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Views: 321
HI Nicola, am with you re the differences and training. I have made it my business to go seek and study other modalities (yes, save, book and have a working holiday). I am in practice now in SA, but am looking at returning to WA back to the beloved Albany....the quality of training is far more readily available in the states, as are the modalities, however, its time we made it bigger in Oz also...beyond certification, licensing is good..agreed! sick at the sight of those impromptu massage places claiming to do remedial work, yet their poor English (of Asian origin) cannot even disclose contraindications!!! gasp....will I see you in Seattle? world massage conference?? Cheers
Its been a very good news that you have completed your degree. I am hoping that you 'll launch your massage center very soon. You should spread your knowledge so that people learn through your massage experiences in Australia. I am waiting for the launching of your massage center.
Massage Therapist Insurance
Hi Nicola.....I've been in the US a couple of years now. I think the aussie system of minmum 2 years full time (TAFE NSW) is a much better grounding for a therapist than here, where you can practice with very little knowledge. If you think Oz has problems you should see Arizona !
I have never been so frustrated in my life. It takes forever to even get accepted to sit the NCBTMB exam. This seems to be the recognised national standard, a standard I consider to be incredibly low. Imagine this if you will............all multiple choice questions...whoa!!!
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