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I am a fairly new LMT.  I am currently working in a chiropractor's office several days a week.  My shifts are usually 4 - 6 hrs.  Most of the time I am booked for my entire shift so I am massaging almost the entire time.  Most days I have a new patient every half hour.  But there are days that they are scheduled for an hour long massage.  ( I have had days where I have given 3 or 4 hour massages along with the half hour massages) 

My hands are sore!  I am pretty good about doing self care in between sessions.  I try to stretch my flexors and extensors and pecs throughout the day.  But lately my hands have been sore.  They feel like they want to cramp up.  And they feel weak.  I am also experiencing carpal tunnel symptoms at night. 

What can I do to prevent this from getting worse?  What kind of stretches can I do?  Exercises?  Self massage but where to focus so I am doing as little "work" as possible. 

I am trying to change my techniques so I use my palm, forearm and elbow more often during a session.  Still learning as I go.   Although I am not really sure how to avoid kneading the traps.  Suggestions???

Other than that I am doing okay.  I do have days when my back bothers me (previous injury that flares up on occasion) I am constantly checking my body mechanics and correcting myself which helps. 

Suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!


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You are really massaging a lot!  Your stamina should build over time.  One thing I do when my hands hurt is dunk up to just past my elbows in ice water for 30 seconds at a time.  It's painful sometimes but it really helps.  I will do that 3-4 times over a couple of hours while the ice water is still cold enough.  On really bad days I will do contrast hydrotherapy - dunk in ice water for 30 seconds, then run my hands under moderately hot water for about 15 seconds, and repeat.  I finish with 30 seconds in the ice water. That never fails to help me.

I also use this:

I know it's for horses but I'm never without a bottle at home (or at the barn!).  It's really good stuff.

Make sure your shoulders are loose when you are massaging - tight shoulders contribute to carpal tunnel.  And make sure that your wrists are in neutral both directions (side to side and up and down) when you are applying pressure.

As far as stretches go, I highly recommend yoga.  It stretches your whole body and opens things up.  And it will stretch your hands and wrists in the process.

Therese has some really great suggestions, but don't forget to treat yourself to a massage from someone else once in a while.  Not only is it great because you are able to fully relax and allow the techniques to do what they do best, but having others work on you is an opportunity to learn new techniques and different approaches.  You can ask them what they do and you are able to have them show you in person.  

As Therese said, as a new therapist your body needs to build up stamina for the work you are doing.  So if you get into a routine of stretching every morning before work and in the evenings after work, that should help to prepare your body for work and de-stress it at the end of the day.

Another thing to note is that trigger points at the origin of the extensors (your elbow on the lateral side) can lead to pain or discomfort that acts like carpal tunnel but isn't.  So it would be good to spend some time working that area.

In Health!

Thank you both for the suggestions.  I did some work on myself lastnight around the medial and lateral epicondyle of the humerus along with some palmer friction/compressions to my flexors and extensors.   I also did a tiny bit of work on my pecs and scalenes.   That helped alot.  I didn't hurt as much as I had been.  Not completely gone but definitely decreased.  Hands still wanted to remain closed into a fist.  =(  


Didn't even think about whether my shoulders are tense when I massage.  I will have to pay attention to that.  I bet towards the end of the day they are.  I do try to do a couple shoulder rolls after a session to stay loose.  But I will have to check myself tomorrow during a session to see if my shoulders are elevated.  For all I know they could practically be attached to my ears! 


I will try using an ice pack during the day when I have the time.  Probably will try to add that into my self care after work.  I have had days when I needed to use ice on my back.  And I feel fine the next day.  I don't know why I didn't think to ice my forearms.  (well, it's winter here and cold... so sitting w/ ice isn't something you WANT to do right now)


I do need to have someone work on me.  I was thinking that about a week or so ago.  That THAT is something I miss about school.  Having work done on me so I can feel the techniques and learn from what they do.  Everyone is a little different.   

You are welcome!  I didn't think of this the other day, but you said your hands want to stay closed into a fist - this is a perfect tool for you to try:

I have one and it's great!  The bands wear out and break over time but they are inexpensive to replace.

The ice is not so much fun to use!  Especially when it's cold!  But it makes a big difference.

Also, I just got one of the SpaBall Kaddies from Golf Ball Massage a few days ago, and it's great for self-massage.  I can tell you from personal experience that you can find all the sore spots in your pec's and arms!

Spa ball caddy?  Looks very interesting!!  

Therese Schwartz said:

You are welcome!  I didn't think of this the other day, but you said your hands want to stay closed into a fist - this is a perfect tool for you to try:

I have one and it's great!  The bands wear out and break over time but they are inexpensive to replace.

The ice is not so much fun to use!  Especially when it's cold!  But it makes a big difference.

Also, I just got one of the SpaBall Kaddies from Golf Ball Massage a few days ago, and it's great for self-massage.  I can tell you from personal experience that you can find all the sore spots in your pec's and arms!

Here's the link:

I should have posted it before but I didn't think of it.  I'm finding it a bit of a learning curve to use it on clients but I've only tried 3 times! :)  But it's easy and effective to use on myself.

It will get better too.  When I started I was on here talking about how sore I was but I built up my stamina and was soon doing 6 hour massages a day.  About half of my 60 minutes massages are using other techniques-fists, flat of the elbow, forearms it really helps cut down on the soreness and it seems to me will cut down on repetitive use injury.  I also use my body weight to put the strength into my moves instead of use the grip of my hands.  I keep my hands in a neutral position and use my body weight while I move them up the back.  The only soreness I experience now is in my right shoulder but I've had issues there since I was a teenager so I can't really say it is massage related.  I have also trained my 12 year old son how to do deep cross fiber work on my traps with his elbow and he helps me out after a long day.  He has gotten so good at hitting all my trouble zones that I actually prefer his bit of therapeutic work over a standard massage I get from others.  Anyway, this is what works for me.  I think the important thing is finding what works and sticking with it.

I have been thinking about that spaball kaddy for the last two days.  I want to order it but seems a bit pricey with the shipping charges.  Money is a bit tight right now so we'll see.  But when I am able to afford it I will make sure to practice on myself and my husband before using it at work. 


Thanks Kim.  I am really paying attention to my body mechanics.  And found that I wasn't using my body weight as much as I thought I was.  So I was using my upper body and hands way too much.  Now that I am paying attention I have been using more of my body weight along with other techniques the last few days at work and I have noticed that it has helped. 


I have to keep working on myself and get my butt in for a massage soon.  I don't think it will get better until then because I am not able to rest the muscles that are hurting.  =(


Anyone have any experiece with the therapist thumb?  or any other "tools"? 

Simply roll a large marble or stone ball with your hand. It is the traditional version of this therapy and found in several places in the world. It is a simple method but very effective for loosening tight muscle. It has been in use for thousands of years. The original hot stone therapy from Hawaii is also similar but the edge of the warm stone is used a bit like a guasha scraper which is found throughout Asia. The difference is a round rolling stone is used. Great for rolling the back on both sides of the spine sacrum to c7. It is popular in Eastern Europe and no need for a caddy just the hard ball and your hand. It is like lying on a tennis ball for self therapy but the assisted version.

Jimswife said:

I have been thinking about that spaball kaddy for the last two days.  I want to order it but seems a bit pricey with the shipping charges.  Money is a bit tight right now so we'll see.  But when I am able to afford it I will make sure to practice on myself and my husband before using it at work. 


Thanks Kim.  I am really paying attention to my body mechanics.  And found that I wasn't using my body weight as much as I thought I was.  So I was using my upper body and hands way too much.  Now that I am paying attention I have been using more of my body weight along with other techniques the last few days at work and I have noticed that it has helped. 


I have to keep working on myself and get my butt in for a massage soon.  I don't think it will get better until then because I am not able to rest the muscles that are hurting.  =(


Anyone have any experiece with the therapist thumb?  or any other "tools"? 

Ya know.. Those are the very things that people, at least some of them, come to see us for.. They hurt...We go through all this schooling and training.. Licensing, testing, Grading, studying...and so on.Pay all this money...And feel confidant about how we can heal and help people.. And then when we are hurt.. We don't know what to do... I know, Ive been through it myself..Hurt so bad from doing this kind of work, that I thought I would have to quit... but that was a long time ago... I can heal myself now..Self  ..And because of that.. I can , with confidence help a lot of people that come in to see me if they are hurting.... This is going to sound kind of crazy.. But take advantage of this time..Massage yourself.. stop thinking and feel your sore muscles.. Self massage and stretch.. Learn how to work on really sore muscles, trigger points, and so on.. And in the process, you will heal yourself.. and really know.   Also, when I do a massage now... I am so relaxed, I cant even believe it...I use to be so stiff when I first started doing this kind of work.. Not like a robot, but a long those lines. Thinking. Trying to do it right...Right ergonomics, posture and so on.. Instead of just figuring out how to work comfortably.  Don't worry...Take every ones advice, then do it your way.  That's real learning.

OMG Gordon your post.... literally brought tears to my eyes!  THAT is how I feel and it's frustrating.  I don't want to ask anyone that I work with to work on me because I'm embarrased to admit that I am hurting and can't seem to make myself better.  So I just push through and I know that I shouldn't. And like you said, I have been working on myself a little bit at the end of the day.  Basically I am just laying there tired, and just doing what feels good at the moment.  And later I realize I've just automatically went to O & I of my sore muscles or found and released a trigger point without really thinking about it.  I have provided myself with some relief but just can't seem to heal myself.  I did start reviewing some of the material from school.  Trying to refresh my memory about CTS, TOS and pain referrel patterns.  I can't believe how much I have forgotten already.  But I will make time later this afternoon to focus on ME before I get tired.  Maybe I stumble across something different and will have one of those A-ha moments!! 


Thank you Gordon for being so open and honest.  Refreshing and helpful. 

The key is to stop thinking....Forget everything you learned... It didnt help you..Feel your body without any thinking...Dont even think about referred pain patterns...Move and feel where you are sore...Stretch and massage those areas in a way that hurts good... Increase your protein intake.. As healthy as broccoli is.. It wont do it...Protein is the only thing that rebuilds damaged muscle tissue...A liquid protein supplement during injury times helps a lot. Not telling you what to do.. Just telling you what I do. Or did.  Work your hands and arms.....try this..   on a carpeted area... lay on you stomach...arms hands palm down over your head...have a friend, husband , or someone step on your forearms and hands with their bare feet.  They wont have to work hard.. Their body weight will do it...have them walk your forearms and hands every day.  Thats just one thing to do.  Massage school is to intellectual. Just how to pass tests..Now you can learn reality....Dont worry.. You can fix yourself... Develop your elbow techniques.... Its not only an opportunity to find out how to heal sore muscles... Now you can learn new techniques...Practice doing an entire massage using only your forearms and elbow.  Dont be embarrassed to have another therapist work on your hands and forearms... In the spa where I work.. We do that all the time.  Dont worry.. This will pass.   If I could work on you... You would be well very soon.. And Im sure , that I'm not the only one that for you.   This time will pass.

Jimswife said:

OMG Gordon your post.... literally brought tears to my eyes!  THAT is how I feel and it's frustrating.  I don't want to ask anyone that I work with to work on me because I'm embarrased to admit that I am hurting and can't seem to make myself better.  So I just push through and I know that I shouldn't. And like you said, I have been working on myself a little bit at the end of the day.  Basically I am just laying there tired, and just doing what feels good at the moment.  And later I realize I've just automatically went to O & I of my sore muscles or found and released a trigger point without really thinking about it.  I have provided myself with some relief but just can't seem to heal myself.  I did start reviewing some of the material from school.  Trying to refresh my memory about CTS, TOS and pain referrel patterns.  I can't believe how much I have forgotten already.  But I will make time later this afternoon to focus on ME before I get tired.  Maybe I stumble across something different and will have one of those A-ha moments!! 


Thank you Gordon for being so open and honest.  Refreshing and helpful. 

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