Integrative Massage:
"Integrative massage therapy is a treatment that involves the integration of therapy techniques from a number of different modalities including massage, somatic therapy and bodywork techniques. Some of the other therapy techniques that may be incorporated are touch therapy, psychotherapy, movement re-patterning, stress management, reflective listening, hypnotherapy, and energy work approaches." I lifted this definition directly from the web site, good explanation. When I've heard instructors and therapists referring to integrative massage, they explain it as blending several modalities into their sessions, depending on the needs of the client. Hope this is helpful. Have not looked at the Fire Integrative Massage myself, but I know athletes are looking to fire energy for high performance!
Tell me how your plan for 2010 is going, sure enjoyed seeing you. Did more sessions this month than any since 2006~
At 10:53am on December 19, 2009, Allison Boehm said…
Hey Ellen! Tell me a little about Integrative Massage. I was looking at Fire Integrative Massage and it seems to be something I could use with my athletes. Alot of them want active resistance therapy, but those classes are alot harder to come by and way more expensive.
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"Integrative massage therapy is a treatment that involves the integration of therapy techniques from a number of different modalities including massage, somatic therapy and bodywork techniques. Some of the other therapy techniques that may be incorporated are touch therapy, psychotherapy, movement re-patterning, stress management, reflective listening, hypnotherapy, and energy work approaches." I lifted this definition directly from the web site, good explanation. When I've heard instructors and therapists referring to integrative massage, they explain it as blending several modalities into their sessions, depending on the needs of the client. Hope this is helpful. Have not looked at the Fire Integrative Massage myself, but I know athletes are looking to fire energy for high performance!
Tell me how your plan for 2010 is going, sure enjoyed seeing you. Did more sessions this month than any since 2006~