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Hey!! I am totally new to the whole credentialing process and don't have a good idea of different networks insurance groups etc.  I was in the process of credentialing with ASH, but heard some negative things about them (they try not to pay you -- I think this is somewhat true for all inurance companies, but at only $45/massage, I don't think it would be worth the energy to get paid under my asking hourly rate), Does anyone have any info on ASH, or tips on better companies to credential with.  I see that ASH carries an exhaustive list of insurance companies that you automatically are signed up with to pay at their rate (most of them being $45/massage)  Does that mean you are locking yourself in at that low of a rate forever in the world of insurance?  *I'm not looking to make a killing -- I just want to be viable!!, and not undersell the work that we do as massage therapists*

If anyone has any info/tips/moral support ;) I'd greatly appreciate it!!

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Hi Lauren. I've been with ASH for a few years now. Mostly it's just HealthNet members that I see through ASH, although I just learned in the past couple weeks that Cigna members have found me as someone that offers a $15 discount too, though with them, I don't have to bill through ASH, they just pay me $15 less at the time of their session.

I agree, it's tough to weigh the pros and cons of signing up for accepting health insurance, since it pays less. I guess I look at it as a way of advertising. Giving ASH clients good service, so that they refer others to me, who may or may not have ASH benefits too, and knowing that at least I'm getting paid SOMEthing, and that more people become educated on the benefits of receiving massage, and giving them a way to get it more regularly.

That said, another therapist I know recommended signing up with OptumHealth, which I believe covers HealthNet members and also pays closer to our regular rates. I've been trudging through that credentialing process for a while now, and haven't reached the end of the tunnel yet, so I don't have much more input, but it may be something worth checking into for you.

Hope that helps. :)


Hey Rachel!  Thank you!  That does help a lot.  Seeing it as adverstising / networking and helping folks receive massage more regularly (which in turn helps people to understand the benefits of getting bodywork) are all very good ways of looking at it....


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