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I need to know if anyone has clear info on what is required of Lmt's that transfer from NY to FL... I haven't gotten a solid answer from the FL dept of health Massage therapy board so if anyone has experience with this let me know. Do I need to take a national exam???

Thank you

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The most recent information I have (from the ABMP state regulation guide, updated last month) is Florida requires 500 hour of education, a national exam (they accept either MBLEx or NCBTMB), plus three special courses (medical error prevention course, HIV/AIDS course, and a Florida laws course which I assume is some class about understanding the local scope of practice). That's for new licensees so I don't know about transfers specifically, but hopefully it will help a bit...

thank you Carrie! Its all coming together now with all the help I've received from you and other fellow mt's...your help is much appreciated :)

Just apply long before you move there. It can take months for FL to issue a license

I thought Florida offered some kind of grace period that would allow you to work without a Florida License for six months before having to have a Florida License?  I may be wrong, but I read that somewhere?

I have an OH & FL license.  I was OH licensed first but I had also taken NCBTMB after I got my OH license because I knew that I would be licensing in FL at some point. 

I had to have my school transcripts, NCBTMB transcript, took the classes online for FL Law, HIV/AIDS, & medical errors, submitted all of this and about $500 later I had my FL license.  I was able to do it all online and it kept track on the website what they needed and had received.

$500 was pretty good because when I first looked at getting my FL license I was going to have to take the classes down there and it was going to cost me close to $2000 even though I had over 1200 hours in OH and FL is 500 hours.  They changed the system.  I had my license within about 6 weeks.

Your CEU's must be kept track of in CE Broker which will cost your another $35.  Over all it was a pretty easy process.

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