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Good Morning everyone,

     I have just seen something that's new to me after 23 years of practice. I have a client who injured her neck about 10 years ago in a yoga headstand, her neck turned to the left and she fell over. She was in a rear end car accident about two months ago. I have seen  her for five sessions.  The left side of  her neck is very dense and larger than the right, especially near the clavicle. Her SCM is very thick and tight and when I compress it-her whole left side of her neck and face start twitching. These are very strong and last for over ten seconds.

     I have never seen this before and I'm wondering if this is something more than a local twitch response, since it covers a large area. Does anyone have any input? I would really appreciate your feedback.  Thanks.


Jody H.

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Could be compression of the seventh cranial nerve. Try stretching the SCM from the edge of the muscle. CST release would be what I would use along with stretching the SCM.

Is the right side normal, flaccid or tight especially around the neck. Do the muscles on the right side feel like they are melting with the neck bones or are they well defined. The engorge either has to come from within the tissues on the left or sucking from the tissues on the right. When you compressed what is tight and thick you triggered the response you were getting. Any undo pressure is a no go. 


Which cervicals are rotated and side bent (flexed laterally)?  How's her knees and bowels and even ankles and the right side of her anterior chest; chances are you are looking for some ribs that are rotated and stuck; when the SCM is in a constant condition of being flex is is being made to work. This work could be protection or an antagonist. The neck must be drained as much as you can get that stuff down and out through the left arm and left lymp quadrant..and yes this is more than just a twist are looking for a button that will bring the larger density muscles down...there may or may not be one switch you may have to manually drain it out or figure out how to pull it over to the right side and let the right side lymph magnetically drain the left side. 

The car accident has exacerbated something that was under control before. Have her tell you exactly what that is. Then you will have a better idea what it is that you are actually dealing with that fixable. Her injury is severe from 10 years problem you can't change that yet. The most recent injury has altered what was previously there and what had grown accustomed to the compensation patterns. The patterns have change. She knows this information. Once you see the old patterning a new picture forms.

Where does she hurt? Is it pain on movement?.. Or does she hurt all the time, or?

Pain is with turning head to the left. Hurts all the time, left shoulder is anterior and raised. I'm wondering if I engage this response will it run down or just keep going?

I have shown this client how to stretch the SCM and other muscles, I will see if this has helped next week.

If it is the 7th Cranial nerve, what to do besides stretching?



Well not actually seeing and touching your client... Im not qualified to say anything... One thing I do know.. Is that we are not doctors...We are massage therapists..Im guessing that there are trigger points around( 95% chance)...From what you are saying, check for trigger points upper left trap and levitor scapulae.  Thats all I do ...Eliminate trigger points..  Get rid of the palatable pain and sore spots on his body regardless of where you find it.  Find where he is sore...and work those areas without making them worse.. You do that... He will feel better..  If there are no palpatable sore spots..Do whatever soothes at the moment. 

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