massage and bodywork professionals

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October 2009 Blog Posts (55)

Water encouragement

You could encourage them by suggesting they buy a small bottle of several types of water to see which one they might like better. Many are surprised to find that it has a different taste. I share my favorites for them to start. Everyone's taste is a little different. That's why some people like peas and others do not. At Wal-Mart "Sam's Choice" water has minerals that quench your thirst. Nestle's also has minerals that are really satisfying.

Added by MaryAnne Palumbo on October 9, 2009 at 8:52am — No Comments

Orthopedic Massage in Hilo November 20, 21, 22

James Waslaski will be teaching Orthopedic Massage for the Lower Body in Hilo Hawaii on November 20, 21 and 22.
Call for details (808)264-1144

Added by Raphiell Nolin on October 9, 2009 at 7:15am — No Comments

Free eBook: Social Network Marketing, 12 Steps for Success

I got this one from a friend last night and read it cover to cover. This should help us all get to the next level in regards to marketing on social networks and social media.

You can download it here:

Added by Sara Clark on October 8, 2009 at 9:47am — 1 Comment

Alliance Incorporated – Launches Founding Member Campaign

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education, a new independent organization for massage schools and educators, announces that it has completed the process of becoming a legal entity, and is now a non-profit corporation. This step will be followed by application to the IRS for status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational organization.

The Alliance is pleased to announce the beginning of its FOUNDING MEMBER CAMPAIGN, which will run until November 25. It is an opportunity… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on October 7, 2009 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments


I have been searching for any textbooks, classes, etc. on the subject of Music Therapy for massage. Does anyone know if there are any offerings out print? I have my Bachelor's degree in music and am a LMT...but am looking for more indepth info on the subject. I'm aware of the common sense side....slower beat is going to result in slower heart rate, deeper relaxation, etc....but would just like something more indepth. I've not had much success in locating anything specifc...if it… Continue

Added by Diane Schaefer on October 7, 2009 at 8:46am — 6 Comments


i moved to florida about a month ago and i am signed up to take my nationals next month, i don't know what to study or even how to approach studying. does anyone know if this test is hard? can anyone maybe help me out, let me know what might be on it? i have been out of school fro about 6 years now and haven't picked a book up since. i know that that's terrible but true.

Added by Joshua Eddy on October 6, 2009 at 11:23pm — 1 Comment

A Massage Therapist's Manifesto: We Need a New Human Technology to Balance Information Technology

The information technology explosion is begging us to return to the body. We need a new human technology to match the information technology. External change is happening so fast we can barely breathe or keep up.Stress is born when the body and heart try to race after a mind gone into high gear. Notice the posture: head stretched forward, neck extended,chest tight from holding the breath, heart constricted,general, vague fatigue, racing beneath the skin, the feeling of never having enough time,… Continue

Added by Dawn Marie Jordan on October 6, 2009 at 5:14pm — 1 Comment

Ancient Chinese Tai Chi Massage in DOVE SPA

Dove spa provides ancient chinese TAI CHI massage, personal and professional service. Wellness and Happiness is our business.

We open 7 days a week. Mon.--Sat. 10am--10pm Sun. 11am--10pm Walk-ins or by appointment

Price list: $40/30 mins; $60/60 mins; $90/90 mins; couple massage: $120/ hour

Please call 317-313-9956

Location: 715 S. Rangeline Road Carmel next to ACE hardware in Mohawk Landing Shopping… Continue

Added by jinna luan on October 6, 2009 at 11:13am — 2 Comments

The NCBTMB Election: My Views on the Candidates

Once again, it's time to vote for new officers of the NCBTMB. A lot has happened with the organization since the last election, but I will decline to blame, or give credit to, anyone who was just elected last year with those events...things have been unfolding there for a long time that no newbie could possibly have had control over.

When the ballots came out last year, I personally contacted each candidate by phone or email. I asked their opinions on the downhill spiral that I felt… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on October 6, 2009 at 5:41am — 5 Comments

As massage professionals do we protect our interests, by allowing Massage Envy to advertise our events..etc.?

I'm dissappointed that our major associations allow big companies that exploit massage professionals advertise as major sponsors for our conventions and publications. Some of these companies that employ massage therapists for basically minimum wage sponsor our events as if they are in business with us, rather than using us.

I feel fortunate that I'm self employed and rent from a chiroprator. I'm able to make a good living doing mostly insurance work, but have heard from many massage… Continue

Added by Michael Donaldson on October 5, 2009 at 11:35pm — 9 Comments

Frustrations of a budding massage therapist

Frustration. That's what it is today. I just completed my initial training in July and began my practice. Not two weeks later I was in a cycling crash and broke a bone in my left arm. I've had sports injuries in the past, but it's always been my knees. Now that I *need* my arms, there it goes! On one level, this seemed to be the universe talking to me. In that "better sense" kind of way that no one needs once they don't have to live under the same roof with mom. The fact is I'm very close to… Continue

Added by Ann Kelleher on October 5, 2009 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Expect More, with Les - October 5, 2009

Pearly Whites - Your next appointment is a treasure.

Added by Les Sweeney on October 5, 2009 at 1:48pm — No Comments

What do we mean when we talk of facilitated and inhibited muscles?

Often in workshops and just yesterday on Facebook, I encounter therapists inquiring about the meaning of muscle facilitation and inhibition. Why is this central nervous system process so important to bodyworkers. I'd like to hear what your take is and how you use it in a therapeutic setting.

Added by Erik Dalton on October 4, 2009 at 4:47pm — 38 Comments

Free Ebook on Social Networking and Leveraging Social Media

I ran across this free ebook yesterday on social networking and was very impressed by what I learned. The sections on Facebook and Twitter were by far the best.

Here is the location where you can download it from:

Added by Sara Clark on October 2, 2009 at 10:14am — No Comments

Hip Rotators, treatment and Pelvic stability issues ?

Hi all,
How often do you treat your clients hip rotators and how important do you view their ability to stabilize the head of the femur onto the Pelvis.
Its an intimate area to treat (I work through a towel side lying) does this cause you any problems?
Regards steve

Added by Stephen Jeffrey on October 1, 2009 at 6:26am — 6 Comments

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