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Massage for the Dying

The purpose of this group is to share information related to offering massage therapy for the dying.

Members: 92
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2016

Discussion Forum

I want to hear from MTs that are working in or for Hospitals

I have just completed my third year of employment for a major health system. I have been a Massage therapist for about 30 years (living proof it can actually be a long career). I work with hospice…Continue

Started by Hanna Eakin Dec 31, 2012.

Inititate, Activate & Engage in 2012

Initiate, Activate and Engage in the Rhythms’ and Cycles of 2012Learn to align and design your year with the elemental forces of creation!Teleseminar Class January 7 2012Live Class January 15…Continue

Started by Dolores Nov 29, 2011.

Volunteer Vs Paid 6 Replies

Hey Everyone,I'm excited to be a part of this growing group!My question comes from a perception that, more often than not, people seem to provide massage on a volunteer basis for hospice programs.…Continue

Tags: Volunteerism, Aspects, Business

Started by Kate King, MA, LMT. Last reply by Hanna Eakin Sep 19, 2011.

Massage & Medicine Convention - CEs available

Texas Association of Massage Therapists invites you to....-Massage & Medicine -Finally the countdown is here. Want to register for the TAMT convention being held at the Norris Conference Center…Continue

Tags: CranioSacral, Therapy, Touch, Compassionate, Medicine

Started by Shelli Davis-Redford Sep 11, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Darcy Neibaur on February 21, 2011 at 1:50am
Working as a Certified Nursing Assistant for the majority of my life in the States of Michigan and Florida I have seen it all I do believe. I have worked side by side on many occasions with Home Health Care Companies and Hospice. Hospice was also in place when my own Dad passed on. That is an experience I am so grateful to have had.  If I had stayed in that field Hospice was my next choice. I was led into Massage Therapy instead.  
Comment by Sandy Gerhardt on February 18, 2011 at 11:12am
Thank you for the invite Ariana. I have been an LPN for 30+ years and I am now a LMT. I love working with the elderly. I haven't taken any classes yet, but plan to in the near future. I think I will check into the class that Lesli talked about.
Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on February 17, 2011 at 9:03pm



When you can no long add more years to your life, we can add more life to your years!





Comment by Rhonda Porter on February 17, 2011 at 1:22pm
I am a Compassionate Touch Practitioner through the same training as Leslie.  I just want to say "ditto".  The Center for Compassionate Touch workshops are powerful.  Thank you for beginning this site Ariana.  .
Comment by Travis Alligood on February 16, 2011 at 10:21pm
Ariana, thank you for the invite. Yes I have an interest in this group, probably more today than ever.
Comment by Daniel Cohen on February 16, 2011 at 9:26pm
Some of the most rewarding clients I have had have been the dying. When you can improve quality of life right to the end and help make it an easy passing, that is when you feel the reward of being in the business of touch.
Comment by Ann P. Sousa on February 16, 2011 at 5:53pm

I am very interseted in this subject. My father pass from cancer in December 2009. It was painful for him when anyone would touch him. But he always asked me if I would massage his feet, he said it made him feel better. I would love to take classes to be able to help the dying. I have found a oncology massage class I plan on taking.


Comment by Lesli R. McQuiston Lopez on February 16, 2011 at 1:02pm
I am a Compassionate Touch Practitioner and Instructor. I highly recommend their workshops and invite you to visit their website at The focus is on frail elder and end stage life massage. I am one of nine new instructors located throughout the U.S. Oregon is one of those new areas. I first attended a Level 1 Workshop in 2007 and knew immediately that I wanted to pursue working with this population of elders and hospice clients. Some of what I have since learned would have been quite beneficial to me while I cared for my paternal grandmother who had AD (Alzheimer's disease).
Comment by megan Woods on February 16, 2011 at 12:40pm
I am in Oregon. We are pretty strict. Is there any continuing ed for this sort of thing? I currently work with the elderly, and would love to offer this and/or hospice massage. Same thing? Thanks
Comment by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB on February 16, 2011 at 12:19pm

Dear Kelly - Thanks so much for joining the group and for sharing about the passing of your maternal grandmother and your former brother-in-law. It is good to know that we are not alone. We are looking forward to your ongoing participation in this group. Warmly, Ariana



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