more people are aware of natural therapies, then the demand for these services will grow.

Mike Hinkle said:
Hi Sue,

I notice more and more hospitals are becoming interested in the modalities. I will be doing some research in the next few weeks and add some more here. thanks so much for starting this thread!
Hi Sue,

I ahve created a program to help people face an invasev procedure like surgery which helps speedy recovery and easier surgery. The program is a combination of hands-on body work (especially Biodynamic cranial therapy), Imagery, and wellness coaching. I beleive it a great program (I created it facing my own surgery). I find it extremly difficult to get hosptials or medical doctors get interested. Even the one I know personally. If you have some practical advice about the nittiy gritty of working in a medical establishment, I would like to hear about it-

Thanks in advance-
Hi Nurit...I think that the traditional medical establishments are slowly learning about holistic services. When patients start asking their doctors and health care professionals about alternative and complementary modalities, the medical profession will need to take a look and learn more about what's available. I often work at health fairs to bring the awareness of these therapies to the public. I have been into surgery at clients requests. The hospital requires a waiver before the hospital would let me in. If the doctor gives the orders, then it will happen. I also do private sessions in the hospital for clients who ask me..I have not had any hospital staff question me. I have been volunteering for years at a camp for cancer survivors and we do energy work there. I recently started volunteering for an oncology clinic to do energy work for the patients. They invited me to have a booth at a National Cancer Survivors' Day in which about 500 people will attend..I'm looking forward to this opportunity. I have put together a power point about how it is being integrated into to the medical profession. It may take some volunteer time for you to introduce what you do. You could put together information about how it helps certain conditions, if there is any research about the benefits, hospitals where it is being used, etc. Write articles for local publications, put out press releases on it's validity, contact support groups and ask to be a speaker about what you do, find out about health fairs and get a booth, contact nursing homes and offer to do a demonstration or talk to the staff, talk to local career colleges about being a guest speaker for a medial oriented class.
Best of luck..let me know if you are successful. If you would like to be listed in my directory, the basic listing is free. See the link below.

Nurit Nardi said:
Hi Sue,

I ahve created a program to help people face an invasev procedure like surgery which helps speedy recovery and easier surgery. The program is a combination of hands-on body work (especially Biodynamic cranial therapy), Imagery, and wellness coaching. I beleive it a great program (I created it facing my own surgery). I find it extremly difficult to get hosptials or medical doctors get interested. Even the one I know personally. If you have some practical advice about the nittiy gritty of working in a medical establishment, I would like to hear about it-

Thanks in advance-


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