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I dont know you guys... When I first came into this site I made some kind of comment that I was better then a Chiropractor.  It drew some flack of course. .And I can throw in MDs and some Physical therapists into that mind set too..Its just how I feel is all.  Doesnt mean Im right..Its just how I feel.  I dont mean it in a bostful way ..I just think any skilled massage therapist is a better person to see if you have or are suffering from aches and pains...Even debilitating crippling pain... Now Im talking structural problems..Aches and pains in the body... None of the above professions seem to know anything about muscular pain...They seem to know nothing.. Aboslutely nothing.  And this mindset that I have is being constantly affirmed and reafirmed by clients that I work on...I work in a spa..So most of people that I work on just need a massage.. No particular problems other then sore between the shoulders. They are just burnt out and need a good massage... Well yesterday I had a women in her forties as a client..Her husband bought her a massage at the spa where I work...And she just happend to get me, as her therapist...After talking with her.. I found out that she thought it was rediculess to even get a massage.. After all she'd had years of chiropractic and that didnt work..So she went to medical doctors...and they did two surguries in her lumbar L5 area...and she is schedualled for nervconduction tests after the massage and they want to do a 3rd surgery in the same area because its not working or helping her...As a matter of fact she is worse then ever...  She told me her nervers are damaged and she has constant siatica, pain in her hips and legs, mostly her left.. Her feet are numb and tingle in pin prick way all the time..And that she constantly has a headache....When I touched her L5 area, where they did the two surgeries, it felt nausiating and horrible to her...So I left that area alone..However I did find several really bad trigger points in her mid and upper spinal erectors both sides, one really bad levitor scapula trigger point on the right and two upper trap trigger points one each side...In addition I found a really bad  trigger point on her left SI joint area.  I made all those trigger points go away..All of them...It was very easy too..Simple..Didnt take very long..and it felt good to her..I explained to her, what I was doing and why.. So.. after the massage... No more headache, no more pin prick tingling in her feet, no more sciatica.. Only her low back hurt where her multiple surgeries were done...You should of seen how happy she was...I cant say for sure... but I seriously doubt she ever needed surgery in the first place. Im disgusted with the medical profession, when it comes to structural problems...Ok now listen to this.  She told me her husbands feet hurt all the time...The docs told him he has plantar faciaits or whatever, and that he needs surgery...Id bet he just needs a foot rub...To me, hands on bodywork, massage from a skilled therapist is NO.1   and whatever MDs learn in medical school about  structural pain is way back in the fricken middle ages, and primitive..  Its just how I feel.. Im just dumping...and Im not bragging or being boastful when I make those comments about being better then a Chro or MD.   I mean what good massage therapist couldn't  of helped that women???   Ok,,Im finished dumping... lol   Another massage day awaits....

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This is not directed at any one person but in general.. people are not dumb!!! Be polite and assume everyone at least has the potenial to learn what you have . All mt you're clients are not stupid!!! The propablity. Is that they are at least if not more educated than you and are likely to assume you are less educated then they are! Just dumping thanks.

It is part of the human condition that most regard themselves smarter than the other.

elizabeth mount said:

This is not directed at any one person but in general.. people are not dumb!!! Be polite and assume everyone at least has the potenial to learn what you have . All mt you're clients are not stupid!!! The propablity. Is that they are at least if not more educated than you and are likely to assume you are less educated then they are! Just dumping thanks.

Elizabeth, I think you have the wrong impression about what has been said in the thread.  Unless I missed a post, no one has said mentioned anything derogatory about a client.

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