I wish I could go in May. With family and minor children, I have to be selective about travel (I'm going to be speaking at the National AMTA conference, so had to choose between that and Seattle).
Hey, do you ever do any reviewing? I could use your expertise. It's a paid gig.
Please help me compile this information. I'd like more than a 1,000 if possible. Sure it is!
Your participation is MOST appreciated.
Remember you do not have to answer all the questions and Page 2 is "optional". Page two is for those employed only, NOT Self Employed!The survey company automatically includes Page 2 and I was unable to edit or delete. SO it IS OPTIONAL!
Pass it on to your colleagues too.
The intention is to publish this research to assist
Future LMT's, educators, employers and anyone else interested in the statistics of the massage industry!
I want to give you a voice to share your thoughts and experiences.
Comment Wall (14 comments)
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Zhang Yu
Hey, do you ever do any reviewing? I could use your expertise. It's a paid gig.

Hi Don Herewith an update on the Cape Town waterfront. Best wishesRay
Would you please participate in the massage survey? Need more male input! Thanks!
Please help me compile this information. I'd like more than a 1,000 if possible. Sure it is!
Your participation is MOST appreciated.
Remember you do not have to answer all the questions and Page 2 is "optional". Page two is for those employed only, NOT Self Employed!The survey company automatically includes Page 2 and I was unable to edit or delete. SO it IS OPTIONAL!
Pass it on to your colleagues too.
The intention is to publish this research to assist
Future LMT's, educators, employers and anyone else interested in the statistics of the massage industry!
I want to give you a voice to share your thoughts and experiences.
The Survey will end November 29, 2009

Hi Don, still a bit windy this side. Best wishes Raythank you for the friend add. I look forward to checking out the new group.
Best regards,
I am always open to conversation about aquatic bodywork. Thanks for you input on the abuse page.
Nice to see you are on here. Really looking to learn more about TrPs, myofascial work and connect with RMTs.
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