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Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs


Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs

this is a place where we can chat about anything BUT massage. ok maybe a little massage talk but that's IT. :) let's spice things up here. i know all massage therapists can't be tofu eating meditating relaxed people. :) hahaha actually i love tofu...

Members: 43
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2014

Discussion Forum

Dream Job 18 Replies

So, how's your dream job going? I have to ask! With all the issues with the economy..... Can't get away from it, so I thought I would start this little discussion so we can give and get some candid…Continue

Started by Marissa. Last reply by Gina A. Liccardo Dec 14, 2012.

Hot Tattoos 12 Replies

here's some i like that i found googling....i love tribal tatsi love feet tats toonot likin' these but great for an MT :)and of course no tat could be as hot as the ROCK...well maybe it's just cause…Continue

Started by Lisa. Last reply by Mark Schmid Oct 15, 2011.

Come back Sam ? 5 Replies

Where, oh where, has our lovely Sam gone ?Oh where, oh where, can she be?Continue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Stephen Jeffrey Apr 17, 2010.

Just for fun 13 Replies

With the recent talk about movies and T.V. shows (or programmes for Stephen), I thought it would be interesting to see lists of people's Ten Favorite Movies.I'm not asking for the best movies you've…Continue

Started by Steve - Maryland L.M.T.. Last reply by Vlad Feb 28, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Marissa on May 11, 2010 at 3:22pm
Congrats Erica! Hang in there Stephen. Can't wait to see what the researchers have to say about your research. :)

Yes, just one kid swimming around in there. Let me tell you, this one is a prude. It took almost a half hour before it would spread those little knees. But all is well, we will be having a little boy. My Hubby is strutting, there's just no other word for it. So, now we will have one of each and WE ARE DONE! :)
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on May 11, 2010 at 8:32am
Hi everybody, hope you all well and dandy .

Hey Marissa, hope all went well with the scan ......just the one is it :)

Bisiness is great, but home life means I have 2 outa my 3 boys not working at mo which is not good at all, and to crown it all we've gone and voted for no-one to win in our elections.
Would you believe it ! I didn't get on with those research guys and now I'm on Pubmed regular (researching thoracic outlet syndrome). Found out some real interesting to follow.
Comment by Erica Olson on May 10, 2010 at 12:24am
Today was the 12-year anniversary of my life-saving surgery. I celebrated with 3.5 client hours (all friends of mine), then went firespinning down by the river after dark.

Life's pretty good.
Comment by Marissa on May 7, 2010 at 9:45am
Notice: VENTING! I am over-stressed, over-worked, and fed up with trying to make up for all the time my Hubby is off work. Not his fault, I'm aware, but I'm Prego for goodness sakes! I should be taking it a little easier while going through the roller coaster of pregnancy and here I am adding more and more hours trying to catch up with the never ending stack of unpaid bills!
On a happier note: we finally find out on Monday if we're getting a boy or a girl. Will share that news when the time comes!
Comment by Erica Olson on May 6, 2010 at 8:51am
Ty--the referral is much appreciated! (I'm not listed in the phone book in Denver, but all my contact info is on my personal page here &

And yeah, my life is pretty busy, but I think it's interesting too. :)
Comment by Steve - Maryland L.M.T. on May 4, 2010 at 8:58pm
I'm afraid I've never really been able to understand the appeal of auto racing -- drive a few seconds, make a left turn, make another left turn, drive a few seconds, make a left turn, make another left turn, repeat 199 times.
Comment by Choice Kinchen on May 4, 2010 at 8:40pm
So much for us believing that Ty not personally hitting that drunkenness level.....hahha
Comment by Donna Martin on May 3, 2010 at 12:37am
You assume correct Marilyn. It is bad over there, several people executed everyday. BUT did you know that El Paso was named one of the 10 safest cities in the US last year? Go Figure!
Comment by Marilyn St.John on April 30, 2010 at 7:04pm
Welcome, Donna! Speaking for myself, yes, whacked and happy. Hey, I once lived in ElPaso... Am I correct in assuming it's no longer safe to walk through the tunnel to Juarez at night? ;o)
Comment by Donna Martin on April 30, 2010 at 12:05pm
Hey everyone! Me thinks this is my kind of group, you all are a bit whacked! Look forward to chatting with you and joining in on the rowdiness.

Members (43)


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