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I was just curious to see which site get the best results like Facebook, linkedin, twitter etc.? And can you have to many accounts?
Views: 317
I have a facebook page for my business and have it linked to twitter. Anytime I post on facebook it posts on twitter...convenient. I have gotten a great deal of business and exposure through my facebook page and it's fun. I teach yoga and practice massage and reiki so I post daily quotes, massage info, yoga poses etc. It's actually really fun and I enjoy it.
I have not gotten any new business from facebook. I even created a facebook ad and nothing. However i still enjoy having the facebook business page since it gives me an avenue to communicate regularly to clients versus always changing my website. However, I have not marketed my facebook page as i could since i spend more time working on my website.
twitter doesn't appeal to me and so i don't have a twitter account. the only other thing i'd like to incorporate is a blog, but i haven't gotten around to creating one.
I use all of the above mentioned as well and they have worked out very nicely for me.
Quality profiles and content are the key. Yes, it does take a bit of time getting these set up and participating, yet it's been very rewarding.
Here's a point that I'm noticing a lot lately: What are you using social media for, and who are you presenting to? If you want to keep your personal facebook account private for personal use, do so. Then create a fan page and use that for clients or prospective clients.
What I'm seeing, and I'm certainly guilty of this myself, is that therapists migrate to other therapists, then talk shop or other personal issues. This is not a problem per se, yet if a prospective clients finds you, what are they going to see in your content? Something that appeals to them so they will contact your further for your services, or a bunch of 'massage shop talk' that they (probably don't understand) or care about. The perfect example of this occured to me just a couple of weeks ago.
I was so busy talking (typing - messaging) with other therapists, or talking massage marketing and advertising that I never promoted the fact that YES, I am a massage therapist myself! I posted my massage 'deal of the week' and within two hours had TWO different people contact me about a massage. I'd never made it clear that I was an actual massage therapist; both of them thought I was an advertising agent for some 'massage related' company.
So, I guess my point is this: Make it very clear exactly what it is you do and offer - from their perspective. Everyone has the same thought in their head: "What's in it for me?!?!" Again, it's about the prospective clients or current clients, not about us, the massage therapist. People also grow weary of us promoting ourselves to them all the time - regardless if it's a special price, a new massage package, etc., etc. Post about other health and wellness information. I know our world revolves soley in massage, but this isn't the case for clients.
My two cents worth :-)
Hi Lucianna,
I like the daily quotes thing. I too have a facebook page and I use all the time but it is hard to make it interactive. I post they don't respond but according to the insights 90% view the page at least once a week. If anyone wants a fast way to get your info out to more then one area use and it will send it anywhere you want.
Lucianna Johnston said:
I have a facebook page for my business and have it linked to twitter. Anytime I post on facebook it posts on twitter...convenient. I have gotten a great deal of business and exposure through my facebook page and it's fun. I teach yoga and practice massage and reiki so I post daily quotes, massage info, yoga poses etc. It's actually really fun and I enjoy it.
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