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I recently purchased this dvd and found its information challenged every concept I had of exactly " what is going on under your skin " re fascial systems, matrix formation, muscle function etc etc.

Treat yourself to this DVD you will be stunned !

This is in vivo "living tissue" as you have never seen it before, because this has never been shown like this before. Cadaver disection DVD's  cannot show the fascia like this as it quickly dissolves/depletes at the time of cessation.

If you have viewed this DVD please add your comments below thankyou

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I saw this video about a year ago for the first time. I was astonished. I had always thought of the fascia as a layered structure with separations. I think I always knew this was false, but the video made it very apparent. I am amazed by how much movement is possible under the skin and the vast collection of fibers moving independently and simultaneously. It definitely brought new meaning to tensegrity.

I love this video! Many of the concepts verify the technique I have been studying for the last 15 years.

I like being verified!


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