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Massage Insurance Billing


Massage Insurance Billing

All about billing insurance companies for massage services. What states can you bill for mva's, work injuries, PPO's, HMO's? What is required in each state or even city?

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Massage Insurance Billing

I have been billing insurance since the beginning of my career which started in 1989. I am not an expert but do know a fair amount about it. The thing is that there are so many differences in each state and in each city and even each insurance plan it can be overwhelming. I have used insurance billing through my career to keep it stable. Yes there are difficulties in getting paid but I found that the more I knew the better I was able to weed out problem cases and set boundaries around working with people and their insurance companies. I am starting this group to allow people to share their insurance billing tips, classes and information.

Please start a discussion topic and use your state/city in the heading and share information on what massage insurance billing you are able to do in your area.  Thanks Julie

Discussion Forum

Units 1 Reply

Is there a max number of units allotted per body region? When I took my medical billing class I learned that we could only bill for 2 units per body region per day (I use code 97140). I wonder if…Continue

Started by erica ragusa. Last reply by Phil Cutrell, LMT, BCTMB Jul 28, 2016.

ICD-9 code: is it needed? 1 Reply

My thought is that we do as LMT's need an ICD-9 code from a referring physician in order to bill for massage therapy.  Is this correct?  I recently received a script from a physician referring his…Continue

Started by erica ragusa. Last reply by Eeris Kallil CMT Nov 10, 2015.

Hiring a Medical Biller 6 Replies

I am looking to "hire" a medical biller to bill insurance for my practice. I am a one man show…Continue

Started by Trina Throckmorton. Last reply by erica ragusa Oct 1, 2014.

What states/cities, insurance plans can you bill in your state? 9 Replies

One of the most common questions I get is what insurance company can I bill?In Most states you can bill for car accidents and work related injuries but there are certain rules in some states like…Continue

Started by Julie Onofrio. Last reply by Julie Onofrio Apr 11, 2012.

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Comment by Phil Cutrell, LMT, BCTMB on August 7, 2016 at 7:54am

Gordon I think your consideration on this may better be directed from the IRS rather than the insurance issues. I would also think the physician would know whether he wanted to hire an employee or contract the work out. I have provided a link that may be of help.

Comment by Gordon J. Wallis on August 7, 2016 at 12:02am
Im not new to massage therapy. But I am new to insurance billing. For now, I have one simple question. And I know things depend on each state and each individual insurance company.. Anyway, here is my question. Would it matter , as far as re- embusment, if you worked in the same clinic as the referring physician as his employee? In that case I'm assuming the rembusment would go to the physician? If so,would that lend to less denials by the insurance companies ? Is it better to go that way or as an independent contractor working in the same clinic as the physician ? I knew there was a reasone I got out of this insurance billing 25 years ago. The little bit I've looked into it now, it's almost like there are no rules and the rules are constantly changing.
Comment by erica ragusa on November 10, 2015 at 11:12am
I personally always use code 97140 and I include my soap notes with each bill
Comment by Jody C. Hutchinson on November 10, 2015 at 10:16am

97112 is NMR, not really within the scope of most MTs.  This is usually used by PTs for exercise.

You should bill with the diagnosis code from the RX.

Comment by erica ragusa on November 10, 2015 at 3:28am
I've billed to USAA on one occasion and was reimbursed. I used code 97140 and received prior authorization.
Comment by Eeris Kallil CMT on November 10, 2015 at 12:46am

Does anyone else have a hard time getting paid for PI clients with USAA? any tips on how to deal with them and how to appeal? they refuse to pay for code 97112 and when I changed to 4 units of 97124 they say its a duplicate. they are also refusing to pay for massage passed 12 weeks post accident!

Comment by erica ragusa on October 1, 2014 at 6:22pm

Hi Eeris the going rate for $35 for 15min for 97140

Comment by Eeris Kallil CMT on October 1, 2014 at 5:12pm

I was curious to what is the going rate for insurance billing per 15 min for  code 97124  and 97140?

Does anyone know what is the usual customary rate for massage in CO?

Comment by Alisa Miller on January 18, 2013 at 12:40pm

How can I find out the South Dakota laws and insurance company that will allow massage therapist to bill with a prescription or referral? I have in the past billed a car insurance company with a referral from a chiro. But I have yet to bill any other way and I am not sure if we are allowed to...any help is appreciated.

Comment by Rachel Sheard, LMT, NCTMB, CIPI on May 29, 2012 at 3:34pm

Thanks Michelle. I found an edit-able PDF SOAP note form from Cherie Sohnen-Moe's website that has been working well for me. I just keep all my client charts on a flash drive, so that I can take that with me and access it on any computer, with or without internet. There are LOTS available:


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