massage and bodywork professionals

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I've been practicing for 23 years and recently opened my own studio.  It has been going incredibly well.  I have stayed pretty fully booked during the hours that I work.  I am trying to stay to a schedule (I have a tendency to say yes to all the clients that call).  I can't physically keep up with the work. I can feel burn out coming around the corner. So here is the question.  Do I sublet space/ rent the space/ hire employees?  Raise my prices?  What have you done to grow your practice and work fewer hours?  How do I take my studio to the next business level and maintain quality work?

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I would suggest renting some space, it is less of headache than hiring employees. I would raise my prices for new clients if that is an option
Congratulations on your success, may it continue to grow and evolve in the future.
In my current situation, I sub let a room from a psychotherapist at a Health and Wellbeing Centre. This works well for me as it suits my hours and family commitments, and doesn't clash with her business - in fact, we help each other out with referrals and are looking into collaborating on some Mind/body workshops.
Good luck with your decision making.
You could do both and give the people who can't afford you over to the new people!

Have you raised your rates yet this year? You might lose a few people as expected but that is OK if your schedule is full.

I think renting out space seems like it would be easier and less headaches than hiring someone.

I agree, subletting or renting space would be much simpler than hiring employees...if you think you're headed for burnout now, just try having employees! Good luck, let us know what you decide to do!


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