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A group of "spa savvy" massage therapists who perform dry room body spa treatments from their session rooms. Let's network, discuss and share!
Members: 82
Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2015
Started by Pueppi Texas. Last reply by Pueppi Texas Dec 29, 2015.
Started by Tonya Brooks-Taylor. Last reply by Lea Chew Apr 10, 2012.
Started by Kristen Sanders. Last reply by Lea Chew Apr 10, 2012.
You can purchase very nice dry brushes in the cosmetic department at Target or Wal-Mart. If you choose to dry brush with exfoliating gloves or a loofa, you can purchase those there also. You want to brush in the direction of the axillary and inguinal lymphatic areas.
Client is prone
Client is supine
Following up on Rachel's post about dry brushing, here's some information from my Spa World course notebook, "A DESCRIPTION OF BODY BRUSHING - Body brushing is one of the best ways to (1) cleanse the lymphatic system, (2) stimulate circulation and (3) exfoliate the surface of the skin by brushing the surface of the body with (1) a dry body brush, (2) exfoliating gloves or (3) a warm, moist loofa sponge."
In response to Rachel's question about dry brushing, it is a nice gesture to give the dry brush to your client with an instruction sheet for their self-care dry brushing at home. Dry brushes are rather inexpensive, so it will not take a large investment on your part. You can also have your name placed on the handle of the brush for a little extra marketing. I've found that it is easier to dry brush with one brush, rather than two; however, you've planted some fuel for thought. I usually have the brush in my right hand since I am right-handed.
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