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I am looking to "hire" a medical biller to bill insurance for my practice. I am a one man show and I work from home. Has anyone had a similar experience hiring someone to do the billing and has it been a good thing? Worth it?

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Trina,you may want to contact Lori Worrell. Lori has over 20 years off and on with insurance billing experience. She has done this for therapists in a variety of states. Her email is, .she just changed email address so I hope I've got this right.
She is running a special now too.

As I very first began to take insurance clients (my first was a very good friend of mine, good way to "get my feet wet" with the process). At that time, I paid someone to do the billing for me. After about a year or maybe two, I figured it couldn't be THAT hard and started doing it myself. I had been paying 25% of the bill to the person who was doing the billing for me and was ready to put a cap on that expense. 

It was more time consuming at first, but then I found editable PDFs (I believe I got it on Cherie Sohnen-Moe's site) and that has made it a million times easier. Just have to punch each new client's info once, and then edit dates and services and total $ billed each time you need to bill. SURE beats handwriting EVERYTHING.

Thanks Vivian :) Im' pretty sure I know who I want to go with because another therapist strongly recommended her and she's local..will even come to my house to pick up my SOAPs for me! Where does Lori live?

Vivian Madison Mahoney said:

Trina,you may want to contact Lori Worrell. Lori has over 20 years off and on with insurance billing experience. She has done this for therapists in a variety of states. Her email is, .she just changed email address so I hope I've got this right.
She is running a special now too.

That's great info to know Rachel, thank you :) Ya I figure down the line I'll probably do my own billing since I'm pretty good with paperwork, etc and being organized but for now I don't want the stress lol. But it's good to know where to go when I want to learn! :)

Rachel Sheard, LMT said:

As I very first began to take insurance clients (my first was a very good friend of mine, good way to "get my feet wet" with the process). At that time, I paid someone to do the billing for me. After about a year or maybe two, I figured it couldn't be THAT hard and started doing it myself. I had been paying 25% of the bill to the person who was doing the billing for me and was ready to put a cap on that expense. 

It was more time consuming at first, but then I found editable PDFs (I believe I got it on Cherie Sohnen-Moe's site) and that has made it a million times easier. Just have to punch each new client's info once, and then edit dates and services and total $ billed each time you need to bill. SURE beats handwriting EVERYTHING.

Also I'll be paying the biller 10% of what I make every month. You were paying 25%?

Trina Pelletier said:

Thanks Vivian :) Im' pretty sure I know who I want to go with because another therapist strongly recommended her and she's local..will even come to my house to pick up my SOAPs for me! Where does Lori live?

Vivian Madison Mahoney said:

Trina,you may want to contact Lori Worrell. Lori has over 20 years off and on with insurance billing experience. She has done this for therapists in a variety of states. Her email is, .she just changed email address so I hope I've got this right.
She is running a special now too.

Rachel, do you have a link for that PDF you found?


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