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Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin's Comments

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At 7:13am on April 30, 2011, Judy Vuozzo said…

Morning Kris,

Just a quick hello. Off to work.


At 11:42pm on April 29, 2011, Darren Watson said…

is there a profitable market in l.v. ?


At 4:37pm on April 28, 2011, Kate Bryant said…
Hi Kris, how long have you been practicing, how is business in Vegas
At 3:58pm on April 28, 2011, Janessa M. Botticelli, LMT said…

Hello Kris,


It's nice to meet you! It's no intrusion at all. Thank you very much for adding me to your network. Feel free to contact me anytime.

At 8:25am on April 28, 2011, David Marshall said…

Hey Kris,


Thanks for the message.  No, your always welcome.  As therapists that's how we learn feel free to always drop me a couple of lines.

At 11:22am on April 27, 2011, Paul John Elliott said…

Thanks for the add, Kris.

Networking is good - never an intrusion. Important way to learn about others - and their ways, and about self.

Me: After running a one-man operation for 9 years with a long waiting list, I recently opened a clinic (  Looking forward to hearing what you and others might have to say about ways to help organize and run this beast.

At 9:30am on April 26, 2011, Cynthia Boccuti, LMT said…

Hey Kris. Good to know you. You are not intruding at all. I like learning about and meeting other therapists also. 

Thanks for lookin' me up.

All my best


At 4:43pm on April 24, 2011, Julie Seely said…
Yes, employees are difficult to manage. it is hard to find someone with the same passion as myself.
At 2:25pm on April 24, 2011, Julie Seely said…

Thx for the welcome. How long have you been a massage therapist? I have been one for 15 years and own my own day spa.


At 11:14am on April 24, 2011, Jenn Urganus, NCTMB said…
Hi Kris,

Not intruding at all. I think networking with therapists from all over is so important. How long have you been a massage therapist? I've been one for 3 years now.

At 9:49pm on April 21, 2011, Barbara Jean Bade, LMT said…

Hi Kris,

Great to meet you!


At 7:36pm on April 20, 2011, Nancy MacDonald said…

Hi Kris,

Thanks for your note.  I live and work in the western North Carolina mountains.  This is a link to my website



At 10:12am on April 20, 2011, Angela Palmier said…
I thought I did too!
At 5:33pm on April 18, 2011, William Scott Lawler said…
Nice to meet you too. How is business out in LV?
At 3:09pm on April 17, 2011, Stacey Larson said…
Hi Kris, nice to meet you. I'm definitely open to having more massage therapists in my network! Hope you're doing well! :)
At 9:14pm on April 15, 2011, Fran Swaine said…
Thanks Kris!-fran
At 7:27pm on April 15, 2011, Meekee R McDougald, LMT, NCTM said…
Sorry Kris for leaving 2 messages back to back, but I have been trying to set myself up and figure out marketing plans, etc.  Your website is PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!!  It is smart, savvy and packed with valuable information in every inch of the page!!  Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!
At 7:10pm on April 15, 2011, Meekee R McDougald, LMT, NCTM said…

Hi Kris~ thanks for friending me - you are my first contact! 

I am a new therapist (graduated in October 2010).  It is so exciting to meet other therapists from all over the world.  I understand that the World Massage Festival is going to be held in Las Vegas!  Have you ever attended any of the World Massage Festivals?


Talk to you soon!


At 9:31am on April 14, 2011, Frank Haseloff said…
Hey Kris, nice to connect with you here as well as Linked in. Hows the massage life in Vegas?
At 7:44am on April 14, 2011, Elizabeth Elston, CMT said…
Hi Kris.  I used to live in Las Vegas and I worked at the New York/New York.  How is business in Vegas?  I would love to chat and compare industry standards between Vegas and Michigan.  I am also a Licensed Esthetician and work in a salon/spa.  I will be a certified massage instructor by January 2012.  Regards, Elizabeth

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