massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners


Massage for the Dying

The purpose of this group is to share information related to offering massage therapy for the dying.

Members: 92
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2016

Discussion Forum

I want to hear from MTs that are working in or for Hospitals

I have just completed my third year of employment for a major health system. I have been a Massage therapist for about 30 years (living proof it can actually be a long career). I work with hospice…Continue

Started by Hanna Eakin Dec 31, 2012.

Inititate, Activate & Engage in 2012

Initiate, Activate and Engage in the Rhythms’ and Cycles of 2012Learn to align and design your year with the elemental forces of creation!Teleseminar Class January 7 2012Live Class January 15…Continue

Started by Dolores Nov 29, 2011.

Volunteer Vs Paid 6 Replies

Hey Everyone,I'm excited to be a part of this growing group!My question comes from a perception that, more often than not, people seem to provide massage on a volunteer basis for hospice programs.…Continue

Tags: Volunteerism, Aspects, Business

Started by Kate King, MA, LMT. Last reply by Hanna Eakin Sep 19, 2011.

Massage & Medicine Convention - CEs available

Texas Association of Massage Therapists invites you to....-Massage & Medicine -Finally the countdown is here. Want to register for the TAMT convention being held at the Norris Conference Center…Continue

Tags: CranioSacral, Therapy, Touch, Compassionate, Medicine

Started by Shelli Davis-Redford Sep 11, 2011.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Massage for the Dying to add comments!

Comment by Kelly Sanders, LMT on February 16, 2011 at 12:05pm

Thank you for the invitation Ariana.  My Grandmother (maternal) and recently my former brother in law both passed of cancer.

Comment by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB on February 16, 2011 at 11:40am

Welcome to this group focusing on massage therapy for the dying. Feel free to contribute. As I am writing this I am sitting with a friend of 30 years who is transitioning. He has pancreatic cancer. I feel honored to be with him during this time. I would appreciate hearing from those of you who have personal experience working with the dying and/or who have taken classes regarding offering care to the dying. I would love to deepen my knowledge regarding how to work compassionately and empathetically with people who are dying and I'd also like to learn how to best serve their family members. Your suggestions and support are welcome. Warmly, Ariana



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