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Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer Shulte Apr 18, 2011.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer Shulte Aug 19, 2010.
Started Jun 1, 2010
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Hi Jennifer,
I got your post about your brother.
I now live about 2 hours from Warm Springs and am recently from FL, so not really able to refer you to practitioners here. Being you do Reiki you know those benefits. I also have found gliding cupping helps. So does osteopathic work. There is only one osteopath here that does low velocity manipulations with muscle energy work here and I believe he is in Suwannee. He teaches at the osteo school there last I heard.
If there's anything I can do to help your brother here in GA please let me know. Wish I had more info for you... if he is in the Atlanta area at any time I could meet him and work wiht him if he'd like that. I do energywork as well and teach Reiki.
I noticed you are a director at a massage school in Vegas? Would you like to host a Tian Di Bamboo massage workshup there? We offer NCBTMB approved 18 Hands-on/ live seminars that include 3 modalities. The Tian Di method includes chinese gliding cupping and gua sha. Let me know.
You'll find the right people to work wiht yout brother-- just put it out there to Spirit and they will come!
Would you be willing to participate in a massage survey? Thanks!
Please help me compile this information. I'd like more than a 1,000 if possible. Sure it is!
Your participation is MOST appreciated.
Remember you do not have to answer all the questions and Page 2 is "optional". Page two is for those employed only, NOT Self Employed!The survey company automatically includes Page 2 and I was unable to edit or delete. SO it IS OPTIONAL!
Pass it on to your colleagues too.
The intention is to publish this research to assist
Future LMT's, educators, employers and anyone else interested in the statistics of the massage industry!
I want to give you a voice to share your thoughts and experiences.
The Survey will end November 29, 2009