massage and bodywork professionals

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June 2012 Blog Posts (17)

Come and check out our New Massage and Bodywork Website...

come one and our open house...TODAY!!

Added by sheila johnson on June 23, 2012 at 5:32pm — 1 Comment

Come to COMTA

I just got home from doing a site review from COMTA. It was my third trip as a peer reviewer, and once again, an enlightening experience. COMTA is the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation. Gaining accreditation is a strictly voluntary process. It’s estimated that there are about 1500 massage schools/programs in the US, and less than 100 of them possess the accreditation. Obtaining COMTA accreditation for a massage school is not cheap, and it’s a lot of hard work, so you might wonder…


Added by Laura Allen on June 21, 2012 at 7:45pm — No Comments

MassageCRM gets "Referrals"

Early this week, I got an excellent email from one of our new users.  He nicely laid out some of the necessary elements to make MassageCRM truly useful.  The best thing about this email is that our user has been working on a system of bookkeeping and documents to make his business entirely paperless - and that's EXACTLY what MassageCRM is hoping to help accomplish.  

As such, one of the features he was really interested in that is not easily done with existing software is the notion…


Added by Jason Huie on June 21, 2012 at 7:25am — No Comments

Suboccipitals - Tips & Techniques

by Erik Dalton Ph.D., founder of Freedom From Pain Institute®


There are only a few places where the nervous system can be properly tuned, and these “adjusting knobs” are the bones that directly attach to the dura mater. Faulty alignment or fixations in any bone of the cranial vault or spine will over stretch, torsion, deform or drag on the dural membrane, disrupting its…


Added by Erik Dalton, Ph.D. on June 15, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

results were found for 'Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions about migun beds? I am considering purchasing one for personal use.'.

'Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions about migun beds? I am considering purchasing one for personal use.'.

Added by noreen zakrajsek on June 15, 2012 at 8:08am — No Comments

Teres Major…Steak. Really?

I am a carnivore. I have come to terms with this. I was a vegetarian for a number of years, but drifted back to what was more comfortable. I know what I’m eating, even though the named cut of meat little resembles it’s anatomical name. A strip steak or ribeye give one little clue as to it’s origin. Even though I know that the tenderloin is the cow’s psoas, I feel there is a degree of separation that allows me not to think too much about its origin.

This all changed this morning, with…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on June 14, 2012 at 12:55pm — 5 Comments

I Ching for Thursday, June 14th: Kuai: Decision, Now you can finally take that decision which puts an end to your hostile and unfavorable situation. Remember that it'll be enough for you to make the…

I Ching for Thursday, June 14th:

Kuai: Decision,

Now you can finally take that decision which puts an end to your hostile and unfavorable situation. Remember that it'll be enough for you to make the first step, the rest will…


Added by Mahendra on June 13, 2012 at 8:46pm — No Comments

MT Position Available

Looking for therapist to fill contract position at Living Well Spa. Starts at 60/40 with split increasing after 3months. We will be running a group discount soon and are looking for therapists interested in building their client base. We are located near I25 and Colorado Blvd at 1660 South Albion St. Ste 309, Denver 80222. If interested please contact.…


Added by Stephanie Duffield on June 13, 2012 at 3:20pm — No Comments

Report from the AFMTE Annual Meeting

I spent last weekend in toasty Tucson, AZ at the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education annual meeting, and for the third year in a row since this organization started, it was one of the best things I have ever attended. There were quite a few new people attending this year, and attendance was up slightly from last year. The meeting was held at the El Conquistador resort, a beautiful venue with gorgeous mountain and desert views. I was late getting there and unfortunately missed the opening…


Added by Laura Allen on June 11, 2012 at 1:55pm — No Comments

The Somatic Reality of Love

"Love is a bodied truth, a somatic reality" 
- Stanley Keleman

There is much to be said and argued on the subject of love.  Zillions of books, songs and movies provide…


Added by Amanda Cizek on June 11, 2012 at 7:57am — No Comments

Holistic Happenings is a home for Healing Body and mind

The Holistic Happenings Healing Center is a tranquil, almost holy place situated inside to the southern suburb involving waxing.

Tinley Car park. With several organic along with dynamic modalities from which to choose, this is the place where you can head to understand, take it easy, and support yourself in the therapeutic regarding mind, body, feeling and also the spirit.…


Added by Bob on June 8, 2012 at 4:04am — No Comments

The ELAP Flap Continues

Earlier this week I received the ELAP (Entry-Level Analysis Project) Description from ABMP. I’ve been blogging about this for several weeks, first because I was upset that it was shrouded in secrecy; then last week because I finally got word of who is serving on this work group. While that information didn’t exactly smooth my ruffled feathers, I was gratified to see that I know some of the people working on it and know that they do the best job they can at whatever tasks they take on. And…


Added by Laura Allen on June 2, 2012 at 7:31am — No Comments

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