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Trigger Points

This is a group where massage therapists can share their voice on trigger points

Members: 330
Latest Activity: Aug 14, 2022

Discussion Forum

use of spray & stretch technique by LMTs 8 Replies

i've been using the spray and stretch technique this year with excellent results in myofascial trigger point cases of acute pain, short appointments with multiple muscle group involvement, and…Continue

Started by Jeff Sims. Last reply by Laura Garza Jun 24, 2012.

Trigger Points, easily eliminated 13 Replies

I can release trigger points anywhere on the body in 20 seconds with only finger tip pressure. Ive said it so many times.. No one believes me. Whatever... This time is that last I will say it..  Ive…Continue

Started by Gordon J. Wallis. Last reply by Shawnda Kettles Dec 7, 2011.

Observing breathing pattern disorders in the most chronic TP affected client. 1 Reply

My observation is those that are belly breathers are the worst.Do you do any diaphram release work and give corrective breathing advice? if so what do you ask your clients to do.? SteveContinue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Dr. Ross Turchaninov Nov 4, 2011.

Follow up to the trigger point article

We observed so many misunderstanding in regard to trigger points and trigger point therapy that we decided to address them all at the same time in special article in the new issue of Journal of…Continue

Started by Dr. Ross Turchaninov Oct 26, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Boris Prilutsky on August 20, 2011 at 6:36pm

Hi Frank.

following links is to scientific review of trigger points  therapy,including definitions as well proposals for appropriate techniques. If you will have any questions please feel free to ask.

Best wishes.



Comment by Frank Michel on August 19, 2011 at 8:09am
What is the definition of Trigger Points?
Comment by Valerie DeLaune, LAc on July 13, 2011 at 1:22am
Remember that the referral patterns that Travell & Simons mapped were only COMMON referral patterns (and trigger points).  Your patient may have UNCOMMON trigger points and referral patterns, particularly if there are multiple perpetuating factors, and the problem has been going on for a long time.
Comment by Jeff Sims on August 14, 2010 at 9:41pm
i think i am seeing a pattern.

i have seen more than a few clients complaining of tension and pain with trigger points in temporalis and the tissue anterior and superior to the ear that also have had cosmetic surgery (they call it a mini-lift) to reduce wrinkles around the eye. this procedure seems to be an initiating factor. anyone else see it?

my approach has been to release the related tissue, including auricularis anterior and superior, temporalis, and SCM. i feel what seems to be the scar and tissue that's been tucked under during the surgery.

anyone have any thoughts?
Comment by Boris Prilutsky on August 1, 2010 at 11:39am
Dear colleagues,

I am happy to invite you to join my group:” Medical and Sports Massage” including FREE Medical and Sports massage lessons. Not alot of practitioners in the US are familiar with Russian Medical and Sports massage as it was proposed by a Russian physician professor of medicine Anatoly Sherback . I'm happy to offer you information about this methodology as well as some additional information about me. I hope that our friendship will be pleasant and mutual beneficial. I believe in sharing knowledge. In such a case you will be able to learn from me as well as I can learn from you . If after reading information about medical and sports massage, or viewing lessons you will have any question I'm encouraging you to make comments or initiate discussion topic . In such a case my replies will be available for many to read, as well as your replies. Looking forward for great relationship.

Best wishes.
Comment by Jeff Sims on July 31, 2010 at 9:55pm
Also Sunrise, vastus intermedius might be involved with rectus femoris.
Comment by Larry Warnock on July 31, 2010 at 6:50pm

It might be that there are triggers in the psoas and the referral pain could be in the TFL or near where the psoas inserts
Comment by Sunrise Gervais on July 31, 2010 at 4:19pm
I have a client with several Piriformis tps on her right lateral hip. When I place static pressure, or strip across its fibers she says she feels it in the front of her hip around the right AIIS. Has anyone experienced a pain referral zone like this? I can't find it on any of the charts.
Sunrise Gervais
Comment by Martha C. Long on April 14, 2010 at 11:28am
Has only one massaged a client with a bone stimulator?
Would like some input on this
Martha Long
Comment by Jeff Sims on April 6, 2010 at 11:55pm
thanks for the notice Dr. Doyle. Dr. Simons will be missed,

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