massage and bodywork professionals

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Hello! I will be starting skin care school in early August. I thought it would be nice to be able to offer massage and skin care to clients. Also thinking of the future and being able to provide these services for years to come. Does anyone have any insight/experience in providing both massage and skin care? Do you feel it is worth while and lucrative?

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I go to someone who does both. Her massages with facial andscrubs are great. Like being in a day spa and never moving. You might consider a wet table.

Dual licensing, nice!

I will agree Daniel, that fact that you can provide both services without the client moving an inch is a big plus. It will also make you super attractive to any employers you might be courting if you go that route.

Plus if one side of the business drops (massage for summer vacations) the other half might pick up (ie waxing). It's sort of making your schedule "bulletproof" in a way, I would imagine.

Good luck. I say it's a great plan.

It is a great idea! Foot massage therapy is one good way to relieve the stress and strain of the clients, and we know that stress is very common in people these days. Skin care is something which people never gets bored of. So if you have both the services under a single roof, it would be great. 

Thanks for all the input!

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