massage and bodywork professionals

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Let's face it, most of us are human. We all make mistakes. Our clients make mistakes. Let's show the new massage therapists joining us that these things do happen! This is just to add a little light hearted humor to our day.

Members: 80
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2018

Since I started it, I feel that it's my responsibilty to be the first to share! While educating my client on proper body mechanics and how to "always be aware of your posture and movement", I went down 3 stairs on my rear. No worries, no harm done! Still living with the embarassment.

Discussion Forum

The trick chair

I was about to begin a massage with one of my regular clients.  She put her stuff on a chair in the room.  She then sat down on the massage chair.  The face cradle covers were on some shelves behind…Continue

Started by Massage sucks Aug 15, 2018.

I fell down and went boom. 1 Reply

Hello everyone,Just had another blooper that I thought I'd share. I was working yesterday and had moved my rolling stool to the edge of the table to do some stretches. After a bit I decided to sit…Continue

Started by Jody C. Hutchinson. Last reply by Marissa Dec 11, 2009.

An accidental blooper: ouch

I had a bad day last Friday. My oldest client, 91 years, has trouble rolling over. I usually lift her up and help her turn over. Well, Friday she was having trouble and I used my forearm to roll her…Continue

Started by Jody C. Hutchinson Oct 26, 2009.

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Comment by Monica A. Roberson on September 5, 2009 at 7:03pm
funny..just yesterday a woman who has never received a professional massage, I had explained to her that she was to get underneath the sheet..I step out..she says ok.. you can come on in..don't ya know that she was on her belly with the sheet down to her ankles with her rear end sticking out...that was a first for me..she is from Bermuda...sooo maybe they do things a bit different there..who knows
Comment by Marissa on September 4, 2009 at 3:56pm
I Bloopered myself! How do you do that you may ask?!??! Well, if you are completely embarassed and are all by yourself, I say that counts! Not too long ago, I had just arrived at my shop. I was in the back and I heard someone walk in the front door and say to the gal at the front desk, "I hear you have the best massage place in town. The hospital just sent me down here." I'm by myself in the back, remember, no one can see, and I started doing this awful booty dance. I can not dance to save my life. I had to quickly stop myself, because all I could visualize was "Chunk", from "The Goonies" doing the shuffle. What do you think? Does that make it count?!?!? :):):):):):):):)
Comment by Gerry Bunnell on September 3, 2009 at 11:29am
Hello... My name ish Bond, Jamsh Bond.......
I couldn't resist Rosemary, lol.

My worst blooper was last year. I had instructed an early 20ish client (young enough to be my daughter) who had never had a massage before to disrobe down to her briefs and we would be working with her lying face down. Thinking back, I don't recall specifying that she should lay in between the sheets. On returning to the room, I knock on the door asking if she is ready. Yep, so I walk in and finder her on top of the table with only her bikini underwear on asking "is this how you wanted me?" Aahhhh NO with a bit of redness in my face. I then proceeded to act as if nothing had gone wrong and helped her under the sheet and blanket.

I make sure to specify to clients I want them in between the sheets these days.
Comment by Marissa on September 3, 2009 at 7:25am
Rudy- CLASSIC! That one really got me going. And thank you for bringing up the fact that there are Bloopers/mistakes that can be damaging to us as well as clients. And that there are Bloopers/ funny-ha-ha that is the intent of this group. I appreciate the feed back. Keep it funny!
Comment by rudy m smith on September 3, 2009 at 6:01am
Okay - too serious - back to the humor. One very busy day I was catching lunch on the fly and grabbed a handfull of almonds... the client showed up 5 minutes early and I had just crammed to many nuts in my mouth to articulate clearly.. after chewing for a moment or two more, I said: "I'm sorry I had my nuts in my mouth". Duh.
Comment by rudy m smith on September 3, 2009 at 5:51am
Bloopers also have a very serious side - there are some things/situations therapists create that could leave a client scarred and leary of massage. Painfull pressure is a blooper. Sneezing on a clients back is a blooper. Think about it this way - have you ever worked on a client that is coming to you because of some thing another therapist did or didn't do? I ask new clients who have had previous massage experience to tell me what brought them to me and what drove them away from their previous therapist... Therapists who wouldn't shut up is the # 1 thing I hear. SO - chatter for chatters sake is a blooper! The difference is it just isn't funny.
Comment by Eeris Kallil CMT on September 2, 2009 at 9:41pm
Rosmary's story reminded me one of mine- I am from Israel and it is very hard for us to hear, and let alone pronounce the subtle difference between the "i" sound and the "ee" sound, for example the word Sheep will be pronounced same as Ship by any good old Israeli.
So here I was, teaching my first class of students, and when it was time for hands on I calmly asked them to please put their "s***" on the table....

(get it? /s***/Sheet)
Comment by Marissa on September 2, 2009 at 9:16am
Speaking of client house calls... I just remembered one. I was getting low on the lotion and had to shake the bottle. Well....I ended up clobbering the back of the client's head and flung lotion all over the room. She just chuckled and kept on chucking as I went around the room trying to remove lotion from the walls and ceiling! And yet, she kept calling me for repeat visits!
Comment by Mary-Claire Fredette on September 2, 2009 at 8:22am
Once I was doing a house call while my client was getting caught up on her recorded shows. She used to watch The Sopranos, Deadwood, etc. NOT massage enriching shows! The TV was a huge flat screen mounted on the wall.

Once I got sucked into watching The Sopranos (the TV was huge, don't forget, and the room was dark ;0 ) while I was working on her and someone got shot.

I wasn't expecting it and jumped about a foot, lost contact and then tried to play it cool. Ha-I'm sure she knew exactly what happened! It was a bit embarrassing...
Comment by Mary-Claire Fredette on September 2, 2009 at 8:17am
As an ceu instructor, I often hear very funny stories from my therapist students. One therapist was working on her client's foot when a fake ficus in the corner of the room by the head of the table just plopped over and fell on the client.

Another therapist dropped chewing gum on his client's back (so THAT's why we shouldn't chew gum!!!).

I have been sweat upon by a nervous student. I have had students drop glops of cream on a client's back while standing up on the table. It looks like bird droppings and even makes a funny sound when it lands!

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