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Views: 12640
Those are some great ideas! Thank you! I thought I was getting out there, but I guess I have been "playing it safe" and not really getting myself out there. I will try some of those ideas for sure! Thank you!
Hi Stephanie,
I had a look at your website. If you are going to go the web route for promoting your massage having a well designed website is really important. I see your serenity4you site is from a free hosting site that will put up whatever banner ads they want in exchange for hosting and design. I dislike these hosting sites for massage therapists because your website should be about you and your massage, not the hosting site and their advertisers. There are some massage themed hosting sites, I believe the ABMP has one that does produce decent sites, that can help you build a site while retaining your character. You can also crowd source your website idea to the world if money is an issue (google: crowdsourced design) or if you can spend a bit more there are many great web designers with whom you can start a design relationship with. When choosing a massage I generally ignore a practitioners websites qualities and judge the practitioner on other contents of their character because, in my experience, many good MT's are not that web savvy and create really bad websites while giving really good massage (perhaps that is why they are MT's and not in Silicon Valley). However, I think the general massage consuming public does not look past the website first impression when making a decision. Best of luck and congratulations on your practice. If you want a couple of California web designer leads feel free to contact me.
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