massage and bodywork professionals

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To all of you excellent and highly skilled healers out there, I have one very simple message. You need to stop telling people what you do, when they ask you, "What do you do?"

Instead, weave a short story that either they can connect with or connects with someone they know and care about. I love to start my reply with, "You know how ...." and I fill in the blanks based on the service I am focused on providing (because I am always heading toward my greatest joy, right?).

So for example, the bodyworkers I coach who do somatic resolution, I coach them to say something like, "You know how it feels when you get all stressed out and overwhelmed, that suffocating feeling?" WAIT for their response, then "Well, what I do is to help people shake off that stress and overwhelm and then to help them reset their nervous system which re-strengthens their emotional resiliency."

Almost everyone you talk with, has this little voice in their head that crying, "what's in it for me?" whenever they are listening to someone else. If you are not talking to that little voice about the benefits that you provide that will IMPROVE their lives, you may not be relevant to them. It's not that they don't care, it's just that you haven't positioned yourself to be of value to them at this time in their lives.

Also, it is important to speak in the language that is not confusing to the person you are speaking with. You may have spent a great deal of time with your fellow healers and you know every bone and muscle in the body, or every chakra, acupuncture point and meridian but if the person you are speaking with does not know this "language," you can easily alienate him/her.

Charles Doublet

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A lot of words saying: "Sell the next job"; and you are right! We all have to be good salesmen.... Every day.... Every hour...

martin, denmark (in danish!)

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