massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

April 2011 Blog Posts (22)

MC's announced for 2011 World Massage Festival

What a wonderful way to honor those who have contributed so much to our profession!  Join Jenny Ray along with Judy Calvert and Cliff Korn for this important ceremony.





Added by Jenny Ray on April 29, 2011 at 4:20pm — No Comments

Very fortunate


I've been in the massage field for about 2 years now which i know isn't long and I enjoy reading about improving my skills every day and ofcoures educating those who know very little to nothing about the field and hope to start traveling next yr with my passion for massage. I currently work in a dental office that supplies me as a massage therapist and feel very fortunate to be there every day and hoping to connect with fellow therapists here;-)

Added by Andrea Murtha on April 29, 2011 at 2:47pm — No Comments

Preparing for a Massage Interview - What Every Massage Therapist Should Know and Ask

Before you can start working as a massage therapist, you have to perform a massage interview to get the job, and interviewing for a massage position is quite different than most other interview processes. For many massage therapists, the first job they hold directly out of massage school is for a chiropractor, or a spa / salon owner instead of working as an independent contractor, and it's important to know what to ask in order to accept the right position. Understanding if you will work as an… Continue

Added by Laurie Craig on April 26, 2011 at 2:28pm — 2 Comments

Who should attend the Third International Fascia Research Congress (FRC3)?

Scientists and anyone from the health care and fitness professions who wish to further educate themselves on the latest and best scientific research on human fasciae. Scientists who are either engaged or interested in –Biomechanics of ligaments and other dense fibrous connective tissues · Biomedical Researchers · Connective tissue research · Gait & postural dynamics · Matrix biology · Musculoskeletal dynamics · Orthopaedics · Rehabilitation · Rheumatology · Sports medicine



Added by The Third International Fascia R on April 26, 2011 at 12:07pm — No Comments

You Say To-may-to, I Say To-mah-to

Actually, I’m from the south, where we often say “mater.” A ‘mater sandwich should be on white bread, slathered with an artery-clogging amount of mayonnaise, and eaten standing over the kitchen sink so it can run down your chin and drip appropriately.

Everybody has their opinions…I’m out here regularly expressing mine, and not everybody agrees with them. That’s fine by me. The world would be a boring place if we all thought the same thing, and the world of massage is no different.…


Added by Laura Allen on April 24, 2011 at 11:39am — No Comments

Protocols and Cookbooks

The use of protocols has gotten a bad rap in some areas of Myofascial Release. “Cookbook Therapy” it is often called. Certainly following a strictly defined treatment plan is out of line with most forms of MFR, but don’t we all follow certain protocols?

Each individual that comes into my treatment room is approached differently. That being said, there are certain trends that, in most…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on April 22, 2011 at 10:00am — 2 Comments


Hello fellow Massage Therapists,


I'm not sure who this person is but I received an email stating that she made a comment on my page and did not find one.  This person states that she wants me to contact her by email and I'm wondering why she doesn't have a page or if it's someone trying to steal information/identity or what not. 


As I was looking to see if she made comments to other therapist, she sent others the same email.  Just Beware!!!!!




Added by Christine Vasquez on April 20, 2011 at 9:46pm — 1 Comment

Scar Tissue????

When dealing with scar tissue I have heard a lot about cross fiber friction and i was wondering if anyone knew of any other techniques to break up scar tissue? And maybe know of where to read up on it more or a place with videos with the techniques?

Added by Jessica Rooks on April 20, 2011 at 12:55pm — 3 Comments

New Massage bill quietly proposed in MA, changing scope of practice, upping hours to 900.

SECTION 1. Section 227 of chapter 112 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2008 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out lines 18 through 21 and inserting in place thereof the following sentence: -

Massage therapy shall include the prescription of stretching techniques and exercises but shall specifically not include diagnoses, the prescribing of drugs or medicines, spinal or other joint manipulations or any services or procedures for which a license to practice… Continue

Added by Alexei Levine on April 20, 2011 at 8:33am — 11 Comments

My Organization is Better Than Your Organization

The massage profession has a plethora of organizations these days.

AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) is a non-profit organization that has some executive staff at the top, a board elected by the members, and a hearty band of tireless volunteers that keep the wheels turning. AMTA has about 57,000 members.



Added by Laura Allen on April 19, 2011 at 11:52pm — No Comments

Expect More with Les - April 19, 2011

I Believe - Your Adventure for Today.

Added by Les Sweeney on April 19, 2011 at 4:17pm — No Comments

Ways to Reduce Tension and Relax

There are many ways to reduce tension and relax. Here are the ten stress relievers I believe are most effective for the amount of work and time involved. Some can be learned in the time it takes to read this page, while others take a little more practice, but there's something here for everyone!

1. Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has numerous benefits for the body,…

Added by Billie Baker- A Feather's Touch on April 17, 2011 at 9:51pm — No Comments

Does "AMTA" stand for "Arrogant Massage Therapy Association?"

AMTA sent out the following email to Illinois members bashing ABMP:


Friday, April 15, 2011

Urgent Call to Action

Call Your Illinois House Representatives TODAY!

Ask Them to Support SB 153

SB 153 (Extends the Massage Licensing Act, or ?MLA?) passed in the Senate (55-0) on Friday, April 8th, 2011. On Tuesday, April 12th, the bill was assigned to the House Healthcare Licensing Committee and is sponsored…


Added by Emmanuel Bistas on April 15, 2011 at 6:54pm — 31 Comments

Local massage therapist,Andrew Wolfe,LMP to speak on the radio.

Andrew Wolfe, LMP is the owner and massage therapist of Harmony Licensed Massage Therapy located in Arlington's health care district at Smokey Point, Washington. He has a private practice in the Cumulus Park Health Care Center serving patients in the north Snohomish County region since 1987. In his profession as a licensed massage practitioner, he has focused on the rehabilitation…


Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on April 15, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Holistic Healing is nothing new

Almost a thousand years ago Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides 1135-1204) was one of the Middle East's greatest Physicians and Scholars. He was widely know by Arabs & Christians, as well as, Jews. From his studies of the Torah (over 3,000 years before),Hippocrates (460 BCE – ca. 370 BCE) and Galen (129 – 216,  Maimonides developed his theories of medicine. He taught about the Mind-Body-Spirit connection for mental and physical health and found great value in laughter. We sometimes…


Added by Daniel Cohen on April 14, 2011 at 11:50am — 1 Comment

the day the sky fell into my head


Six months in computer school, straight A student, National Honor Society, Vice President of the Web Club, Secretary of the Student Council, actually getting really good at programming in HTML, C, CSS, able to code websites and leap over tall buildings without a cape...


and the sky fell into my head.


I don't know how else to put it.  I was driving to school under moving clouds and sunrise with lots of traffic all around, and as I curved around to the…


Added by Molly Rachael Strong on April 12, 2011 at 10:36am — 2 Comments


The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education is pleased to announce that it will collaborate with the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) on the development of a new national program for the approval of both continuing education courses and providers. The Alliance and its members will bring their expertise in the domain of continuing education to help…


Added by Rick Rosen on April 11, 2011 at 4:09pm — No Comments

Deeply Considering MT Education * Need Advice *

Hi Everyone,


I am trying to gauge how other people in this profession are doing financially in the NJ / PA / DE area. I've done hours of research so far and it's hard to really extract a concise truth about income from MT from other websites. For example, people in Michigan have very unsavry things to say about making a living from doing it and then other professionals in San Fransisco are saying their practice is booming. The difference between those locations makes it…


Added by Alexis Butler on April 7, 2011 at 1:24pm — 1 Comment

Join me at the 2011 World Massage Festival in July

We hope that you will be able to come and participate in the amazing event this summer. I will be inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame and will also be the featured keynote speaker at the opening ceremonies. Here is a link to the site for more information 2011 World Massage Festival


Additionally, I will be teaching my Aston Sampler Class on July 16th & 17th. You would need to register for the…


Added by Judith Aston on April 6, 2011 at 5:46pm — No Comments

Spa Week April 11-17th Fort Greene, Brooklyn NY

Looking for a couple of licensed MT's for Spa Wk, no its short notice but if anyone out there, who lives close to Fort Greene area or doesn't mind coming here needs some freelance wrk, ck in ASAP. Pls have some experience under your blt!!!!

PS sorry guys need the ladies, this time around clients request!

Thks n…


Added by Zuri, Dirisha on April 5, 2011 at 5:13pm — 2 Comments

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