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This is a group where massage therapists can share their voice on trigger points
Members: 330
Latest Activity: Aug 14, 2022
i've been using the spray and stretch technique this year with excellent results in myofascial trigger point cases of acute pain, short appointments with multiple muscle group involvement, and…Continue
Started by Jeff Sims. Last reply by Laura Garza Jun 24, 2012.
I can release trigger points anywhere on the body in 20 seconds with only finger tip pressure. Ive said it so many times.. No one believes me. Whatever... This time is that last I will say it.. Ive…Continue
Started by Gordon J. Wallis. Last reply by Shawnda Kettles Dec 7, 2011.
My observation is those that are belly breathers are the worst.Do you do any diaphram release work and give corrective breathing advice? if so what do you ask your clients to do.? SteveContinue
Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Dr. Ross Turchaninov Nov 4, 2011.
We observed so many misunderstanding in regard to trigger points and trigger point therapy that we decided to address them all at the same time in special article in the new issue of Journal of…Continue
Started by Dr. Ross Turchaninov Oct 26, 2011.
another offering for Chris... Greensboro, NC, Miami & Orlando, plus other cities.
To Chris: The only state I know of that you can go to a school for TP's is in CO. They have several schools there in the Colorado Springs area. They will certify you for N.M.T. or NeuroMuscular Therapy. Wish I had more information for you.
Gordon, I know this is late, but I have found trigger points in deeper muscles. I love to skin roll and I try to get as deep as I can. It takes a few sessions before I can get there. I don't have any problems getting rid of them either and I was taught they come about because of our lifestyle. I had one teacher tell me you live you have trigger points.
We observed so many misunderstanding in regard to trigger points and trigger point therapy that we decided to address them all at the same time in special article in the new issue of Journal of Massage Science: 'Ischemic Compression: To Be or Not To Be?' We hope that this article will explain a lot of misunderstandings.
Please go to and click on the Journal Of Massage Science icon to get to the latest issue.
Dr. Ross Turchaninov
Hi Valerie.
Actually reviewing your site additional time,now I know why I have had positive intuition about your trigger points therapy teachings.I don't know if you are aware,but approximately 5 -7years ago Russian physician Dubrovsky performed tremendous amount of work, in comparising all body typical localizations of trigger points with acupoints maps.87% of this localizations is the same localizations. Being acupuncturist, I trust you teaching discovery well. Again my pure intuition.Maybe the only disagreement I am having with, if only trigger points therapy applications is enough for sustain and adequate treatment. Also Dr.Dubrovsky helped us to understand mechanism of a acupuncture and acupressure.Which is stimulation/releasing of piezoelectrical streaming potentials, that secondary causing positive changes in functions of organs and systems .BTW.Dr.Ross Turchaninov in his texts "Medical massage"perfectly presented concept of piezoelectrical streaming potentials,as well teaching how to activate this potentials. I really have no financial interest in sales of his books, but in my opinion, there is no other work in English that was writing by MD , who spent considerable time providing surgeries,then come to conclusions that a lot of this diseases can be successfully treated as well prevented by medical massage protocols applications,dedicated PhD studies to the related subjects, as well by himself for many decades practicing medical massage. I mean, I know Dr. Ross , is his personal friend but this facts having nothing to do with my professional opinion on his textbooks.
Best wishes.
That sounds crazy in California. Yeah, Montana just passed legislation to regulate and license last July. And some states don't have anything, and every state is so different that united doesn't sound like it will happen soon. And yes sometimes regulation is just sometimes people wanting control and to make money off of it. I've read your article but I went back and read it again. We can only hope that united will end up being better not worse. It is important though to seek to always keep a good reputation for the whole of massage therapy. Yes, look forward to reading anything you have on education.
Dear Brenda.
Absolutely, market naturally will regulate, but meantime massage therapy industry not having sustained place in the healthcare “World”, and therefore I believe we should be united as much as possible. For example. A bit more than two years ago, at California licensing agency regulated us as a prostitutes, and we couldn't practice all over the state of California, and each year license renewal , included doctors clearance that we are not possessing sexual transmitting diseases. It was a horrible time.BTW. If you would work for chiropractor ,physical therapist, MD then you didn't need all this. Means if you are making money for them, then you are Not a prostitute. Thanks for mutual effort of ABMP and AMTA as well thanks to great individual leadership we have today state certification, and abuse and discrimination is over for us.
You can imagine, what all this “advance”guys demanded at a time low was conducted, but again thanks to great leadership we all very united and therefore got blessed. Traditionally, any soft tissue mobilization that executed by hands , we calling massage therapy .even nowadays still people teaching pure massage therapy techniques but trying to be ” different”and “advance” by“creating” different alternative names to massage therapy. Please by yourself tried to search massage therapy services, and you will get a lot of alternative names. What for? Is one ashamed to be massage therapist? I am extremely proud. Creation of all this names It is confusing, healthcare professionals as well general public. Doesn't help to support our goals to be recognized. But back to your post, you're right, if one calling her/himself “advance “ do not make one good therapist, who delivering sustained results. I believe around 7 years ago, when all this “advance”thiank God unsuccessfully tried to tear our industry a part, I proposed article link below. “Advanced”didn't like it, but thank God today we much more united than than. Of course not because my article, but I assuming maybe some I did contribute. Later on as I promised will continue sharing my views, on education.
Best wishes.
You are right Boris. Yes, 20 or 30 years ago there wasn't much of anything and you came from Europe correct? There was much more of everything massage over there.
And yes the market will correct itself. If someone is good at what they do and delivers the positive outcome the client will come back and tell all their friends and relatives. If you don't deliver, they won't pay you again and all their friends and relatives will know of the inadequate treatment. You will soon be out of business. End of story. Simple.
Hi Brenda.
First of all, welcome to the group . I personally love this site and believe it giving huge opportunity to change somewhat to better , learn ,to advance. Absolutely agree with you:” You don't have to be a rocket scientist to do trigger point therapy!” One just, have to learn and understand mechanism of trigger points therapy , must following contraindications, and most of all have to passionately love your craft. And then as you was saying :” Once you know how, it is quite easy.” At this discussion, I even offered video clip where it is obvious not complicated to provide trigger points therapy.
You said: “There seems to be this you have to be "advanced" and have all this multitudes of special training under a specific person to be qualified to be in the field!
I'm strongly believe that to be “advanced” means ,one have to be very good in what one does/ to deliver results. Many times capability to deliver results has nothing to do with how much one believe that “she/he” is “advanced”as well how many hours of education one got.
Personal talent, passion, dedication, exception of responsibilities and mission to heal, as well practical/real training can advance one. This time and because of time shortens cannot extend on” practical/real training” but will do it later on.
You said: What did MT's do before they could jet set all over the country or world to train under such and such guru's way back in the olden days?
On this one I can answer. In 80th, I was fortuned to read from Travell/Simmons manual. On the record ,22 years ago when I arrived to US, massage therapy community, didn't use Travell/Simmons text at all and I am suspecting that not a lot of our colleagues knew about this book but survived.
Really did appreciate your post. Will communicate soon.
Best wishes.
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