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Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin's Comments

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At 10:56pm on March 15, 2011, Jerome Wilson said…
Very cool! I'm fairly new to being an MT. I retired from pro boxing in Jan. 09, and suddenly got the ironic urge to want to comfort and relax others.
At 5:00am on March 15, 2011, Jerome Wilson said…
Whats happening Kris!? Its's my pleasure to meet you. So, how long have you been a MT?
At 5:18pm on March 14, 2011, Emily Jock said…

That sounds great!  I really don't like bugs!  I'm used to those massive Texas sized bugs, you know moths bigger than your hand.  It's a little better here in NY but no bugs would be awesome!


I still do some merchandising for some different companies and still show my face around at my last job as a makeup artist from time to time.  I'm the same way....I just can't give it up yet.  But I'm still very new to massage so I'm sure in time I'll do the same a say adios to retail forever!  That would be great to finally get out of it.  When you know how to do something and you're good at it, it takes time to be able to walk away from it. 

I'll get there one day, to where you are.  Your own massage practice and retail free....sounds great!  :-)


You have a great night Kris!


At 3:32pm on March 14, 2011, Jackie said…
Hi Kris. I lived in Las Vegas 1998-2000. Wish I'd known about MT back then  :) jackie
At 1:59pm on March 14, 2011, Taffie Lewis said…

Hi Kris,

I'm actually not a massage therapists but have spent the past 11 years or so supporting them via massage programs on the west coast and now via ABMP in our edcuation department.  Always happy to connect though.  Keep me posted if you're ever looking for resources that can help you and your practice.  Best wishes!  Taffie

At 11:31am on March 14, 2011, Emily Jock said…

Well what's great about me is I'm almost 28yrs clean.  I'm not into the drug/alcohol scene.  Never have been.  I think I'll make a visit before I make a definate decision though.  I lived in TX for many yrs so heat I'm used to.  But it's so humid there that you can't breath outside by 11am.  It's crazy hott!  Isn't Vegas a dry heat?  My family loves it there.  Most have said if I decide to move there, they're all going too.  lol...we'll see when it's decision day if they actually follow through. 


I do my best not to let the "scenes" around me affect my personal life or work life.  I have to much to lose to allow that to happen.  I just recently made the change from 11yrs of hell retail to massage therapy.  Best decision I've ever made!  Besides my daughter of course.  :)   I still like to go out and have fun but I usually do it sober.  I'm always the DD in my group.  Someone has to the responsible one right?


Never a least you can be honest about the city you call home.  Some people don't see the cons to the city they live in.


At 11:22am on March 14, 2011, Emily Jock said…
lol....I assumed that.  :)
At 9:57am on March 14, 2011, Emily Jock said…
Not at all Kris!  I'm excited to be here.  How's life in Vegas?  I was considering moving there in the next yr or so.  I'm in need of a change from NY.  Great to meet you!
At 6:03pm on March 13, 2011, Char Huber said…

Hi Kris,

All this is new to me, been hiding out in my treatment room too long I guess. Look forward to participating.

At 11:35am on March 13, 2011, Dean Register said…
That is, "Not" and "your"
At 11:34am on March 13, 2011, Dean Register said…
NOt at all. I'm glad enthralled to meet someone with the ability to stretch their limbs across the plains, such as yourself.  Keep it up, and you may have a marketing ploy on yoru hands. 
At 7:41am on March 13, 2011, mary cecilia williams said…
Hi Kris, Thanks for the welcome. New to the computer and all it has to offer.
At 8:36am on March 12, 2011, Susanne Novotny said…

Hi Kris!  It is great to have a MT friend to exchange info with.  I''m new to MT.....and have tons of questions.  Getting ready for work but will touch base with you later. 


At 7:55am on March 12, 2011, Amy Carlson said…
No intrusion and 'hello' from Iowa.  It is always good to meet and talk to other therapists.  Amy.
At 2:10pm on March 11, 2011, Billie Baker- A Feather's Touch said…

Kris it is never an intrusion to meet new and experienced massaged therapists thanks for the request. I have much to learn and i can use.


At 3:22pm on March 10, 2011, Shannon Lisch said…

Hi, and thanks!

I am an RMT in Courtenay, BC and I finally have a little time to explore the web.  A tad overwhelmed right now, but it is a start.

Cheers! Shannon

At 6:09pm on March 9, 2011, Jeannine Wheeler said…

Hello Kris! Nice to "meet" you! I love Vegas ;o)

I was drawn here by the post I saw about opposing NH House bill 446 2011.

Certain state reps think it will save the state $ if they drop required licensing for MT's, cosmetologists, etc. Can you imagine? People offering massage that are untrained? That could bring us back to the days of "massage parlors".

Anyway, thanks for the invite. 

At 11:33am on March 9, 2011, Rob Barber said…
Hello Kris, Thanks for the request!
At 10:01am on March 9, 2011, Hunter Bartlett said…
Hi Kris, thanks for the ad! I'm new to this board, so just getting adjusted. It seems like a great community!
At 3:57pm on March 8, 2011, Viktoria Mergler said…

Hi Kris,

How is life in Las Vegas? I bet you must be very busy living there. There must be a lot of massage therapy opportunities out there? Do you work in one of the spas or do you have your own clients? Viktoria

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