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Evidence based massage therapy group


Evidence based massage therapy group

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This community fosters healthy exchange of knowledge and information and encourages the practice of evidence-based massage therapy based on credible research. Persons interested in higher education in this area might also benefit from being a member.

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Members: 210
Latest Activity: Mar 4, 2015

Articles and other resources

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Sicily statement on evidence-based practice - click here for full text

Introduction to evidence-based complementary medicine

Teaching first-year medical students to apply evidence-based practices to patient care.
This is a great article on implementation - click here for PDF

How to establish and encourage EBP - slide show

Giving the best to massage therapy patients - Evidence based massage therapy practice

Changing Times - Massage Therapy in primary health care

Evidence-Based Indications for Therapeutic Massage -abstract

Working in partnership to develop evidence-based practice within the massage profession - abstract

Discussion Forum

An eBook on Writing a Case Report 2 Replies

 I hope someone on this site is thinking of writing up a case report!If so, I wrote a wee eBook on what I went through, which also has resources which might help someone:…Continue

Tags: ebook, research, reports, case

Started by Vlad. Last reply by Vlad Apr 14, 2012.

A nice article on pain and massage 1 Reply

If you needed research evidence to accept massage as beneficial, how about this article?  Using…Continue

Started by Daniel Cohen. Last reply by Rick Johnson Jul 24, 2011.

Obstacles 20 Replies

What do you think is the major obstacle preventing massage therapy from becoming evidence based?

Started by BH. Last reply by Truc Dinh Dec 11, 2010.

Definately worth a read 3 Replies what you think ?Continue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Jason Erickson Sep 13, 2010.

Evidence-based massage therapy resources

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Comment by Jason Erickson on April 21, 2013 at 2:53am

Massage & Bodywork Magazine is the official publication of ABMP (Associate Bodywork and Massage Professionals) in the USA. It is sent to over 60,000 ABMP members, and also published online each month.

In the May/June 2013 issue, they have published an article introducing Dermoneuromodulation to their readers.

The online digital edition is available here until the next issue is released:

Comment by Susan G. Salvo on April 5, 2012 at 6:53am

Massage Effects. What we DO know. Great article by JoEllen Sefton, PhD, ATC, CMT

Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on March 21, 2012 at 3:58am

Nociception: New
Understandings and
Their Possible Relation to
Somatic Dysfunction and
Its Treatment.

Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on November 21, 2010 at 9:59am
My appreciation of sensory feedback has been somewhat revolutionised by Robert Schleip.
I now veiw every muscle fiber, every fascial bag and network as fascial inteligence that feeds our ability to function with fluid efficiency.

The disproportianate amount of pain we feel from a paper cut to the finger, is not related to actual tissue damage, but the sectioning/disconnection of communication within the fascial network.
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on November 21, 2010 at 9:10am
Hi Tanya, you make an excellent observation re piriformis indeed, but what about all the deep muscles of the hip ! !
I've spent the last year including this group for examination and treatment with excellent results, having previously ignored this group due to not developing a method that "gets around" the extreamly intimate nature of this work.
Surely there is a strong conection between hip rotator function and core stability issues?
Comment by Carl W. Brown on November 10, 2010 at 4:08pm
Taya, I have had the best luck working with hospice where to model shift from doing the right thing to quality of life. Focusing on the model can get obssesive and I found that if I stopping focusing on "doing the right thing", I started picking up on observations outside of the model. However, I kept the doubting Thomas hat on becasue if you step outside of the tested model you need to have an alternative methodology to determing not only the course of action but to test the effectivness of what you do. Becasue your observations may be subjective the tests must be objective. Where medicine fails is trying to make all observations abjective and in the process you lose vast amount of information in the process of codifying. Too often they assume that if the observations are objective they can rely on the model any not test the results at all. They also are unable to help people who don't fit the model. I believe that you must always test objectivly each time you work. Each person is different and if we could develop a model that was complete it would be too complex to use.
Comment by Don Solomon on November 9, 2010 at 6:50pm
One last note, If you have a chance check out Dr Lorimer Moseley's (et al) work on their blog at where they post their findings on the role of the brain and mind in chronic pain. Lorimer and a chap named David Butler co-wrote a brillaint book called "Explain Pain" about 8 years ago In My opinion Explain Pain is a must read for anyone who works with people with chronic pain.
Don Solomon, RMT (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Comment by Don Solomon on November 9, 2010 at 6:34pm
Grrr, I don't know why the hyper text did not post on this @#$%&* board
1) Robert Schleip or
2) Jaap van der Wal article
3) Dr JC Guimberteau's Strolling Under The Skin
Comment by Don Solomon on November 9, 2010 at 6:26pm
Taya, many of models we have been using to try to understand anatomy and physiology today, are out dated. As is evidenced by the argument you brought forth about the muscular relationships in hip stabilzation. Granted you did mention Tom Myers's work. However, many others are working behind the scenes to rework and replace these models. One such group is Robert Schleip and his team at the University of Ulm, Germany Or Roberts's web site at Where, among other things tyhey are looking at the tremendously important roll superficial fascia plays in proprioception. In the past we have based our understanding of anatomy from the perspective of the anatomist working away with his or her scalpel. "ya cut through all of that nausty spiders web looking goop to get down to the good stuff beneath"!! . Or you tear away the skin of an animal and never stop to think what is this line of separation that makes skinning so easy?? Its the Fascia!!!!! Those wonderful pictures you see in Frank Netters books are fiction an artistic license! However, because of advances in technology (Imaging Ultrasound, MRI. RTF-MRI and CT scans) we are able to better appreciate fascias vital function. Checkout (a clip on youtube) and order a copy of Dr JC Guimberteau landmark film "Strolling under the Skin' to see this truly awesome tissue at work. A wonderful paper written by Jaap van der Wal and presented by him at the 2nd International Fascial Congress entitled "The Architecture of the Connective Tissue in the Musculoskeletal System–An Often Overlooked Functional Parameter as to Proprioception in the Locomotor Apparatus " blew the lid off our perception of how muscles worked. You can find it at

So the notion of kinesthetic muscular action as a function or origin and insertion is out dated. We need to look at the entire architecture and the mechanisms of force transfer through forced stabilization and force closure (Andry Vleeming, Diane Lee et al) to truly appreciate how the body reaches equilibrium. Please bare in mind that "all the forces are subjected to all the structural elements. With the result that the slightest increase in tension on any one of the elements, is transmittes to all the others, even those the furthest away" (Guimberteau 2009).
Don Solomon, RMT (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Comment by Christopher A. Moyer on November 9, 2010 at 10:10am
"How do I convince a PhD to do a study to that challenges a system that people have paid good money to memorize, learn, and apply."

That's a good question. Researchers are generally interested in researching things that have a good chance of generating a finding, so if you can convince one that there is something to be discovered, they may be interested.

Do you currently work with or know any anatomy or physiology researchers?

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