massage and bodywork professionals

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Why did you decide to work toward becoming a massage therapist or bodyworker? We're you inspired by a massage you received? Is it because you want to help people heal? Is it spiritual? Monetary? Because the training can be relatively quick? All of you decided to commit and pay for a massage therapy training program. What brought you to that decision?

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I had multiple reasons to becoming a massage therapist... First, after being laid off earlier this year, I realized I did not want to get another "corporate" type job. I'm tired of working for someone else and making no money. The stress levels in the corporate job were horrible and it was affecting my health. So I am now going to school and working with "like-minded" people which makes life more enjoyable and fun. I also do several other types of alternative healing work (Reiki, The Reconnection, Oneness Blessing, Hypnosis), all of which fit into massage very nicely, and gives me the opportunity to help people on many levels.
I enrolled in an MT program primarily to get my license so that I can pursue aromatherapy more in depth with clients.  Taking this step has opened up a whole new world for me, and it's very exciting to think about all the possibilities.  
I began massage school because I didnt know what I wanted to do with my life. I've worked with young athletes for about 10 years and my significant other has a dislocated shoulder, a broken clavicle and two titanium bolts in his left hip. One day after getting off the phone with him, I decided I wanted to help prevent and heal injuries like his and to become an MT. I've been on this roller coaster ride ever since and it's been amazing.

My journey has been a doozie.  After over 20 years in the IT field, I felt a career change was in order.  I started attending a community college to take some of the sciences I would need to go into a health related field.  My "plan" was to either go into nursing, physical therapy or acupuncture school.  Nursing was the most likely due to the time and cost it would take for me to get the degree and start the new career (I already have a BS).  I noticed there was an "Intro to Massage Therapy" class being offered, thought it sounded fun and enrolled.  Needless to say, I loved the class!  The instructor noticed my love of the subject and suggest I give the MT program consideration (I had no clue that the community college even offered massage therapy).  I enrolled to being the next semester but ending up having to drop due to work demands.

6 months later, I was laid off from my job.  When the next fall came, I reapplied back into the program so here I am!   Graduate next month - woo hoo!  Our massage program is very geared towards medical/orthopedic massage.  My plan is to work with athletes (I used to be a distance runner until knee issues forced me to cut back the milage).


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