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I’m simply amazed that we here in the United States are still in a recession (or an actual depression in Las Vegas) and customer service is STILL so bad.  I won’t cover the broad topic of customer service here, but only touch on it in regards to following up with clients, patients, friends, family, etc., etc. 


Let’s say that one massage client slips through the cracks and you don’t follow up with them.  You charge $60.00 per massage.  They don’t re-schedule with you and were receiving monthly massages.  On an annual gross income basis this is $ 720.00!


Keep in mind that this is only ONE client! 


What’s wrong with our society today?  <Get’s the soapbox out for his rant.> 


I go to the dermatologist to schedule a small skin cancer removed.  The person in charge of insurance billing is out sick for the day.  Leave message.  No follow-up.  I have to call back several times in the next week to finally get an answer.


I attend a massage CE course and order materials.  They are back-ordered.  No big deal.  A month later I trade E-mails with someone at their office.  Well, I trade ONE E-mail and am then forgotten about after several days.  Now, once again, I have to pick up the telephone and call them.


Some massage marketing advice is sent to fellow massage therapists.  (At their request.)  Not even ‘thank you’ replies mentioning they received it.  Let alone following up to see what else I can provide since it’s just the beginning of the process which is clearly stated.


How does anyone expect to get any ‘word of mouth’ advertising with follow-up like this?  Well, let me back up.  How does anyone have any clients re-schedule with them with follow up with examples like these? 


Now I can rant and rave with much WORSE examples and I’m sure you have your own.  Also note that this is much easier to see in others as opposed to ourselves.  Hey, I'm not perfect either!  :)  It’s not really the point, anyhow. 


What IS the point?  What are YOU doing on a daily basis to follow up with EVERYONE you deal with?  This isn’t just about massage clients.  It’s about being respectful of others also.  If someone asks something of you, follow-up with them!  My own personal limit is twenty four (24) hours.  One complete day.  I realize people are busy.  I don’t expect someone to drop what they are doing to address little ole’ me.  If you are busy at least touch base and tell them that you will get back to them in another day or so.  Then, follow up!   


But c’mon folks!  What I’m trying to figure out is if this is a lack of training or common sense?  Both?


I suppose since I’m a massage therapist I should relate this to our clients; as without them, we’d have nothing! 


Of course, to provide superior customer service and follow-up we should get back to them as soon as we can.  Yet, if we’re in the middle of a massage session with several more lined up and ready to go, we have to prioritize. 


This is where communication with our clients comes into play.  Talk to your clients other than a hello or a goodbye or, “same time next week?” 


ASK them what the best method is to contact them.  A telephone call?  A text message?  An E-mail?  A handwritten letter?  This is the first step you must take with your client in-take form.  Contact information! 


We must realize that ‘life happens’ to each and every one of us.  What I mean by this is that, at times, appointments get cancelled.  This is beyond our control.  What IS in our control is to follow up with them!  Show compassion of course.  Heaven knows what may have occurred that caused them to miss their appointment.


Point being, you must make the effort.  Keep in mind that I’m not talking one message and that’s it.  Contact them several times! 


Almost everyone I know has a J.O.B.  You know what that stands for?  Just Over Broke.  Why?  Because almost everyone I know has horrible follow up skills!


What’s holding you back?  Laziness?  Poor communication skills?  A fear of success? 


Well, whatever it is, seek out a solution and ‘get ‘r done!’ 


Trust me; you will simply be amazed at how successful your massage practice (or any other business) will be if you just follow up with others.  Please understand that I’m talking about open and honest communication, not coercion or manipulating people into what you want them to do.  There’s a big difference. 


You want people to see you as reliable in all aspects of your life, not just your massage business.  Your have to earn their trust.  How can they trust you if you’re a flake? 


Trust is the emotion of your massage therapy business. You have to earn it. It comes from consistently doing what's best for your clients and this includes following up with them. Trust leads to loyalty, which leads to an increase of satisfied clients, which leads to more income in your pocket!


Let’s do it starting right now!




P.S. - Thank you for your time, I do realize this was a long read.  ;)

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Comment by Daniel Cohen on January 28, 2011 at 11:43am
Cheer up Kris, like any job Nursing is a mixed bag of those in it for income only and those who want to make a difference for people. I know both. Unfortunately I see the altruistic ones over time getting beat down by the long hours, promotion(?) to paperwork only jobs, and the game of satisfying insurers. I've seen more and more of this type going into massage, esthetician, and PT as self employed.
Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on January 28, 2011 at 11:22am



Thanks everyone for the comments. 


I've seen a couple of comments in regards to the economy which are excellent.  I only mention the economy in the original post to point out the fact that if one IS to blame the economy for ones lack of success, or their business has declined, I'd have thought follow-up would improve.  Doesn't seem so. 


More millionaires were created in the Great Depression of the 1930s, than at any other time in history or since.

Will you make your million (or at least grow and expand your massage business) in this recession/depression?

If you settle for less, that's all you'll get.


You really can turn the economic crisis into a fortune for yourself.


Healthcare, as Daniel mentioned, is on the rise.  Why aren’t you??


This ‘healthcare on the rise’ brings up yet another topic which I’ll address at another time, but will touch on here. 


Since healthcare IS on the rise, I’ve seen a lot of people going to school to get into the healthcare business.  Massage therapists, physical therapists, nurses, etc., etc.  Why I mention this is because….


My girlfriend’s sister has been in the hospital.  The nursing care has been horrible.  You see, being a nurse is a JOB for them.  It’s not about taking care or assisting people.  I can almost read their minds when I see them enter the room, or, when they decided to become a nurse.  My translation goes something like this:  “Hmmm….I need a job, or need a better more secure job and I see that the healthcare industry is strong and expanding.  Let’s go do this for job security.” 


Now, perhaps I’m wrong about this, or have just encountered these kinds of people.  Please note that yes, I’m also being general and vague here.  Yet, it’s my impression.  These people have no interest in health and wellness, their only interest lies in themselves, their job security. 



Comment by Daniel Cohen on January 28, 2011 at 10:31am

Thanks for the rant Kris. Even when we pay attention to such things it is good to get a smack on the back of the head once in a while.

To everyone don't blame the economy for your business. Many industries have expanded during times of economic hardship. Healthcare and massage are among them. People are seeking alternative solutions more now than anytime since WWII. Find your niche and grow with it.

Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on January 24, 2011 at 3:55pm



Ezekiel, LOL!


For some reason your comments made me think of a quote I've always enjoyed....


"A great teacher never strives to explain her vision; she simply invites you to stand beside her and see for yourself."


Now, perhaps I'm drawing a long bow in this comparison, but I tapered this to:


"A great massage therapist never strives to explain her customer service and follow up; she simply invites you to stand beside her and see for yourself." 


Seems a lesson in futility for me  ;)  I'm unsure if we can ever teach anyone anything.  Just be open and honest and perhaps others may 'stand beside us and see for themselves.'  ;)




Comment by Cynthia Gillick on January 23, 2011 at 2:44am

Great Rant!

Thanks Kris for the post.  I really needed to hear this. 2011 is my year to make huge changes in my communication skills.  Just more conformation that I must do it.


Comment by Rajam K Roose on January 23, 2011 at 2:37am
I try to keep my service impeccable and you know what?? I haven't had much effect from the economy. Yes, it definitely helped that I knew to rent an office space in a location where people in the community care about their health and also have the funds to get regular massage. But also, I send thank you notes, perform follow up calls, make confirmation calls, accept credit cards, have a newsletter, and also am very consistent in my business. Those are the things that clients like. They don't really know how good a therapist you are! If your sheets are stained, your office dusty, your attire sweaty, treat the client like they don't matter, make your personal life more important than the session THEY are paying for, etc,... they will NOT return no matter how good of a massage you give!
Comment by Renee Robb-Cohen on January 22, 2011 at 12:06pm

Thanks, Kris.  (there, how hard was that?)(talking to myself).



Comment by Kevin Nalley on January 21, 2011 at 11:30am
Excellent rant!!!!  I offer my soapbox as well so you can stand higher and reach more people!!!  I agree with you 100%.  While there are companies and/or agents out there that do have excellent customer service skills, the percentage that do not is exorbitantly higher.  You should put together a class package and offer it at the 2012 WMF since it'll be in Vegas!  Hope to see you there!

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