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Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs


Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs

this is a place where we can chat about anything BUT massage. ok maybe a little massage talk but that's IT. :) let's spice things up here. i know all massage therapists can't be tofu eating meditating relaxed people. :) hahaha actually i love tofu...

Members: 43
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2014

Discussion Forum

Dream Job 18 Replies

So, how's your dream job going? I have to ask! With all the issues with the economy..... Can't get away from it, so I thought I would start this little discussion so we can give and get some candid…Continue

Started by Marissa. Last reply by Gina A. Liccardo Dec 14, 2012.

Hot Tattoos 12 Replies

here's some i like that i found googling....i love tribal tatsi love feet tats toonot likin' these but great for an MT :)and of course no tat could be as hot as the ROCK...well maybe it's just cause…Continue

Started by Lisa. Last reply by Mark Schmid Oct 15, 2011.

Come back Sam ? 5 Replies

Where, oh where, has our lovely Sam gone ?Oh where, oh where, can she be?Continue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Stephen Jeffrey Apr 17, 2010.

Just for fun 13 Replies

With the recent talk about movies and T.V. shows (or programmes for Stephen), I thought it would be interesting to see lists of people's Ten Favorite Movies.I'm not asking for the best movies you've…Continue

Started by Steve - Maryland L.M.T.. Last reply by Vlad Feb 28, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs to add comments!

Comment by Erica Olson on March 17, 2010 at 9:27pm
No St. Paddy's partying for me. Recovering from round 2 of cellulitis and saw two out of three houseguests off today. Whupped and ready for bed, sadly enough.
Comment by Vlad on March 17, 2010 at 6:21pm
Happy St. Paddy's day!
I've got so much tacky garb on, it's an eyesore. I've even got some flashing shamrocks around my neck. I worked in them and a big mad green hat thing. What the hec - sure ti's only once a year.

Lisa - sorry you're having a rough time with your daughter. Hope things get better.
Comment by Kevin M. Deighan on March 17, 2010 at 7:51am
Good morning y' with the rest, I too have been busy. Between outdoor spring clean up and my client load (does it seem like it's picked up alot in the # of new clients coming out seeking touch???)...anyway, I'm just catching up on the latest posts. So sorry to hear about your daughter Lisa, I struggled for awhile myself...but with good help and supportive friends it can all work out. Keep the faith!
BTW>>>Happy St. Paddy's Day...CHEERS!
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on March 14, 2010 at 8:16am
Hi all, its mothers day here in the UK so not feeling so Rowdy today.
Just thinking what you girls go through to bring us all into the world, sure is a humbling thought.:)
Lisa ! I'm praying the man upstairs will give you and your daughter a break! all seems so unfair on you, take care.
Comment by Marilyn St.John on March 13, 2010 at 9:22pm
Gee, Terry, you're right! I've been crazy-busy this week with work and studying, maybe everybody else has been too & they're all sleeping? Hope everybody is okay, and I kinda miss the chatter here. Sending smiles...)))
Comment by Marissa on March 8, 2010 at 6:57pm
See, I always wanted to skip right over the mom part and go to the grandma role. It will all be worth it when it's over! I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now. :)
Lisa, I am so sorry to hear that this is on-going. Marilyn is right though, with all this she is bound to learn a few tricks to deal with things that others can not. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.
Comment by Marilyn St.John on March 8, 2010 at 5:37pm
Good luck, Lisa ~ I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. When our kids are hurting & we feel so helpless is the worst thing parents have to face, I think. I hope she is able to come through this with the tools she will learn to use for herself. Meanwhile, please remember to take care of yourself. Did you look into NAMI ( That might be more support you can count on.

Marissa ~ um ~ they're cute? (But only so we won't eat them ;o)
Perhaps you're feeling a bit punk right now? Hope all is well...and just think, someday you can look forward to becoming a granny! That part is fun, it's just the getting-there that's trying.
Comment by Lisa on March 7, 2010 at 12:51pm
Marissa i think the reason was cause the sex is good. ;)

well daughter's back in the center again. apparently the psychiatrist think that her suicidal thoughts are chronic and that this will be a long road to recovery. we may start looking into a long term place instead of these crisis type places because a long term place can also keep her on track with school instead of having to have all this work to catch up on and the pressures that come with that.
Comment by Marissa on March 7, 2010 at 9:45am
Can anyone remind me why I wanted to get knocked up again!?!?!? :)
Comment by Marilyn St.John on February 28, 2010 at 2:57pm
Maybe I'll get to see one or two of those people again, but only as outcalls. The office I use is way far from their neighborhood (it was at a school) ~ and yes, I missed potential office clients in the morning just by not being there. I only did it to make a few extra bucks, but it wasn't worth my time. Shucks, I guess some days are just like that. This week should be better, I'm heading to Chicago to bounce the baby for a couple days, and maybe my daugher has a couple massages lined up for me while I'm visiting...

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