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May 2010 Blog Posts (30)

Beginner's Mind


A couple of months ago my Aikido Sensei gave a lecture on Beginner’s Mind. He had his own story to tell, and that’s always nice to see him share with us. It almost makes him mortal ;)

His story struck a chord with me; it stuck with me long enough so that I could create my own story, or tale of woe. ;) Here’s my two cents worth:

There is a…


Added by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on May 30, 2010 at 9:00am — 5 Comments

Massage Therapy Research - The Diamond Polisher

There have recently been some threads on facebook and other forums that question whether massage therapy research is needed and one of the opinions that spring from them is along the following:

"I don't need research because I see results in my practice. My work, my intuition and the education I have received is enough".

I can relate to this to some extent. In fact, I could nearly say that at one stage it would be very easy for me to slip into this mode of thinking. Most of us…


Added by Vlad on May 29, 2010 at 11:55am — 3 Comments

Is there a connection between zodiac signs and energy work!?

With research, there is an interesting link between the relationship of zodiac signs and its influence on healing work. There must be evidence to support or disprove this theory. MASSAGE THERAPISTS AND ENERGY HEALERS UNITE to find the connection....

Is there a connection?…


Added by Robin Streit on May 28, 2010 at 7:53am — 3 Comments

Young Living Essential Oils and Natural Products

I discovered Young Living Essential Oils about 6 months ago through a

Raindrop Vita Flex Class. I have to tell you I love the products. I use the Oils In my practice w/ My Clients and at home w/ my daughter.

I wasn't going to be a distributor at first becasue I didn't want to be bothered but, everytime I used them w/ a client they would ask me if they could purchase them from me. Now I am a distributor and I have a nice little added income to my practice. If anyone is interested in… Continue

Added by Renee Furbush on May 27, 2010 at 12:46pm — No Comments

massage oils and aromatherapy

Visit me on facebook at!/pages/Gilbert-AZ/Essential-Oils-by-Robin/118141574880873

I can give all massage therapists a great rate on oils.


Robin Tatum

Added by Robin Tatum on May 26, 2010 at 2:32am — No Comments

Could you use an 'extra' $17,000 a year?

Missed Appointment Opportunities can cost you $10,000 a year!

According to industry statistics, the average one-hour massage is $65. If you only lost three appointment opportunities a week (no appointments scheduled/no shows/cancellations), you would stand to lose over $10,000 a year!



Added by Norm Green - My Receptionist on May 24, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

The "How Do We Do It" Question and Big Placebo....

This one is going to be a long post since I'm trying to figure some things out and I'm just using this as a tool to do so. Hopefully some people will jump in with some information that might provide some enlightenment or education or even more questions (I'd actually also like to know if I'm not alone in my confusion!)

I'll start off by addressing what I call the FEP. What's the FEP? Well, it's my own acronym and it refers to the Famous Evidence Pyramid. Yep, I think…


Added by Vlad on May 23, 2010 at 12:12pm — 5 Comments

Why does California fail to regulate Massage Therapists?

Why does California fail to regulate Massage Therapists?

Added by Pamela Larimer on May 23, 2010 at 8:38am — No Comments

Where's Joe Friday When We Really Need Him?

In the long running radio and TV show Dragnet, Sgt Joe Friday often made statements like "All we want are the facts, ma'am" and "All we know are the facts, ma'am". This evolved into the iconic phrase "Just the facts, ma'am" in a parody of Dragnet by Stan Freberg called St. George and the Dragonet.

Unfortunately, at least… Continue

Added by Keith Eric Grant on May 20, 2010 at 11:00pm — 9 Comments

Going Beyond Massage ~ Abdominal Chi Massage

Going Beyond Massage

An interview…


Added by Patty Nuovo on May 20, 2010 at 6:20pm — 1 Comment

Ok so I sort of get the idea of research but I am research illiterate!

From my last post that created quite a stir, I have a new concept of research and the importance of it but now I see that my last post was more that I was and still am research illiterate! I was able to attend a great conference here in Seattle (OK I couldn't not go since it was a block away from my office) put on by the Massage Therapy Foundation called Highlighting

Massage Therapy in Complementary… Continue

Added by Julie Onofrio on May 20, 2010 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

Licensed TO Massage

PA/NJ/DE/FL Therapeutic Out-Call Massage

In Your Hotel Or Home

Welcome to massage therapy out-call service that specializes in out-call massage in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas. My name Sophie , licensed massage therapist since 2OO1.

I am a graduate of the Florida Health Academy of Massage and Skin Care Of in Naples Florida and have been providing professional out-call massage for nearly a decade. My service…


Added by Bodyworks By Sophie C LMT on May 20, 2010 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Why I MELT: my story of how I got out of pain

It stinks to be in pain. I should know. I have had all sorts of chronic back pain, foot pain, hip, wrist and finger pain. There are only so many Advil one can take in a day and even that does not always seem to work. For some, living with the pain just becomes part of life, and with that, the body adjusts itself to accommodate the compensation... this of course, just exacerbates the pain, and makes a new thing hurt somewhere else. In my…


Added by Amanda Cizek on May 20, 2010 at 11:44am — No Comments

Giovanni DeDomenico passes away

I am very sad to share with you the news of Giovanni DeDomenico's passing. I only heard of this recently, so my apologies for the late posting. I worked, as Elsevier Editor, with Dr. DeDomenico on the 5th and most recent edition of Beard's Massage. "Gion", as he asked us to call him, was extremely dedicated in his work and seemed to really enjoy the collaboration with his colleagues who contributed to the 5th edition. I remember his business e-mails to me always including something that…


Added by Kellie White on May 20, 2010 at 10:54am — 1 Comment

The thing I forgot to tell you

Yesterday I told you about my new website in which I talk about all things writing. It's a lot of fun. For even more fun (because it's not at all serious) please feel free to follow me on Twitter. Look for me @RChazzChute.

I use…


Added by Robert Chute on May 18, 2010 at 8:19am — 1 Comment

Seattle area LMPS please join our Free Intro Workshop to Energy Workshop with Gloria Two-Feathers, LMP

Every new partcipant at the EarthWalk School's Intro Workshop, will receive a 50% discount at our Student Clinic on June 4 & 5. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience energy healing from both sides of the table.


Call: 425 289 0152 Email:…


Added by Gloria Two-Feathers on May 17, 2010 at 4:28pm — No Comments

Expect More, with Les - May 17, 2010

Where's the Bar? - It's been raised.

Added by Les Sweeney on May 17, 2010 at 2:18pm — No Comments

Things that made me go "Hmmmmmmm....." - MT Research in CIM Part II

"Hmmm...." can be said in many different ways, right?

It can be a good "Hmmmm...." from a "I gotta think about this" perspective. It can be a surprising "Hmmmm....." and unfortunately sometimes it can be a disappointing "Hmmmmmm...".

Here are a list of some of the things that got that reaction, the type of "Hmmmm...." and why!

* The role of massage therapy in public health. Hmm-Type: Made me think, had me ask questions of the big picture and where we're…


Added by Vlad on May 17, 2010 at 1:59pm — No Comments

New website

I know there are writers who walk among us so I thought I'd post this. I have a new website for people interested in books, writing, publishing issues and editorial problems. If you want to check it out, go to
My M&B column is where the bodyworker hangs out. At Chazz Writes, I am the evil twin.

Added by Robert Chute on May 17, 2010 at 8:57am — No Comments

Disseminating, ruminating, analyzing, thinking. The CIM conference part I's all of the above with regards to the Massage Therapy Research in CIM conference.

I'm not going to blog about the whole conference in one post. It would be too long. Instead I'm going to divide the info from it up into chunks and give different perspectives into the what-I-got-from-it package.

The post-conference calm has brought on a flood of thoughts on many different things. How does all this information relate to my practice? How am I going to change from it?…


Added by Vlad on May 16, 2010 at 8:34pm — 6 Comments

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