massage and bodywork professionals

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March 2010 Blog Posts (39)

Massage Practice Building

For anyone needing information on building a practice, running a business, or marketing, check out this site. They have a ton of useful information. Massage Marketing

Added by Jim Spears on March 11, 2010 at 9:53pm — No Comments

Intuitive Healing

I am going to be teaching a class called "Intuitive Healing - Techniques, Practices and Applications" Come check out my website for details! Hope to see you there.

For the past 30 years I have been studying metaphysics and applying what I have learned to my massage practice. During my 20 years as a massage therpist I have seen many healings occur as a result of bringing people in touch with the deepest part…


Added by Lynne Kasal on March 11, 2010 at 6:20am — No Comments

What Is BioSync®

What is BioSync?

BioSync, developed by Mark Lamm, is based upon the values, principles, and practices of natural health as well as deeply held spiritual and metaphysical world views. The term "BioSync" includes two essential components: "bio" - meaning life, and "sync" - meaning synchronicity or harmony --- embodying the belief that a healthy life possesses the ultimate… Continue

Added by Mark Lamm on March 10, 2010 at 9:30am — No Comments

The Impact of Insults and Injuries

terapy title



Challenges and Results

At a certain stage in our lives we all begin to question how destructive patterns of behavior, habitual stress,… Continue

Added by Mark Lamm on March 9, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

The Best Massage I Ever Recieved

Last night I got in bed and turned on The Food Network for its sedative effect. A new show, The Best Thing I Ever Ate, was on at the time. This show invites celebrity chefs to come on and talk, like the title says, about the best thing they ever ate. I shut the television off and began to think the best thing I ever ate. I thought about the portabella/avocado panini I had in Santa Fe, shitake mushroom rolls at my favorite restaurant, and several other… Continue

Added by Ivy Hultquist on March 8, 2010 at 2:00pm — 5 Comments

i need help

'what a great day today its only 55 today . just trying to get patients in to see me . i only ben out of school for a year and im trying to get my name out ther to let people kow im here but . i get road blocks bc im a male massage therapist and im finding out it hard to build patients when they find out im a man . so what shoul i do plz help'

Added by tim maurer on March 8, 2010 at 12:52pm — 1 Comment

African Americans are coming to Touch!

It's interesting to me to see the many changes that is occuring in our industry; one of them the most being the number of African Americans that are in the industry or attending school for massage. When I first attended school back in 1998, there was only one other sista n the program. Once I attended my school I graduated from, the class was predominating African American. That made me feel real good about things.

We don't get too much exposure to massage in…

Added by JB Harding, III LMT A.A.S. on March 8, 2010 at 10:02am — 5 Comments

any LMBT's who are also Chiropractors?

I am wondering if there are any massage therapists out there who are also chiropractors? and, are there any doctrine of chiropractor schools in North Carolina?

Added by Laurissa S. Stephens on March 5, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Need a little help

Hello Fellow Professionals,

I just wanted some opinions on this matter. If you could work for yourself or work for someone else, who would you choose? If you choose yourself-how many hours a week do you work? If you choose someone else how many hours are you working?

Added by Cecelia "Cece" Rex on March 4, 2010 at 11:40am — 1 Comment

Building a Massage Practice by Connecting through Consultations.

One of the most important pieces of building a successful massage practice is to connect with your clients in a way that builds trust, comfort, and healing. Creating an atmosphere of trust and healing requires that we be good listeners both in the literal sense, as well as with our hands. This starts with the first encounter and is crucial to develop during the first session.

Rather then rushing into the first massage, I suggest taking between 30-45 minutes to do a consultation with… Continue

Added by Jim Spears on March 4, 2010 at 7:35am — 2 Comments



Added by Edgar Dossantos on March 2, 2010 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

Dare To Compare.

Do you love essential oils?

The best you can find?

How brave are you?

How determined are you to always be using the best you can source. Like I have been.

Would you like to receive 3 bottles of CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) essential oils for just sending an empty bottle of any of the following oils or brands.

Lemon, Lavender or peppermint, of either Young Living, Natures Sunshine, Forever Green, Butterfly Express,be Young.

An EMPTY bottle…


Added by Lavender Lady on March 2, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

10 Questions for Paul Lindamood, CEO of the NCBTMB

This is the final post in my series of interviews with the leaders of

the organizations of the massage therapy profession. Paul Lindamood is

the CEO of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage

& Bodywork. He recently answered my questions, and as with the

others, his answers are offered here unedited.

LA: What is your background in the massage profession? Are you now or have you ever personally been a massage…


Added by Laura Allen on March 2, 2010 at 7:31am — No Comments

Debunking the Myths of Gay Male Therapists

Squid Ink: What About My Happy Ending?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

By Jason Knight, CMT, HHP, Aromatherapist

It isn’t news that the massage and bodywork industry is a difficult field to be in if you’re male, especially when you only account for about 15% of the population of therapists. Whether straight or gay,…

Added by Jason Knight on March 1, 2010 at 9:58pm — 7 Comments

Migraine - The Wild Horse

Who want's to share their experience treating migraine headaches? I have been lucky to help a few clients
with migraines but it was still a very intricate process. The main hurdle was gaining the trust of the client
to allow me to do regular deep work in those sensitive areas. But despite being able to start a process of
healing with the client and despite being able to reduce the pain and frequency, it was like trying to hold onto
a wild horse when it came…

Added by adam sell on March 1, 2010 at 9:10pm — No Comments

The Pelvic Clock !!

aloha nui....

As massage therapists we often are presented with clients who have LBP...

Just wondering if anyone has presented the Pelvic Clock movement from Feldnekrias as a self-care technique??

What results have you noted...??

Hey, also, check out if you are needing CEUs and planning a trip to Boulder, Colorado in April 24 and 25

Also we…

Added by Victoria J. Robertson on March 1, 2010 at 6:40pm — 1 Comment

2010 Oncology Massage Healing Summit

A national Oncology Massage Healing Summit will be held on April 30 - May 2, 2010 sponsored by Northwestern Health Sciences University and the Society for Oncology Massage (S4OM). A special presentation of JOANNA'S BODY, please hold, will be part of the Summit. Keynote address will be given by Cathleen Fanslow-Brunjes, RN, MA, CNS--Hope, a Dynamic Process in Living. For more information go to:… Continue

Added by Diana L. Berg on March 1, 2010 at 3:08pm — No Comments

Leadership and Policy Discussion at Integrative Healthcare Symposium---Where was Massage Therapy????

Resource ETC (Chris and I) attended the Integrative Healthcare Symposium in New York City this past weekend. We were so excited! (My first trip the the big apple, his first tour guide experience with me at the big apple). We left a day early to make sure that we weren't delayed by the snow. Bright-eyed and eager----we focused our attention on the two major panel discussions that we felt had the most impact on massage (also, the only two that truly had a focus on massage--ish) Thursday:…

Added by Angela Palmier on March 1, 2010 at 12:03pm — 10 Comments

The Librarian

Today, I took my daughter to the library for story time. As we collected our craft project, one my favorite touch studies came to mind. Many of you may have already heard it, but it always reminds me about the simplicity of massage and touch when I start making it all too complicated.

Librarians were instructed alternately to touch and not touch the hands of students as they handed back their library cards Then the students were interviewed. Those who…

Added by Ivy Hultquist on March 1, 2010 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

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