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I was wondering if I should even comment about this.. But I will.. Because I'm really bothered by it..And I run into similar situations often enough.. My last client yesterday.  She was Im guessing about fifty years old...She was very depressed looking.. Tired looking...She told me she had fibromyalgia(how do you spell it?) .   I asked  her were she hurt... She said both her arms are constantly aching. And her back hurts...She made it clear that her arms were her biggest problem.. She told me that she has had six months of deep tissue massage one to two times a  week and still not better..Talking to her further, she told me that she feels worse after the massages, and that they are so painful...She just wants to relax today...Someone gave her a gift certificate for a massage at the spa where I work... I did a complete trigger point scan..Found a trigger point in her left SI joint...a left side L4 spinal erector TP.. A really bad painful one in her Latissimus dorsi (edge of shoulder blade) on her left...One in her infraspinatus (another bad one)on her left.  And a really bad( when I say bad, I mean sore as hell) supraspinatus TP on her right side. Also a right side pectoralis TP.. She told me nobody palpated those Latissimus, infraspinatus or supraspinatus TPs before?   Long story short...I eliminated those trigger points..Wasnt painful either...She was unbelievably happy after her hour session yesterday. She couldnt believe her arms didnt hurt...... She rescheduled for another massage in four days...I will recheck her ..Im sure some of those TPs will come back..But her problem is over with...Another session or two will be about it.. Im just shocked.. All she was told by the docs was that she had fibromylagia or however you spell it, and all this massage that did  nothing for six months.!!!. My gawd???  I didnt want to know who was treating her...They obviously didnt know what they were doing... I cant believe it...She is going to be well here real soon..Her problem is simple.  Those people treating her in  must live in some kind of fantasy world?  Certainly not in reality.. So obviously easy... She had to quit because it was getting too expansive.  She told me that she paid $55.00 for each massage...I keep saying it.....But this massage education system we got going better stop teaching for the tests..Cause this is the result.

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300,000 people a year?

Kay Warren said:

........ That being said, MDs kill over 300K people per year, more than 5x the number of civilians killed by guns..... deaths and injury to approved drug interaction.

Lee Edelberg said:

300,000 people a year?

Kay Warren said:

........ That being said, MDs kill over 300K people per year, more than 5x the number of civilians killed by guns.....

Check the two attachments..

Daniel Cohen said: deaths and injury to approved drug interaction.

Lee Edelberg said:

300,000 people a year?

Kay Warren said:

........ That being said, MDs kill over 300K people per year, more than 5x the number of civilians killed by guns.....


I just reread this line of thought..Great job Gary...Ive worked with acupuncturists, MDs, chiropractors,naturalpaths, and physical therapists.  All Im going to say is....I know what they do, what they tell their patients and what they do to treat their patients in general...and I know what I say and do..If Im sick...I stay home and drink herbal teas. If Im in pain, back hurts or whatever...I know a couple good massage therapists that I go see. Im talking mostly about how they handle things like back pain, sciatic and such.. .. Gary, you are more advanced then you think..Look what you did for that 82 year old women...Amazing in many ways.

Gary W Addis said:

I was extremely lucky in the instructor I was assigned for NMT--I switched to night class to get into his class, those I started with 15 months ago didn't.  I learned to work trigger points; sadly, they didn't.  And I've had another benefit. You, Stephen and Daniel and Gordon are generous to me and anyone else who asks for advice.  Then there's the expertise of CEU providers Myers, Allen, Benjamin, Luchau, Davies--too many to name.   Actually, I've never met an LMT who doesn't eagerly share his knowledge without reservation.     

Stephen Jeffrey said:

Great stuff Gordon and Gary,

its so interesting hearing how your career is shaping up Gary well done.

In another link I talked about a co-worker of mine who was talking with a friend about weather too see an MD or Chiro for her neck pain...They didnt even consider a massage. And they see me every day..They hear me talking...Well I did convince her to let me work on her...In a few minutes, her neck pain was gone.. Gone is good..Now she knows reality.. She is coming to see me today about her hips that have been bothering her on and off for a long time. The interesting thing is, Gary, you could of taken care of her neck problem too.. if I remember correctly...three big easy to find TPs were causing her problem....A while back I made a  statement saying that Im better then a chiropractor..I think it shocked some people to have me say that... But look what Gary did for that 82 year old women..Gary isnt even finished with massage school yet.. For whatever reason.  We have a High Art thats just not recognized by anyone. 

Gordon J. Wallis said:

I just reread this line of thought..Great job Gary...Ive worked with acupuncturists, MDs, chiropractors,naturalpaths, and physical therapists.  All Im going to say is....I know what they do, what they tell their patients and what they do to treat their patients in general...and I know what I say and do..If Im sick...I stay home and drink herbal teas. If Im in pain, back hurts or whatever...I know a couple good massage therapists that I go see. Im talking mostly about how they handle things like back pain, sciatic and such.. .. Gary, you are more advanced then you think..Look what you did for that 82 year old women...Amazing in many ways.

Gary W Addis said:

I was extremely lucky in the instructor I was assigned for NMT--I switched to night class to get into his class, those I started with 15 months ago didn't.  I learned to work trigger points; sadly, they didn't.  And I've had another benefit. You, Stephen and Daniel and Gordon are generous to me and anyone else who asks for advice.  Then there's the expertise of CEU providers Myers, Allen, Benjamin, Luchau, Davies--too many to name.   Actually, I've never met an LMT who doesn't eagerly share his knowledge without reservation.     

Stephen Jeffrey said:

Great stuff Gordon and Gary,

its so interesting hearing how your career is shaping up Gary well done.

Massage is the best.

Wednesday a woman who suffers migraines came in to see me.....she was experiencing a mild one at the time. 

I practice full-body Esalen massage but I found some "headache material" in her neck so I spent extra time there.  Afterwards she was so happy she was practically jumping around the room because her migraine was gone, and nobody had ever done that for her before. All I did was help her muscles relax and release!

Thx for the link Daniel......that could be a useful site.

Its amazing isn't it.. Well done Lee.  Hopefully she will tell her friends.. I mean once any horrible pathology is ruled out.  Its massage therapy all the way..

Lee Edelberg said:

Massage is the best.

Wednesday a woman who suffers migraines came in to see me.....she was experiencing a mild one at the time. 

I practice full-body Esalen massage but I found some "headache material" in her neck so I spent extra time there.  Afterwards she was so happy she was practically jumping around the room because her migraine was gone, and nobody had ever done that for her before. All I did was help her muscles relax and release!

Thx for the link Daniel......that could be a useful site.

Just finished working on my co-worker...The one that was trying to decided weather to see a Chiropractor or MD. for her neck n head ache pain....this was her second session...some of the trigger points I released last session came back, but only about 25% of what they were before..I worked on her a half hour today and eliminated  another half dozen TPs on the trunk of her body..Turned her over and did some good cervical work.... When she left she said "I cant believe how good I feel now."  She paid me in beer...   So I should be feeling pretty good myself

Gordon J. Wallis said:

In another link I talked about a co-worker of mine who was talking with a friend about weather too see an MD or Chiro for her neck pain...They didnt even consider a massage. And they see me every day..They hear me talking...Well I did convince her to let me work on her...In a few minutes, her neck pain was gone.. Gone is good..Now she knows reality.. She is coming to see me today about her hips that have been bothering her on and off for a long time. The interesting thing is, Gary, you could of taken care of her neck problem too.. if I remember correctly...three big easy to find TPs were causing her problem....A while back I made a  statement saying that Im better then a chiropractor..I think it shocked some people to have me say that... But look what Gary did for that 82 year old women..Gary isnt even finished with massage school yet.. For whatever reason.  We have a High Art thats just not recognized by anyone. 

Gordon J. Wallis said:

I just reread this line of thought..Great job Gary...Ive worked with acupuncturists, MDs, chiropractors,naturalpaths, and physical therapists.  All Im going to say is....I know what they do, what they tell their patients and what they do to treat their patients in general...and I know what I say and do..If Im sick...I stay home and drink herbal teas. If Im in pain, back hurts or whatever...I know a couple good massage therapists that I go see. Im talking mostly about how they handle things like back pain, sciatic and such.. .. Gary, you are more advanced then you think..Look what you did for that 82 year old women...Amazing in many ways.

Gary W Addis said:

I was extremely lucky in the instructor I was assigned for NMT--I switched to night class to get into his class, those I started with 15 months ago didn't.  I learned to work trigger points; sadly, they didn't.  And I've had another benefit. You, Stephen and Daniel and Gordon are generous to me and anyone else who asks for advice.  Then there's the expertise of CEU providers Myers, Allen, Benjamin, Luchau, Davies--too many to name.   Actually, I've never met an LMT who doesn't eagerly share his knowledge without reservation.     

Stephen Jeffrey said:

Great stuff Gordon and Gary,

its so interesting hearing how your career is shaping up Gary well done.

I'm home today with a sore fun... Anyway I forgot what thread I talked about this on.. but I saw a lady a few days ago that had really bad hip pain...after having  two back surgeries surgeries.. Well the surgeries did stop pain from running down her leg, but she was left with left hip pain that was so bad she couldnt even turn over at night in bed.   The docs told her they can do another surgery to try and fix that... I gave her only one massage...she had a trigger point on her illiac crest lateral to her L5 L4 area....I just saw her yesterday...there was no sign of was gone.. she was only hear to visit her family.. she left today...but my goodness...What would they operate on? It was just one big Trigger point?  I cant help but think how many people I could help avoid surgery...... No wonder our health care costs are so high...If only doctors understood what a trigger point is..  It was actually a very simple   How many thousands of dollars would that cost? I guess they would just slash that nerve that innervated that area??   They no not what they are doing.

As for the sore throat try making hot black pepper tea. It only takes a pinch of ground black pepper in a cup of hot water. Steep for 2-3 minutes and drink the whole thing warm. Great antiinflammatory/antibacterial.

Cool... I will do that..I love simple remedies like that.  Ive been drinking store bought herbal medicinal teas.  Very good..Thanks...I can share that info too.

Daniel Cohen said:

As for the sore throat try making hot black pepper tea. It only takes a pinch of ground black pepper in a cup of hot water. Steep for 2-3 minutes and drink the whole thing warm. Great antiinflammatory/antibacterial.

THis video might be of interest.
Gordon J. Wallis said:

Check the two attachments..

Daniel Cohen said: deaths and injury to approved drug interaction.

Lee Edelberg said:

300,000 people a year?

Kay Warren said:

........ That being said, MDs kill over 300K people per year, more than 5x the number of civilians killed by guns.....

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