massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners


I would like to take a moment and offer a huge THANK YOU to all have assisted me with this e-book.

Mike Hinkle, Laura Allen, Julie Onofrio, Eric Brown, Angie Patrick, Julie Elersich, Gloria Coppola, Lee Kalpin, Glen Beckel, David Otto, Ryan Hoyme, Laurie Webber, Angela Sacco, and so many more.

I cannot thank you enough!

What makes this so special and a gift for me, is that everyone had something unique to contribute. I didn't hear the same issue from each person. How lucky can I get???

I look at everyone here, each one of you, and I see people I'd like to have for my own teachers. I'm in complete awe and admiration. I see courage and intelligence and I wish I possessed it in similar measure. I see sincerity and strength and pulsing life force.


Kris Kelley

I think of you inside and my heart nearly bursts with gratitude.

Views: 59

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Ok, so who's read the e-book?

Let's have a discussion!

Are you already using Facebook to acquire massage clients?

What are you doing differently that's really working for you?

What didn't you like about it? What needs serious improvement?

Thanks for your time...............I'm off to receive a massage!

Glad to help, Kris! But you did the work. Good luck and teach the masses!!!

Uh oh...

Looks like I've got critics...


Must be doing something right...

Ryan Hoyme (Massagenerd) was kind enough to put together a video review of my e-book.

Thanks Ryan!

Feel free to take a look:


Todd Brown has put together his own marketing material on 'advertising' your massage practice on Facebook.

Someone here (and I can't find the discussion) has already provided exactly what Todd mentions in his video, but me thinks his video is still worth watching.

Here's the link:

I've purchased several marketing materials from Todd years ago, great material, yet this isn't an endorsement of his product. I haven't purchased anything from him in years due to some pretty poor customer service I received from him and his company.

The video is still worth the watch, IMHO...and..........

If you tie 'advertising' on Facebook along with my own idea's from the e-book, you should be attacting clients!


The weekend seem to be big with Facebook. Folk are away from restrictions at work, etc., etc.

Weekends on Facebook

~'s some HUGE news!

“Social networking website Facebook has capped a year of phenomenal growth by overtaking Google’s popularity among US internet users, with industry data showing it has scored more visits on its home page than the search engine”.

The report went on to explain, that for the first time ever, last week Facebook got more visits than Google.

Now, on the surface, for most of us this piece of news doesn’t seem to contain anything relevant or applicable. But believe me… it does.


Because Facebook currently offers massage therapists an easy, quick and inexpensive way to target-advertise to local prospective clients.

Grab my e-book and find out how this is done, step-by-step!

Massage Marketing Using Facebook

What are you waiting for??

Massage Marketing Solutions

Here's another great article on the power of Facebook.

Facebook Experiment

Attract Clients Using Facebook
I'm going to copy this discussion over here as it seems relevant:

Laurie Weber wrote:

Here's some interesting ways to improve your Facebook Page for your business using apps.

Some of which are not only useful but may be essential to really connect with your 'fans'

My Rely:

Hey Laurie!

Good information on that link.

Another topic I've seen popping up is, "Which is better for my business, a fan page or a group on Facebook?"

I found excellent articles on this by performing a quick Google search for: What's the difference between a fan page and a group on Facebook. Good information there on which may work best for each in their business.

Here's the kicker or the main point (at least for me) that most seem to be missing in regards to their massage therapy business or just about any other business I've seen, especially on the Internet and with these articles on adding more apps to ones account, etc., etc:

The main point should be relating to our target market and building and developing professional relationships.

Adding all kinds of cool applications to our fan pages or groups is fine and dandy. Unfortunately, this is very similiar to taking more CEU courses and becoming an expert in many massage modalities. "Build it and they will come!"

Well, of course we'll get some clients that way. Unfortunately just because we have a great menu of techniques doesn't mean we have a full appointment schedule!

It's a great first step, having all sorts of cool massage modalities and apps on our Facebook page. Unfortunately, most assume that this is crossing the finish line when they've really only left the starting blocks!

Providing quality, original, creative and exciting content that is laser specific to our target market is what is needed once the basics are addressed.

This takes us directly into our target market so we can relate to each individual and begin building that professional relationship.

Another trend that's been around awhile for MT FB fan pages are links to articles promoting the benefits of massage. (This is good, at least we're moving away from just the features of massage to the benefits, but that's another topic.)

My all time favorite is the benefit of massage for 'stress relief.' Ok...

What now?

Joe Snuffy that just came home from a horrible day at work already knows he's stressed and see's that massage may assist with this. Ok....

Have we stirred up his emotions as to why he's stressed? Have we related to him with a line such as, "Your boss is a jerk and is driving you crazy. At-Your-Door massage is your solution! A stress-relieving spa experience in the comfort and convenience of your own home that drains away your stress like water off a ducks back!" Or, perhaps he's on his feet all day. Or, he's a day trader and has the telephone craddled between his shoulder and head all day.

We need to figure out our target market, stir 'm up a bit, relate with them, then provide a specific solution so they seek ME specifically and don't go and pick up the phone book and call another therapist.

I'm rambling again, but it's what I do ;)

So, back to the applications and such. They are a tool, a good first step. It's how we use these tools to attract the clients to us that really counts.

This was my thrust in the e-book. Yes, the basics were covered, but once that occurs we need to provide excellent original, creative content chocked full of benefits and solutions as well as a clear message that I'M the one you HAVE to do business with!

Relating, building and developing professional relationships...It's worked wonders and the main point of the e-book.

We conduct business (if we have a choice) with those we like and trust. Building professional relationships does this.

The magic is not our massage technique or our Facebook application, it's US!

Hope this helps....

Massage Marketing Solutions

If you haven't grabbed your copy of the e-book, Massage Marketing Using Facebook, grab it now. My introductory offer expires tomorrow morning at 0800 PST.

(This intro offer was set to expire this morning at 0800 but Payloadz wasn't functioning for half the day yesterday, so I figured I'd best extend the offer.)



P.S. Any questions or concerns regarding this book? Let me know, here!


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