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Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs


Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs

this is a place where we can chat about anything BUT massage. ok maybe a little massage talk but that's IT. :) let's spice things up here. i know all massage therapists can't be tofu eating meditating relaxed people. :) hahaha actually i love tofu...

Members: 43
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2014

Discussion Forum

Dream Job 18 Replies

So, how's your dream job going? I have to ask! With all the issues with the economy..... Can't get away from it, so I thought I would start this little discussion so we can give and get some candid…Continue

Started by Marissa. Last reply by Gina A. Liccardo Dec 14, 2012.

Hot Tattoos 12 Replies

here's some i like that i found googling....i love tribal tatsi love feet tats toonot likin' these but great for an MT :)and of course no tat could be as hot as the ROCK...well maybe it's just cause…Continue

Started by Lisa. Last reply by Mark Schmid Oct 15, 2011.

Come back Sam ? 5 Replies

Where, oh where, has our lovely Sam gone ?Oh where, oh where, can she be?Continue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Stephen Jeffrey Apr 17, 2010.

Just for fun 13 Replies

With the recent talk about movies and T.V. shows (or programmes for Stephen), I thought it would be interesting to see lists of people's Ten Favorite Movies.I'm not asking for the best movies you've…Continue

Started by Steve - Maryland L.M.T.. Last reply by Vlad Feb 28, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Eeris Kallil CMT on October 18, 2009 at 11:57pm
hey you all, I left you a lone for a few days and things were getting real rowdy here! I laughed out loud! but what's with all the massage business talk? you became all professional all of a sudden!
Comment by Lisa on October 18, 2009 at 7:31pm
hahaha...yea drooling might be hard to explain...although i'd go with the hydration therapy route should i just NOT be able to contain myself. :)
Comment by Marilyn St.John on October 18, 2009 at 7:17pm
Lisa, Benny Hill popped into MY head, too. (Sorry, Stephen!)
Rosemary, blackberry brandy is good, and if mixed with an additional shot of whiskey, it makes a Coon Dog...which WILL make ya howl.
Samantha,since this is the rowdy group, and I'm not ashamed to mention here that I have admired some very handsome musculature in the privacy of my own brain! With my mouth closed, of course...I don't think drooling is dignified.
As for underwear, I usually call them knickers, it gives midwesterners a giggle.
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on October 18, 2009 at 1:37pm
Lisa ! its basil fawlty MT, tsk tsk......what was the question again?
I dont have a problem with underware on or off BUT am always v carefull when pulling a thongs straps back up.....Dont want to do a wedgey ....I belive its not a very relaxing feeling? am I right girls?
Comment by Lisa on October 18, 2009 at 1:27pm reading all this i'm actually surprised at how many of your clients keep a piece of clothing on. all of my clients completely disrobe. even the one that held out in the first session. i wonder if it has to do with the different types of clientelle we all have. or maybe a combination of us and clientelle. most of my clients are activey, mid 20's to mid 40's with a handful a little older. most are bike riders.

Stephen why do i have an image of Benny Hill MT in my head!!??? hahaha
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on October 18, 2009 at 1:02pm
Some of my female clients have been coming for years n years, so I like to turn it into a bit of a laugh by making them think I'm going to get undressed at the same time as them....... I then make like John Cleese as basil fawlty and say ..sorry.. sorry.... I was getting confused? and make my exit ...... .oh how we do like to laugh...................funny thing is I didn't seem to get such a laugh outa my male clients, so stopped it way back.
Comment by Erica Olson on October 18, 2009 at 11:29am
My standard phrasing is for them to "get undressed to your comfort level." Clients that are new to massage often want to know what is the "right" amount of nudity; I tell them that about half my clients get completely undressed, about half of them don't. The important part is that the client be able to relax.

When discussing what they may or may not want to leave on, I use the term "underwear." If a client wears her bra, I ask her if she would like me to adjust the straps or unhook it for a long stroke down her back. I generally ask after doing a couple of careful "speed bump" strokes so they can mentally compare and contrast what they have felt with what it most probably will feel like.
Comment by Marissa on October 18, 2009 at 11:05am
Gerry- I go the underwear route with a side note that I will need them to take their bra off to be able to get the full back massaged properly. Also, I think it depends on the age of the client. Some of the older gentlemen I work on, I automatically call them "skivvies". I always tuck the sheet into the top of the underwear when doing the back and this lets them know where the boundry line is established.
Comment by Marilyn St.John on October 18, 2009 at 11:04am
Holy Panties, seems I missed a lot while I was working! I have two clientwho leave their bras on every time, but remove the panties. Go figure. The have been coming for years and I always just move the straps out of the way when they're supine, and ask permission before I unhook the back when they're prone...I just have to assume they have their reasons, so I've just left it alone! Sheesh. It's sunny & cold here in MI today, good blackberry brandy weather!
Comment by Lisa on October 18, 2009 at 9:24am
oh and on a side note...the one client that left clothing on...actually left a tank top on and no underwear. go figure. she was more self conscious about her back than her gluts. :) but after the first session, all subsequent sessions she completely unrobed.

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