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Spa Savvy Massage Therapists

A group of "spa savvy" massage therapists who perform dry room body spa treatments from their session rooms. Let's network, discuss and share!

Members: 82
Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2015

Discussion Forum

Spa Recipes 1 Reply

Started by Pueppi Texas. Last reply by Pueppi Texas Dec 29, 2015.

What Spa Body Wraps and Treatments do you have on your menu 5 Replies

Started by Tonya Brooks-Taylor. Last reply by Lea Chew Apr 10, 2012.

Best Slimming/Toning Body Wraps? 3 Replies

Started by Kristen Sanders. Last reply by Lea Chew Apr 10, 2012.

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Comment by Stuart R Dole on April 1, 2010 at 11:14am
Hi Alicia: re: Watsu - No, I don't know Diane Feingold, but if she's close to you I'd check her out. Book a session and decide. I know a few of the Harbin folks and I've watched them work, but I've never had a formal session myself. But the informal ones were amazing.
Comment by Alicia Barrera-Warwick,HHP,LE on March 31, 2010 at 5:19pm
Stuart: Do you know of Diane Feingold from Santa Barbara, CA? She teaches watsu, I was thinking of taking her workshops this summer. I have a physical therapy pool in my backyard so I was thinking why not use it for business as well!
Comment by Alicia Barrera-Warwick,HHP,LE on March 31, 2010 at 5:17pm
Cindy: I love it! Those are the best.... make it up as you go along! What are you going to call it now that you know it works?
Comment by Stuart R Dole on March 31, 2010 at 9:49am
Alicia & Rachel - here we are already into spring. Watsu is a wonderful "dance" the therapist does with a client in a warm swimming pool (about chest deep), warm enough that it feels "womb-like" - 95F is good. The client just floats and the therapist hold them up and moves them slowly around into different twists and stretches, keeping their nose above water. Very sensual. It was invented at Harbin Hot Springs (near where I work) - you can usually see a couple of sessions going on if you stop by their warm pool. The name comes from "Water Shiatsu". You'd need to be in a spa that has a suitable pool that's quiet enough (no kids).
Comment by Cindy Greenwood on March 31, 2010 at 6:54am
LOL! I just made up a treatment last week. I was in a bind because there is a treatment on the menu that an employee from 3 years ago made up. I don't have a clue as to was she did but it was listed as a 2 in 1 massage and exfoliation. I have a feeling that she just used those scruffy exfoliating gloves as she had several of them. Okay - so what I did was this...
I massaged each body area as usual when I was done with the area I wet the exfoliating gloves with warm water (kept them in my crock pot between parts), squirted a pump of non foaming lactic acid gel cleanser and sprinkled sugar on the gloves then I scruffied up the client, then cleaned up with a steam towel. I know, I know...but I was put on the spot! Hahahaha - she loved it!
Comment by Rachel Sheard, LMT, NCTMB, CIPI on January 28, 2010 at 11:37pm
Unfortunately, I don't have the training for it myself yet, but the therapist I share my room with does, and has sparked lots of questions from my clients as well--Hot stone massage. I know, not a huge revelation to anybody lol. My therapist-roommate keeps her stone warmer out in the room during winter (we have a tiny room, so it's not a year-long addition in the room), and uses it quite often. Plus, again, my clients asking about it. Definitely need to add that to my repertoire. :)

I do bodywraps though. Just my second winter with those, and probably am doing more this year than last.

Also...I haven't heard of Watsu..?
Comment by Alicia Barrera-Warwick,HHP,LE on January 26, 2010 at 5:52pm
Watsu.... what are you thoughts on it? Have you tried it or do you offer it?
Comment by Alicia Barrera-Warwick,HHP,LE on January 26, 2010 at 5:42pm
Winter weather.... what spa treatments are your client's favoring this time of year?
Comment by Marissa on January 13, 2010 at 7:37pm
Hey Alicia, I got your oil. Smells fabulous. It reminds me of summer. :) I may be keeping it for home use! Thanks again!
Comment by Janet on January 3, 2010 at 4:37pm
Hi Alicia! I am just getting started in offering spa treatments in addition to massages and your guide seems to cover the entire process on how to do this. Wonderful! This is just what I need from start to finish. I will definitely visit your site and let you know how it goes. I am so excited and can't wait to get started! Thanks! And thanks to Marissa for the referral! :)

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