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Concerning massage, just like most anything else, there is body action of some kind. Of course that has to be. I must raise my arms and place my hands on my partner to practice Massage. But what is my body action an expression of? That's the question.


Is it an expression of my own small mind, trying to do something? Or is it an expression of the deeper sense of unity? Is it creating goodness out of badness, when a client is stressed out, or in a weakened condition, or injured? Do I think that there is something wrong, and I need to fix it?


This is seeing only the relative world. This is seeing only chaos, where in fact there is perfect order. If I don't see the order, then the order does not influence the client.


The client cannot see the order, balance, harmonious universe, because of their temporary condition. If I don't see perfection, then the client also doesn't see that.


When someone feels pain, there is attachment to that area of the mind/body. So one might think that, if you are attached, in some sense your mind is strong there. But it is just very stuck there.


Attachment is weakness. If my mind is strong, it is free and not stuck. Mind is weak there in that sore place, so if I touch the client there with a free mind, then I can release this attachment.


So the nature of what transpires between us, the quality or flavor of what transpires between us, carries the quality, flavor, or taste of the source of that. If it comes from my small mind, then it carries that flavor; that characteristic. It is not that it is nothing, in this case, but it's limited. It's not limitless. It is not infinite. It's finite.


So what is the point of all that?


It is very important for me to begin to truly understand how it is that energy pervades everything. It is everything there is. So if I think, "I am going to move energy from me to you", this is limited thinking and a bit of a mistake.


Because how can that happen? It's already there.





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