massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
I posted a blog on this site and also on my facebook account in which I tagged nearly 30 massage therapists in, but so far have only heard from about 4 or 5 people total between the two places. I realize I posted this over Easter weekend, and many people were probably with their families rather than on their computers, but I'm starting to wonder if this is a worthwhile project or if I'm just going to be wasting a lot of time and resources trying to actually do this. So my question is, do people care about research? Do people want to be able to understand and use it? Or am I way overestimating the number of people who would actually take advantage of this project? Project description and reasoning is below..I really would love to hear from as many people as possible, whether you are interested in it or would never use it. Thanks
Original message:
A lot of massage therapists are becoming more interested in the research going on in our field and want to be able to read it, understand it, and put it to use. The problem is, essentially all research articles are geared towards other researchers or those who at least understand research, and most massage therapists have never taken a class in research methods. This is creating a frustrating disconnect that I want to help change.
I started learning about research about 7 years ago when I was getting my Bachelor’s Degree in psychology. I am currently working on my Master’s Degree in applied psychology which has a heavy emphasis on research, and little to no emphasis on counseling (think putting theories to use in broader terms and conducting the research that will then help people). To sum it up, I don’t remember what it’s like to not know about at least basic research methods and terminology.
I am in the process of designing a website geared towards helping massage therapists to understand research and this is where YOU come in. I need all of you out there who are confused, frustrated, upset, eager to learn, etc. and I need to know: What do you want to know? What would be helpful? What specific things have you confused or wanting to throw your arms in the air and give up? Any and all feedback will be extremely helpful in making this site work for YOU. Please get in touch with me either through this blog post or email (kgorallmt at yahoo dot com [trying to avoid spamming]) and let me know what you want! Please cross post this if you'd like- the more input I can get, the better this will be.
Views: 364
Hi Kim,
This is a great initiative and I heartily encourage you. There is a groundswelling by a number of courageous practitioners in Canada trying to forward the initiative as well. I think they sometimes become discouraged too.
As a practitioner I don't want to do research or read research papers. I want to use research to educate my patients and build credibility with other health care professions, the government and insurance industry. I suspect a large number of practitioners see research as desirable but aren't necessarily interested in developing a new skill set to interpret or perform research.
I want a layperson's summary of what research was done and the findings so I can pass that information on to my patients. I would love to see a coordinated North American effort between the research facilities and the pool of practitioners (or interested parties) to decipher and distill the essential information of what exists and make that available for a fee to interested practitioners. These practitioners can use the distilled, comprehensive results to quote research findings in their practice to support their care, defend their treatment plan to insurers when requesting funding, and to generally build the credibility of the profession.
I think then you would get more converts who become interested in performing research. Right now, there are the few who are trying to excite the many, and the many largely aren't interested in research at that level. But the many do understand they can use the findings of research studies for their benefit.
So, let's get the U.S. and Canadian existing research foundations together, a pool of academically-trained practitioners or researchers and put funds into deciphering and distilling the key messages the masses of practitioners can practically use in their day to day practice - for a fee. I know I would pay to subscribe.
Hi Kim,
I for one have no real interest in least not on the part of doing research or reading up on it. The only time I venture into research is if I'm trying to persuade a potential client that massage would help their particular issue. however, if the research comes from a massage based place, it holds no weight with the client since it's like one MT telling another how great we are. So I typically look for a traditional medical based article which seems to hold more weight with a client. However, with that said, it can be very hard to find articles that recommend massage specifically, with research proving it's positive affect, on any particular issue. it'd be great to have a medical library of such things to be able to go to for ease. Is that what you are trying to make your web site like?
Hi Kim,
I agree unfornately whole heartedly with Don. I don't think alot of people are really interested with the research of massage until they need it to use for a specific client or in regards to gaining a particular type of client that wants more background and substance to massage- to know it will help them.
Although, as therapists doing the research and being in a setting that it could have no bias in results would hopefully for everyone in turn let us to gain a little respect in our massage field. Honestly, I would be static as a therapist to perform research with specific factors in mind with people, unfornately with research comes money and expenses. And i'm not that knowledgeable with grants, etc. for research. That's an idea though- someone should open a clinic based solely on research of massage and the techinques, benefits thereof, would love to see more studies concerning herbs & supplements, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, etc. as well though.
Do the placebo controlled studies that allow massage itself to make it or fail, such as with techniques like acupressure, and the more energy side of the massage work, etc.
Do studies concerning the effects massage can have with weight loss, or fibromylagia, pain relief, stress/anxiety compared to massage and aromatherapy combined, etc.
Pick the areas of todays time that people really want to find something more they can do for themselves to help them- such as the things mentioned above. like Lisa has brought up before with the mental illness side of things, I would personally and professionally be interested in seeing those results. Even the common issues- like depression,and anxiety-- you really wouldn't believe how many people we as therapists could get to if massage proved to be a step in the right direction for those folks.
But above all- once this research is completed and is laid out for everyone to see- put it as well like Don said in a "layperson's summary". I enjoy reading when it's outlined in a short article, or has the bulletin points- I'm not one to read a 100 page study and to try to understand the probability value or factor the significance of the study. I want it told to me.
I wouldn't mind personally doing the work it took to get the study completed and the research needed- but i'm just not one to understand the scientific and statistical methods to determining the outcome. I just like that explained to me as simplily as possible.
I think your idea for a website with hopefully doing these types of studies, etc. would be a hit amoung therapists and potential clientele if you could make it so. Unfornately at this time, personally with one hand in massage doing what I love and the other out trying to make a living on the side- I would not probably subscribe at a fee if that was the case. It would be an extra expense that as of the time wouldn't benefit me all that much. To hand off an idea where it would be included in a fee such as getting liability insurance through a company, etc. it would possibly lean me towards that company as a great extra that I would get as part of my "package" if you will.
P.S. - in regards to slow replies from others on this subject and others in general- it does seem as if people are more busy in their daily lives and aren't coming on here as much as they used to (when I first signed up anyways). And unfornately (me highly included) wouldn't have typically read your forum read since it was more so of a longer read. I think as people in general- whatever it is we're reading- want the short version or bulletin point version...that way we trick our brains that whatever is the subject we have the time to respond, rather than a long version of the same subject and thinking it's more opinion though! Take it or leave it! :) Good luck with it all !!!! tc
PSS- kinda like after I just posted this- it turned out way long for me, I'd rather just read Lisa's response compared to my own if i was just scanning sorry for the long response all! :)
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