massage and bodywork professionals

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We've all heard, seen and most importantly felt an energy drain from working with certain clients. The drain can wipe us out for hours and sometimes days.We often attribute it to some shortcomming of our own or some issue our client has. But what if it's intentional. I mean Really Intentional. I'm not talking about the creepy ones...The ones that make us bristle long before they get to our table. I mean the subtle ones. Sometimes they're men sometimes they're women. They come in looking and acting all normal, like they even have a clue,they get it. Or so we think. Yeah, they get it all right. The IT they get is energy from you.Stolen energy, Energy you never planned to give a way,at least not to that degree. And since you were so "generous" they'll be glad to come back for some more refreshment as soon as possible.
How can an MT tell ? It's not like they're wearing black hats and masks. Do we look for the beady eyes and shifty looks?
No. Nope. Definitely not. Then what? How?
Most of our clients call first to make an appointment. Occasionally people stop by to make an appointment in person. Some may use online scheduling if we have it.Lets start with the telephone. The telephone is our first line of defense against the energy vamp. As we've talked about before, energy is exchanged constantly and so is the information we have access to. If we choose to use it. OK, back to the phone. When my phone rings and it's some one looking for an appointment I do a pre screening. What brought them to this point? What are thier expectations? Experiences with massage? You know what I mean.
Before I answer the phone I focus my energy on discovering the "Need." ( this takes 10 seconds). Often the presenting problem is merely the tip of the iceburg. So as my ears listen to what they tell me, my energy listens to what they're not saying.
It's out famous gut reaction,sixth sense, b******* meter. That one we've spent a lifetime being conditioned to ignore. It doesn't come with an operators manual, a flow chart, or a customer service hotline. I wish mine did. Oh, no doubt, as massage therapists we listen better than 95% of the rest of the world. We need to recondition ourselves to listen way before our guts scream at us. Way before, when it's just a friendly whoa! hold your horses,Jack!
I've heard it said "Some times my gut is wrong." I'd disagree, more likely, I simply failed to listen. Start listening up. Honor the information you get and in doing so you honor your clients and your gifts. And you'll know when to protect yourself.

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Comment by Ruthellen Wood on September 7, 2009 at 7:34pm
Gerry, Thank you so much for adding your insights. Please continue.
Comment by Gerry Bunnell on August 27, 2009 at 4:29am
Learning energetic self protection is a must for all MT's and Bodyworkers. There are people out there that know what they are doing when it comes to "vamping". They can be a bit more obvious to pick out. It's the ones that do it instinctively with no idea that they are attaching in a very unhealthy way that are the ones hard to pick out.

Before every session I take a moment to energetically "connect". I ground myself, connect with Spirit, and then visualize a white light cocoon enveloping me. I greet the client either by placing my hands on their feet or their shoulders and saying silently to myself "Namaste, I am grateful for participating in your healing path and am honored. Let that which is shared between us this day serve both our highest good." I then proceed with the massage. After the massage I silently say "I release you in peace, harmony and good will". I then physically make a cutting action with my hands to "cut" any attachments the client may have formed during the session. (Vamps can form an attachment or "cord" and continue draining you after the session)

If you feel you have been "vamped" after a massage, eat some dark chocolate, something that has a high cocao content. Chocolate is a wonderful energetic grounder. Another rescue technique is taking an epsom salts bath at the end of the day. It is wonderful to release any negative or inappropriate energies.

I hope this helps.

Comment by Ruthellen Wood on August 25, 2009 at 11:06am
Marissa, Thanks for your insight. You are sooooo right. Often I think Therapist burnout is as much energetic as it is physical.
Comment by Marissa on August 25, 2009 at 7:48am
I just had a discussion last night with a Reiki master on the sometimes inability to "ground" myself if taking on too much. I had to learn very early on that blocking/guarding yourself is vital in the massage field. Regardless if you "buy in to" energy medicine or not! I agree, Listen up!

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