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I have been in business for over 5 years and practicing massage for over 7 years.  My specialty has always been deep tissue work.  I built a clientele in only 3 years and have been a full time therapist since I started practicing (having never had another job or need for one)  I have just started hiring more therapists in my spa and feel like nothing ever goes the right way.  Today I had a client complain about my massage.  The massage was a deep tissue, and originally on the schedule with my newest therapist who has been practicing only one month at the spa, but due to a scheduling conflict was changed around.  What we didn't know was his daughter had just seen our new therapist and sent him in on a referral. Neither of the clients had ever been to see me before. There was no note in the appointment showing that it was a special request so the appointment was moved (obviously our staff's first mistake we identified)  When I greeted him and took him back he didn't say anything about having requested a specific provider but I did note that he was giving me some strange looks.  I asked a few basic questions about pressure and his occupation and then let him relax in peace(less than 5 minutes).  Trouble was his phone went off every 10 minutes or so leading him to make a comment about it each time.  He also fell asleep 2 or 3 times and was snoring.    The complaint was as follows (from his wife who called in a few hours later)  The therapist talked to much, didn't do a deep enough pressure and wasn't the therapist that was requested during the phone call.  During the massage I asked about pressure and when deeper pressure was applied, he told me it was too hard, so I gave slight adjustments to it and asked again to be sure that it was right, told yes.  I realize that you cannot please everyone but just looking for feedback on what you would have done given this situation.

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My VERY BEST ADVICE is let it roll off your shoulder, clients dont understand that they are not the only person they see so you energy is not going to be all PERKY, and your hands are going to hurt, Ive been working in a spa for a year now and have learned alot. Some clients you cant please, but there are people who do, now its just one client now if many of your clients say the same thing then its you...

this is what i say

Hi My name is Nyema

Take all clothes off but keep your underwear on

Lay face down put your face in the face craddle

Is there anything that you really want me to concentrate on that is causing you sworeness, stiffness etc

(and they tell me)

Well inhale and exhale and relax and ill be right with you

I come back, I do compression from back to feet, pull sheet back and is this your first massage if yes i ask well do you like your pressure and they tell me and then i ask what do you do and they tell me...sometimes i have a conversation with them and sometimes i dont ONLY if they give me that energy to where want to have conversation

Thanks Nyema,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I too only converse if my client leads that way.  That was the biggest part of my frustration with the issue.  That and I do see 6-7 people for an hour massage daily and work Monday through saturday every week and don't normally have a unhappy customer.  I guess my question is what would you have said to the wife that called to complain?

I agree with Nyema. Let it roll off your shoulders. You are not going to be able to satisfy every client, none of us will. Sometimes the issue is the therapist, and then again sometimes the issue has more to do with the client and whats going on in their lives than it is about us. I recently learned this the hard way.


I try to keep conversation to a minimum unless the client is asking questions or initiates conversation. One thing I do at my practice which helps keep my questions to a minimum is that I ask each of my new clients to arrive 5-10 minutes early in order to complete a thorough intake form prior to the appointment. That, or they have the option to print out the form from my website and bring it with them completed. I also build in time between appointments so that I can devote the full duration of time to the client. This allows me enough time to review the completed intake form with the client prior to the session plus ask any questions I might have (I do this when I first take them into the treatment room, i.e. before I leave so they can get undressed and on the table). I also do a brief and informal interview after the session to get feedback on how they perceived their treatment. My IC has been trained to do this as well (intakes and post massage interviews) so that there is consistency in our routines and we ensure we get all the information we need to develop the treatment plan and complete SOAPs or notes on each client session.

Thanks Tonya.  We do that at our office too.  The thing that I was unsure of was how to handle the wife that called in and yelled at the manager and then at me when I called back.  I ended up giving a comp session for his next visit as they were new clients but wanted some feedback on how to handle the wife or did I go too far by giving a free session as compensation?
Its not easy doing this kind of work... Trust me, I know, after 27 years at it.  I wont give you any advice.. But I will tell you an experience.. I work in a spa... I trade massage for a pedicure once a month...As I was waiting for my pedicure, on my day off.. I heard a client complaining about how horrible her massage was...And of course I now the person that massaged her.. She was telling another guest at the spa how horrible her massage was... Worst ever in her life...  Im thinking to myself. I wonder if I should tell the massage therapist what I heard.. I decided not too.. Anyway,, A month later, again in the waiting room for my pedicure...There was another lady in the waiting room with me raveing about her awesome massage... She told me that she  has recieved massages all over the world for over 10 years.. And that her massage today was the best she ever had.. Guess was the very same therapist that was complained about a month prior... So???  For get it..  You cant please everyone.  Just do the best you can given the situation.  Just do your best.If its a scheduling issue, you can fix it.... Otherwise dont worry about it, or you will go Crazy.
Thank you everyone. The question I am trying to resolve is in regard to the compensation.  When a customer complains like this is it normal to offer them something in our business or do we simply say oops sorry it won't happen again.
In a situation like this, and yes this will happen to everyone at some point in their practice. I foundthe only way to deal with the obvious anger issues this costomer has is to kill them with kindness. Even when you are right. An arguement is simply someone trying to change the mind of another. You will never be able to adjust the wifes thinking to be more understanding of her husbands faults. write it off as a lesson learned. Smile and comp him with the new practitioner making sure to have him turn off the phone next time might help also.good luck and don't let them get under your skin. Go get a massage for yourself!

I don't think there is a stock answer to your question.  From what you've stated complaints don't happen very often which suggests this was a rare rather odd situation for you.  It also sounds like you and your staff are working on ways to prevent it from happening again.  I think offering to comp a session for him was very kind of you. 

If it were me I would want to talk with the man directly rather than through the wife to clarify his complaint.  I would also want to personally offer the comp session and explain why you are giving it to him.  You strive to provide excellent service to your clients and want him to have an exceptional experience in your business and hope he will give your business another opportunity to provide that to him.

I think the best rule of thumb here is to do what you are most comfortable with regarding complaints. 
Thank You. That really addressed my concern.

You're welcome.  It is apparent you are trying to do the best you can in order to retain this client as well as his daughter for future business.  I find this admirable.

There are two books you may find helpful in preparing for upcoming issues/problems that may occur as your business builds.  I strive to provide incredible customer service and these books are all about creating clientele that appreciates incredible customer service.  From what you have posted I have the impression you would enjoy these books and be able to implement the ideas to your benefit.

Positively Outrageous Service How to Delight and Astound Your Customers and Win Them for Life

by T. Scott Gross

Service Magic The Art of Amazing Your Customers

by Ron Zemke and Chip Bell

One thing I always try to do when a situation arises is think about if the situation was reversed how would I want it handled.  That gives me a starting point and my clients truly appreciate that I treat each of them individually.  I hope you find these helpful.

Thank you very much.  I do indeed find that helpful.  And Thank you to Kristi too.  I had been a sole practitioner for so long I never had to worry about all these new things.  It is a hard balance to achieve happy customers and happy employees while making enough money to feed your family and balance your own personal life at the same time.  Until I started adding employee's I handled all my own calls, customers etc and never had a single complaint.  I really want to be able to find a balance so I can focus on my massage customers too.  Thank you all for talking with me.  I plan on getting those books and tearing through them.

Right off the bat, what if someone doesn't want to remove their bra. Or their socks. Or their pants for that matter. I say "Undress to your level of comfort; you will be fully draped during the massage except for whatever area I'm working on."



Nyema Tolese Randall said:

My VERY BEST ADVICE is let it roll off your shoulder, clients dont understand that they are not the only person they see so you energy is not going to be all PERKY, and your hands are going to hurt, Ive been working in a spa for a year now and have learned alot. Some clients you cant please, but there are people who do, now its just one client now if many of your clients say the same thing then its you...

this is what i say

Hi My name is Nyema

Take all clothes off but keep your underwear on

Lay face down put your face in the face craddle

Is there anything that you really want me to concentrate on that is causing you sworeness, stiffness etc

(and they tell me)

Well inhale and exhale and relax and ill be right with you

I come back, I do compression from back to feet, pull sheet back and is this your first massage if yes i ask well do you like your pressure and they tell me and then i ask what do you do and they tell me...sometimes i have a conversation with them and sometimes i dont ONLY if they give me that energy to where want to have conversation

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