massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

January 2010 Blog Posts (51)

Alliance Completes its Founding Member Campaign

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education, a non-profit organization for massage schools and educators, completed its Founding Member Campaign on December 31. In just 12 weeks, a total of $48,850 in contributions was generated to fund the launch of this new endeavor. Now, the focus of the Alliance is shifting to its 2010 General Membership Drive, which will begin later this month. There are separate membership categories for Massage Schools, Teachers, Continuing Education Providers, and… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on January 21, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

Gemstone Healing Association

Check out this sit and join if you are into crystal & gemstones, Charles

Added by Charles Lightwalker on January 20, 2010 at 9:38pm — No Comments

NCBTMB Releases Needs Assessment Survey Report

The NCBTMB has just released their Needs Assessment Survey Report, a 15-page document that can be accessed here. The main purpose of this survey was to determine how massage therapists feel about the NCB’s plan to offer an advanced certification exam. In total, 6, 883 massage therapists responded to the survey, with 80% of those answering at least four questions. It… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 20, 2010 at 3:22pm — 3 Comments

Introducing a new kind of body work that will inspire you and your clients

Kum Nye Massage: Healing Body, Healing Mind

Presented by Arnaud Maitland, Meggie Haynes and Toni Nurnberg

Feb 28– March 6 – Healing Body, Healing Mind Body Workers Retreat

March 3 – 6 – Healing Body, Healing Mind Participants Retreat

This six day retreat for Body Workers will transform their experience of giving a massage into a new world of awareness; and offer new ways to restore and sustain wellbeing in the client. By incorporating mindfulness of practitioner and… Continue

Added by Toni Gallagher-Nurnberg on January 19, 2010 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

10 Questions for Liz Lucas, CEO of AMTA

This is my first in a series of interviews with the folks at the top of our professional organizations.

Last week I was accused of “handing the microphone” to Paul Lindamood, CEO of the NCBTMB. This week, I’m handing it to Liz Lucas, CEO of AMTA, and in the weeks to come I’ll be handing it to a few others. You just can’t please all the people all the time!

Liz Lucas is the CEO of the American Massage Therapy Association, which represents over 56,000 members. AMTA had its… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 19, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

16 Reasons Not to Diet

I got this from Wellspring Life. Great article!

16 Reasons Not to Diet

It's pretty well known that most diets--in the traditional sense of the word--don't last or work. They're just too hard to keep up because they rely on deprivation for weight-loss. And who likes deprivation?!

Added by Tami Nelson on January 19, 2010 at 3:26pm — No Comments

Inheriting the Desire to Serve and Touch - Why some of us become massage professionals.

This last week my father also celebrated his 40th year in practice as a chiropractor (Forty years!). In 1969, he graduated Summa Cum Laude from Palmer College of Chiropractic and opened his practice in my small rural Iowa hometown at the ripe age of 23. At that time, the chiropractic profession was only seventy years old. The day he opened his practice, my mom saw a car pull up in his parking lot from their home down the street. Her excitement was later dampened when she found out it was… Continue

Added by Ivy Hultquist on January 18, 2010 at 5:22pm — 1 Comment

Animal Massage Radio Interview

Hi all,
I'll be interviewed about animal massage on the Donna Seebo Show tomorrow, Tues Jan 19th, from 3-3:30 PST. If you listen live, you can also call in with your questions or comments, toll free in US/Canada at 888-815-9756. Looking forward to it!

Added by Megan Ayrault on January 18, 2010 at 3:31pm — No Comments

Expect More, with Les - January 18, 2010

Compassion Overfloweth - How to help when you feel helpless.

Added by Les Sweeney on January 18, 2010 at 2:40pm — No Comments

10 Questions for Les Sweeney

This is the second in my series of interviews with the leaders of our professional associations.

Les Sweeney is the fearless leader of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP), a national membership association that provides comprehensive liability insurance and practice support for massage/bodywork practitioners and students. Founded in 1987, ABMP is now the largest massage therapy membership organization in the country with more than 70,000 members.

LA:… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 18, 2010 at 5:38am — 1 Comment

Pain management 24/7

If anyone is interested, there is a new product out there that is fantastic. It's called The Bionic Band. For your clients who can't get to you every day or therapists who have those aches and pain, this little item really works. I wear mine daily. Go to to learn about it then check out Once someone tries one, they don't give them up. I have it listed on my… Continue

Added by Scott Causey on January 18, 2010 at 12:44am — No Comments

Body Cushion Pro

Hey everyone, I have a body cushion pro system that I bought 4 years ago at a seminar. Since this seminar, I have only used it maybe 5 times at best. It is now sitting in my closet at the office in need of a good professional that will use it. If you are interested in this body cushion, please send me an email and I will be glad to send you pics and more information on it.

Added by Heather Sprouse, LMT on January 17, 2010 at 11:42am — No Comments

A Reality Check for Employers

I was tempted to continue last week’s theme and title this “Employers Behaving Badly.”

I constantly hear from therapists about their unhappy work situations when they’re employed by someone else, whether that’s as a taxed employee or an independent contractor. Many feel they aren’t compensated fairly for the work they do.

In the case of ICs, I also hear many horror stories of the outright abuse of the definition of that term–employers who are falsely classifying people as… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 16, 2010 at 8:14am — 4 Comments

Seeking Like Minded Individuals

I admit it. I am new at internet networking. Since April of last year, I now have an actual website, that sells products, explains who I am, what I do, and all about my method, MELT. I now have a blog (I've had one since April, I am just now learning how to use my blog and what it means to blog). I mean, really. With all of the time I spend doing research, living, eating, and breathing the science of the neurofascial net... who's got time for learning how to set up a hootsuite! So instead, I… Continue

Added by Sue Hitzmann on January 15, 2010 at 7:07pm — No Comments

Update on home...

Glad to say that my home sold as a short sale, so we did not go into forclosure or bankruptcy. It was a great way to end the year! Thanks for all the advice!!!

Added by Hannah Thayer on January 14, 2010 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Study/Experience Transformative Breath that can help Massage Practitioners Professionally (Seattle/Bellevue)

Transformational Breath Workshop

Breathe into the Subtleties of Awareness

Join us with Jim Bacon, a senior trainer with the Transformational Breathe Foundation.TB gives you the POWER to make POSITIVE changes in your life! In this 8 hour workshop, experience this self-healing system using conscious breathing to facilitate improved well-being, inner peace and greater joy in life.

It is a cutting edge, unique form of Breathwork… Continue

Added by Gloria Two-Feathers on January 14, 2010 at 2:49pm — No Comments

Shamanic Studies: WALK THE PATH OF THE 4 DIRECTIONS (Continued Education)

Shamanic Studies:


When the Medicine Wheel is used as a mirror by sincere human beings, it shows that, within us, there are hidden many wonderful gifts that are not yet developed. ~Native Wisdom



Presented by Gloria Two-Feathers

Our 100-hour Shamanic Studies program will complement and… Continue

Added by Gloria Two-Feathers on January 14, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

My Shorty Awards Nomination for #Health

Thanks to some acquaintances I was lucky enough to be nominated for a 2010 Shorty Award in Health.

The voting is currently taking place and I am using this opportunity to try and create more visibility for Massage Therapy in the health industry and online.

If you could spare a few moments to vote for me, I would truly appreciate it. I would like to use this platform as a way to promote the health benefits of Massage, and increase the visibility of Massage Therapists in a social… Continue

Added by Sally Chamness on January 14, 2010 at 7:30am — 3 Comments

CPMC Hospital Massage Internship now recruiting for Fall 2010!

The internship program that I did at California Pacific Medical Center two years ago is now seeking applicants for it's Fall 2010 enrollment! I really valued the education I got through that program and am grateful that it brought me to working in the hospital for the last two years. Here' the information on the internship in their own words. If you have any questions or are interested in more info, contact Carolyn Tague at

The Integrative Medicine Education… Continue

Added by whitney moses on January 13, 2010 at 3:19pm — No Comments

Recruiting chair massage practitioners / California Bay Area

On the Spot Massage has been bringing the joys of chair massage to our little corner of the world since chair massage was invented, and business is booming. We have four drop-in Relaxation Stations, plus a roster of awesome corporate clients. Our chair massage practitioners (spotniks) are the best around.

We're busy, and that's why we are always looking for new Spotniks with great hands and the right attitude.

Our Spotniks are special people. They're outgoing and talented… Continue

Added by Shoshana Frumkin on January 12, 2010 at 5:00pm — No Comments

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