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Views: 17998
Do any of these online scheduling companies also offer online gift certificate sales? Or is that an entire different industry?
Hi Kim
Bookit Live offer a voucher code purchase meaning you can give discounts or gift purchases and Mind Body online I am pretty sure do the same.
Kim Galliher said:
Do any of these online scheduling companies also offer online gift certificate sales? Or is that an entire different industry?
Kim and Jeff,
Appointment-Plus offers gift certificates that can be purchased on-line, securely. Those gift certificates can either be mailed to a recipient, or e-mailed to the recipient or purchaser. The purchaser also is not required to have an account with Appointment-Plus but could purchase a gift certificate for a friend or family member they know uses your service. Also that Gift Certificate is trackable in the Appointment-Plus system.
Becky Legamaro
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it!
I've been on the hunt for a while now and there always seems to be something about each offer that makes it less then ideal for me.
This thread has allowed me to research some more options that are available but the one I've discovered and have been testing recently I believe was not mentioned:
I believe it's primarily for hair stylists but it seems to function for MTs as well. Although it doesn't offer a html code to put the booking process within your website (as clickbook and bookfresh does) you can add a booking link.
It also offers a way to upload photos that will be seen if/when clients go to your scheduling site.
As for customer service, there's a chatbox always available and the help I received was excellent, despite asking questions I could have learned if I would have just taken the time to play/research a little more. The company is on the West Coast, so if they're off line check your clocks.
They are currently testing phone apps including smart phones - something I have been looking forward to since I don't own an iPhone and if companies offer an app it's for that only. I'm not sure what all it will entail, though.
Additionally, they do offer email marketing, although it's not readily available (one of the things I needed the chatbox for) via link - you have to email your interest and they set-up the ID/Password with the company they utilize.
I haven't done this yet; I currently use Constant Contact but am looking for a plan that is more economical for me, esp on those months I can't find the time to send something.
The bottom line, I think it takes a whole lot of time using free trials to see what works best and is most cost-effective. It's time consuming at best but I can't help but think it's worth it in the end once it's finally set-up and some new clients are gained!!
Just wanted to mention that all of us associated with these different scheduling solutions obviously have our biases. I would hope you would compare what our clients say about our products and services. No better place to do that than our respective Facebook pages.
Here's the link to Schedulicity's Facebook page!
Would love to hear what you think.
All the best,
Michael Wilson
Director of New Media
Hi Donna,
I just wanted to respond to your statements about e-mail marketing and chat assistance. Appouintment-Plus has both of those features as well. If you go to you can chat with an associate, also we integrate with iContact, who has a FREE version for small businesses. You can sign up for the free version here: http://appointment-plus.iconta
Have a great day!
Becky Legamaro
Just a reminder...
ABMP Members receive a 15% Lifetime Discount on Genbook. Sign up on a 30-Day Free Trial here:
Happy to answer any questions you may have.
Marc Woodward, VP Marketing,
After researching into the various online scheduling companies out there, I chose MindBodyOnline (MBO). The biggest reason I chose them over the competition was b/c they offered online credit card (cc) payment that wasn't paypal. Nothing against paypal, but some of my clients are banking lawyers and they've told me that it wasn't as secure as some of the other online cc companies.
Although MBO didn't offer the free trial period, it was after using all the other companies free trials before I realized none of them worked for me. One of them didn't allow for the scheduling of multiple services, it might have been genbook, I can't remember now, I tried several of them. Many of the other services seemed okay, but I really wanted clients to be able to have the option to prepay and only one other service offered that and it was prepay system through paypal. Because none of the ones with free trials worked out, I finally purchased with MBO. MBO had extensive help both in the form of tech support and also a video tutorial for EVERY single little step in setting up. Not only can a client pay for their session on MBO, but they can also order gift certificates to print off or email, I didn't have to get a separate service for that. Not only that but the amount of things you can control in the set-up of the online scheduling of MBO is just amazing!
Although I've only had it for about two months, the online scheduling has been really helpful in cutting down the phone and email tag between clients. I've also had new clients use it and they chose my business b/c they liked the website, but booked an appt. because it was just that easy.
If you want to check out the MBO version, feel free to go to my site at and play around with the scheduling set-up. Just enter "test" as your first or last name, so I know you're not a real client.
Whatever your choice, I highly recommend signing up for all the various free and 30 day tutorials that most of the online scheduling programs offer to get a feel for the various set ups and whether or not they will work for you. The best way to find out is to sign up and try them all out because only YOU know what it is you need in your practice!
I really like Full Slate, but I guess there are still some site I haven't seen before. definitely take Rajam K Roose advice and try them all out.
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