massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Hello, I for the last 16 months I have been working at our local hospital in the oncology department with our cancer patients. As far as I know there are no certifications for this. If there are I would really be interested. Here is how our program works: Our program is called "The Oasis".  Cleints who are currently receiving treatment are eligiable. They can receive healing touch, reflexology. swedish massage therapy, we also do Lymphatic drainage which has been very helpfull to those patients with Lymphoma. All the clients have to do is fill out a standard health history, get approval from they Oncologist, and they pay only $10.00 per every 30 minute session. Lymphatic drainage is 1 hour at $30.00. The rest of the cost of the massage is off set by our Friends of the Cancer Center".  This program is operated on donations from the community and has generated thousands of dollars to support it. Not only do they provide these services but they also have Healing through arts and crafts every week,  support groups meet weekly, and  they have an annual Retreat at a beautiful camp hear in Cumberland county that is paid for by the "Friends of Cancer foundation". It is a 3 day weekend that provides cancer survivors and there families with a funfilled weekend  packed full of things they can all do. Chair massage is porvided (free) to all ,reflexology, fascials, all donated of course. The event usually has around 200 participants plus another 25 to 50 volunteers. It is a great event that our cancer patients look forward to every year.

    If anyone is interested in getting a program like this started . just let me know. and I will forward you the info, or a contact person who heads the program Here in Fayeteville, NC.




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I would be interested in your info. I worked in a hospital setting for 11 years in Pittsburgh before moving to Florida. I've not had much luck trying to contact medical professionals here that are open minded to integrative med. It sounds like you have an amazing program there! Thanks for sharing!

Tamara Luffy LMT, CNHP
High Tamara, sorry for the delay in getting you the informatin you requested. Here it is: Contact Patsy Page @
or you can call her @
toll free- 800-447-5525

She can and will be glad to answer any questions you have a can give you the information on how to get things started.

Best of luck ,
Susan Lester,
LMBT 08576
Susan, there is at least one oncology massage certification program. It is a 300-hour program designed and taught by Isabel Adkins: There is a link on Isabel's website to Gayle MacDonald, who also teaches oncology massage, though I do not know if she has a certification program.

Susan, there is also a 300 hour certification offered by Gayle MacDonald (author of the Medicine Hands book) along with Sandy Canzone in others. It is through the Peregrine Institute in Santa Fe although the classes are taught in various parts of the country. I am a graduate (working in an oncology treatment center) and found every class to be beneficial.

Go to for more information.
Your work with the cancer patients and the networking that you have accomplished with the medical world is phenominal. Please help educate me in how to network and develop this level of teamwork with the hospitals and massage therapy. This is a major goal of mine and I welcome every step you can offer to bring massage and the hospitals together in offering the cancer patients the full treatments they deserve and need in this act of intergrative medicine. Looking forward to your advice and guidance. Roger D. Werstler, LMT
Susan, I just finished taking the "Massage For People With Cancer" class. This is part of the certification program thru Peregrine Institute in Santa Fe. I am going to go for certification. The next class I will be taking will be the hospital class and then the lymphatic drainage class. To get the certification, I will have to go to Santa Fe. I can take most of the other classes in Toledo, OH. I would recommend this program to everyone. The instructors are great.


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