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Centering and The Healing Power of Touch

Centering and The Healing Power of Touch

Remember to focus on the healing power of touch and its importance in your life and in the lives of those you touch.

One touch can soothe, comfort and convey caring in a way words never can. Touching has the power to heal, connect us, and ease pain. It also lessens anxiety and softens the blows of life. The simple act of touching is so powerful that it can slow your heart rate, decrease your blood pressure, and… Continue

Added by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB on July 7, 2009 at 10:42pm — No Comments

Plantar Fasciitis...arch too high or too low?

Many of us tend to blame plantar fasciitis on pronated or pes planus feet but what about clients with a high rigid arch, i.e., supinated or pes cavus foot? Although prolonged duration of pronation is thought to be the most common mechanical cause of structural strain resulting in plantar fasciitis, I’ve found that a pes cavus foot places as much or more strain on the plantar aponeuroses and peroneals and can be much harder to fix. Loss of flexibility in the stirrup spring system causes the foot… Continue

Added by Erik Dalton on July 7, 2009 at 9:30pm — 17 Comments

La Stone Therapy/Stone Medicine Classes coming to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan!

I am excited to report that Jenny Ray will be coming to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to teach classes in Stone Medicine this October. Jenny is a Native American Medicine Woman, Shaman and 2009 inductee into the world massage hall of fame. She teaches Native American healing modalities to healers and massage theraposts around the world.

The following classes will be offered. More information is available at… Continue

Added by Shanna Schultz on July 7, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Please Consider an EDU-VACATION with Fantastic Advanced Therapeutic Arts CE Courses at ASIS in beautiful Northern Arizona, near Sedona!

ASIS massage education is offering more diverse & stimulating classes this fall & summer. Look below for more information on the following classes at ASIS:

* Meridian Stretching and the Five Element Theory

* Clearing the Gates, The K.I.R.A.™ Headache Protocol, Part I & II

* Peri-Natal Massage: Conscious Touch and Ethical Practices for the Childbearing Year

* Health Secrets of the Lympatic System: Healing Your Life by Healing Your Lymph

* ASIS Beyond… Continue

Added by ASIS Massage Education on July 7, 2009 at 3:44pm — No Comments

Yes, Summer is Here!!!

Yes, Summer is here!! Summer is a great time to participate in outdoor sports, see outdoor concerts, take vacations, or just work in your own yard.

Unfortunately, as we get more active over the summer and the weeks leading up to it, we also give injuries more opportunities to manifest themselves. While it is unrealistic to tell someone who is playing football not to get injured, it is realistic to be informed about what to do if you are injured, and how to make a quick… Continue

Added by Melanie J. Gates on July 7, 2009 at 1:03pm — No Comments

Mana Lomi One Workshop

Mana Lomi One Workshop August 2-6, 2009 at Camp Sloggett, Kokee State Park, Kauai, Hawaii. Learn therapeutic lomilomi, Hawaiian chants, simple meditation, history and timeline of Mana Lomi, and attend Hale Pulo'ulo'u (Hawaiian House of Purification). Tuition $485 plus $100 for accommodations. Food is shared. For more information, visit… Continue

Added by Carol Hart on July 6, 2009 at 11:16pm — No Comments

True Essential OIls and how to use them in Your Practice

To get your oils visit

Massage Therapy and Essential Oils

Massage therapy—the treatment and practice of soft tissue manipulation with physical, functional, and psychological goals—involves massaging a person's body in a way that increases overall wellness. Targeted pressure on the body is usually applied with hands and elbows and is said to have numerous health benefits.

Massage… Continue

Added by Crystal Schippers on July 6, 2009 at 7:10pm — No Comments


I'm still trying to figure out how I want to develop myself as an independent practitioner. It's an exiting and scary time in my life. I feel like I'm going through another right of passage into adulthood. This is a big one for me. You don't need a license to have a child, and getting the ones for marriage and driving are fairly easy. It takes a lot of work and dedication to become a successful business owner. Even if is it a small business. I'm still trying to find my niche. There are so many… Continue

Added by Kelly Tedrow on July 6, 2009 at 6:22pm — 3 Comments

Nurse Massage Therapists: An Introduction

It was at one time, a standard of practice in nursing to provide patients with the

comforts of massage. This allowed nurses time with the patient, satisfying the need for touch and allowing the patient the ability to heal themselves. Unfortunately with all increase in technology, the need for extra charting for fear of lawsuits and a nursing shortage, this has led massage to fall to the wayside and is no longer a part of our nursing curriculum or daily patient care.

Approximately 1 in… Continue

Added by Denise Leon R.N.,B.S.,L.M.T. on July 6, 2009 at 4:09pm — 2 Comments

From the MASSAGE Magazine article, "Body in Balance: Thai Massage," by Anthony James, N.D., in the June 2009 issue.

From the MASSAGE Magazine article, "Body in Balance: Thai Massage," by Anthony James, N.D., in the June 2009 issue. Article summary: In Thai massage, the entire body is pushed, pressed, rocked, vibrated and rhythmically compressed by virtually every part of the therapist’s body—hands, feet, elbows, knees, forearms and shins. The therapist, at times, will stand and sit fully on the client with complete balance and control, guiding and manipulating the client to realign with either internal or… Continue

Added by Thai Yoga Center on July 6, 2009 at 1:22pm — No Comments

Defining and Advancing High Standards?

The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork has issued a press release this week regarding the "premature disclosure" of their plan to create a new membership organization.

I scooped their big announcement on my blog, but in fact, I did not publish that until I had seen a number of comments publicly made about it on Facebook. Les Sweeney, president of ABMP, has now issued a letter that has been shared on the Massage… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on July 5, 2009 at 10:46am — 5 Comments

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